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Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

Particle Physics, to be spread, rapid growth, to be accessible, to facilitate login, computer host, topical discussions, convenient environment, programming languages, single interface, set of rules.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

Початкова мета; використовувати гіпертекст; розповсюджуватись за межі; об’єднувати графіку, відео та звук; досягати глобальних пропорцій; електронне повідомлення; телефонний дзвінок; збирати разом.

3. Match the words in A with their synonyms in B:


Purpose paper

country quick

to begin to permit

to incorporate to make

every aim

set state

to allow to start

article each

to create to unite

fast kit

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

Network / transfer / hypertext / digital / FTP / servers / protocol

1) Electronic mail, commonly called e-mail, is a method of exchanging …. messages from an author to one or more recipients. 2) Telnet is a network ….. used on the Internet or local area networks to provide a bidirectional interactive text-oriented communications facility using a virtual terminal connection. 3) File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used to … files from one host to another host over the Internet. 4) …. is built on a client-server architecture and utilizes separate control and data connections between the client and server. 5) Usenet is one of the oldest computer …. communications systems conceived in 1979 and publicly established in 1980 at the University of North Carolina. 6) The HTTP protocol is designed to permit intermediate network elements to improve or enable communications between clients and …. . 7) One of the main features of the WWW documents is their …. structure.

5. Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from the Vocabulary Notes.

1) Спочатку всесвітню мережу використовували для того, щоб полегшити спілкування між людьми в різних країнах. 2) Зараз інтернет-мережа об’єднує графіку, відео та звук. 3) Протокол передачі гіпертексту передає гіпертекст по мережі. 4) За допомогою голосового інтернет-протоколу ми можемо здійснювати дзвінки у мережі і безкоштовно спілкуватися з людьми з різних куточків світу. 5) Всесвітня мережа об’єднує всі інтернет-протоколи у єдину систему.

6. Make up sentences from the following words and word-groups:

Model: steps, manufacturing, development, several, had, in, automated, its. - Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development.

1) video, the, graphics, to, Web, and, incorporate, began, sound. 2) Web, now, recent, the, in, use, the, global, has, years, of, reached, proportions. 3) intermachine, sets, for, Internet, Internet, of, rules, that, allow, protocols, communication, on, are, the. 4) mailboxes, one, messages, electronic, and, files to, or, more, e-mail, distributes, electronic. 5) Protocol, an, files, Transfer, or, transfers, text, binary, between, File, server, client, and, FTP. 6) to, Web, users, place, a, VOIP, telephone, allows, over, the, call. 7) World, of, Web, the, web’s, of, to, with, work, and, multimedia, programming, fastest-growing, languages, the, Wide, is, ability, the, component, advanced, the, because, Internet.

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