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Vocabulary Notes

General Engineering Faculty загальнотехнічний факультет

Motor-Car and Highway автодорожній

Engineering Institute технічний інститут

to reveal ['rIvJl] виявляти

to carry out — виконувати

full time training — навчання на денному відділенні

training by correspondence — навчатися на заочному відділені

to give the opportunity — дати можливість

curriculum [kq'rIkjulqm] — курс навчання, навчальний план

Bachelor ['bxtS(q)lq] — бакалавр

Master ['mRstq] — магістр

a post graduate ['grxdjuqt] — аспірант

to envisage [In'vIzIG] — передбачати

defence of a thesis ['TJsIs] — захист наукової роботи

facilities [fq'sIlItI]— можливості

comprehensive ["kOmprI'hensIv] — всебічний

to involve — залучати, включати в себе

a contest [kqn'test] — дискусія, гостра полеміка

a competition ["kPmpI'tIS(q)n] — змагання

a prize-winner — призер

a participant [pR'tIsIpqnt] — учасник

to devote — присвячувати

promotion [prq'mqVS(q)n] — подяка, нагородження

bilateral [baI'lxtrql] agreement — двосторонній договір

to maintain contacts — підтримувати зв’язки

to master — оволодіювати, засвоювати

to be engaged — бути залученим

activity [xk'tIvItI]— діяльність

club of cheerful and ready-witted — клуб веселих і кмітливих

to go in for — займатися

embrace [Im'breis] — користуватися, приймати, охоплювати


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) Lutsk National Technical University is one of the oldest higher educational establishments of Ukraine. 2) In 1975 it became the Branch of Lviv Polytechnical Institute. 3) In 1997 it has got the Status of University and in 2008 it has got the status of the National University. 4) There is only a full time training at the University. 5) The university programmes are: Bachelor and Master. 6) The students of the University are mastering their future profession and they also don’t have a good rest. 7) Students have all facilities for going in for sport and it has become an important part of students' life.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) In 2008 LNTU has got the status of the … University.

a) National;

b) State;

c) Private.

2) Training by correspondence at the University are organized for those who want … .

a) to have a lot of rest;

b) to attend periods every day;

c) to combine their work and study.

3) There is also the Preparatory department for those who want … .

a) not to enter the University;

b) to enter the University;

c) to know more interesting information about the university.

4) The students are given the opportunity to choose … and subject courses by themselves.

a) books and equipment;

b) teachers;

c) the curricula.

5) All educational and scientific work is organized and carried out by highly qualified … .

a) teachers;

b) teachers and students;

c) engineers.

6) The University devotes much attention to the promotion of cooperation with institutions of higher education in foreign countries on the basis of … .

a) good relationship;

b) telephone conversations;

c) bilateral agreements.

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