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5. Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from the Vocabulary Notes.

1) Набір команд, який вкладає виробник називається операційною системою. 2) Контрольні програми – це основні програми, які контролюють роботу машини. 3) Знання функцій сервісних програм необхідні для кожного, хто користується комп’ютером. 4) Програмісти як правило борються з двома видами помилок. Це кодовані та логічні помилки. 5) Другий вид помилок є складніший і важче усувається.

Grammar in Use

1. Translate into Ukrainian, paying attention to Gerund

1) He is fond of playing computer games. 2) My computer needs repairing . 3) He read the message without answering. 4) My friend likes learning foreign languages by means of computer programs. 5) They went on chattering through Internet Relay Chat. 6) A lot of people like surfing the internet. 7) Telnet is worth of being installed in your computer. 8) Everybody enjoys exchanging comments and information on recreational topics.

2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the gerund.

Model: She insisted that she should go to the computer class. – She insisted on going to the computer class.

1) They insisted that they should help me with my computer setup. 2) After they passed their bachelor exams, they prepared to master exams. 3) She persisted that she should demonstrate practical competence in a range of current software systems. 4) Nick bought a note-book for Pete and he thanked him for it. 5) We looked forward that he graduated the university with honour. 6) His mother thinks that he concerns himself with the application of science and technology. 7) He objects that he is guided by the latest achievements of science and technology.

3. Translate into English using Gerund

1) Нарешті він почав користуватися програмою SCYPE. 2) Потрібно заборонити дітям гратися в комп’ютерні ігри більше однієї години. 3) Використання інтернет-ресурсів дуже економить час на підготовку рефератів. 4) Цього чоловіка звинувачують у зламі комп’ютерних файлів. 5) Ми займаємось розробкою нової комп’ютерної програми.

4. Write out from the text all the sentences with Gerund. Additional Text (for individual work)

Read and translate the text.

Programming Languages and Functions

The use of existing and new programming languages have extended the capabilities of the Web. Here are a group of the more common languages and functions in use on the Web today.

CGI, Active Server Pages: CGI (Common Gateway Interface) refers to a specification by which programs can communicate with a Web server. A CGI program. Or script, is any program designed to accept and return data that conforms to the CGI specification. The program can be written in any programming language, including C, Perl, and Visual Basic Script. A common use for a CGI script is to process an interactive form on a Web page. For example, you might fill out a form ordering a book through Interlibrary Loan. The script processes your information and sends it to a designated e-mail address in the Interlibrary Loan department.

Java/Java Applets: Java is probably the most famous of the programming languages of the Web. Java is an object-oriented programming language similar to C++. Developed by Sun Microsystems, the aim of Java is to create programs that will be platform independent. The Java motto is “Write once, run anywhere”. A perfect Java program should work equally on a PC, Macintosh, Unix, and so on without any additional programming. This goal has yet to be realized. Java can be used to write applications for both Web and non-Web use. Web-based applications are usually in the form of Java applets. These are small Java programs called from an HTML page that can be downloaded from a Web server and run on a Java-compatible Web browser. A few examples include live newsfeeds, moving images with sound, calculators, charts and spreadsheets, and interactive visual displays.

JavaScript/JScript: JavaScript is a programming language created by Netscape Communications. Small programs written in this language are embedded within an HTML page. Examples of JavaScript include moving tickers, drop-down menus, real-time calendars and clocks, and mouse-over interactions. JScript is a similar language developed by Microsoft and works with the company’s Internet Explorer browser.

VRML: (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) allows for the creation of three- dimensional worlds. These may be linked from Web pages and displayed with a VRML viewer. One of the most interesting aspects of VRML is the option to “enter” the world and control your movements within the world.

XML: (eXtensible Markup Language) is a Web page creation language that enables designers to create their own customized tags to provide functionality not available with HTML. XML is a language of data structure and exchange, and allows developers to separate form from content. At present, this language is little used as Web browser are only beginning to support it.

1. Divide the text into the logical parts and give a title to each one.

2. Put questions to the text.

3. Discuss it with your groupmates.

Unit 4

Text Study: Programming Languages.


Grammar: Revision of the Module V.

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