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Vocabulary Notes

intricate ['IntrIkI] – складний, заплутаний.

electronic circuit ['sWkIt] електронний ланцюжок, схема

to operate switches активувати перемикачі

to store numbers запам’ятовувати числа

to manipulate керувати; звертатися; перетворювати

to input/to feed in вводити (інформацію)

to turn on = to switch on вмикати

to turn off = to switch off вимикати

to process data опрацьовувати дані

to supply подавати, вводити, постачати, забезпечувати

addition додавання

subtraction віднімання

division ділення

multiplication ["mAltIplI'keiSn]– множення

exponentiation ["ekspq'nenSIeiSn] – піднесення до степеню

input device пристрій уведення

disk drive дисковий запам’ятовуючий прилад, дисковод

tape drive запам’ятовуючий прилад на магнітній стрічці

cathode-ray tube ["kxTqud'reI tjub] електронно-променева трубка

to make decisions приймати рішення

instantaneously ["Instqn'teInIqslI]– миттєво, негайно


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) A computer is a machine with an simple network of elec­tronic circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. 2) The basic idea of a computer is that we can make the ma­chine do what we want by inputting signals. 3) The basic job of computers is choosing of information. 4) The program is a part of computer, which tells the comput­ers what to do. 5) Most computers, whether large or small, have many basic capabilities. 6) Some of the most common methods of inputting information are to use terminals, diskettes, disks and magnetic tapes. 7) A computer can solve a series of problems and make thousands of logical decisions without becoming tired. 8) A computer can replace people in dull, routine tasks and it works without any the instructions given to it.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) The basic idea of a computer is that we can make the ma­chine do what we want by … .

a) outputting signals;

b) outside signals;

c) inputting signals.

2) Computers can be defined as devices which accept information in the form of … .

a) instructions;

b) letters;

c) figures.

3) Computers have … for performing arithmetic op­erations.

a) memory;

b) circuits;

c) brain.

4) The computer's … reads the information into the computer.

a) input device;

b) output device;

c) storage system.

5) For … two common devices used are: a printer and a cathode-ray-tube display.

a) storing information;

b) inputting information;

c) outputting information.

6) A computer can carry out great numbers of arithmetic-logical operations almost … .

a) instantaneously;

b) often;

c) seldom.

3. Complete the sentences.

1) A computer is a machine with … . 2) The machine is capable of … and … numbers, letters, and characters (symbols). 3) The basic idea of a computer is … . 4) The basic job of computers is … . 5) Most computers, whether large or small, have … basic capabilities. 6) Some of the most common methods of inputting information are … . 7) . A computer cannot do anything unless … .

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