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16С Словоупотребление — страноведение

1. By: Многозначный предлог: 16А make a reservation by phone (= по телефо-

ну), 16А travel by car/air (= путешествовать автомобилем/самолетом), 15А

caused by humans (= устроены человеком), 13А a novel by Raymond Chandler

(= роман Р. Чандлера), 12А they searched the train coach by coach (= вагон

за вагоном/вагонами), 7А live by the Mediterranean (= жить у Средиземного

моря), 2А by the way (= впрочем, между прочим).

2. Yet: I haven't got my ticket yet (= У меня еще нет билета на самолет). А

также в вопросе: Have you got your ticket yet? (= У Вас уже есть билет на


3. Proceed: "Авиажаргон" для go.

4. Which gate you're to "proceed" to (= к какому посадочному переходу вы

должны направиться): Be to обозначает "быть должным", особенно при пе-

редаче распоряжений третьего лица: All hand baggage Is to be X-rayed

(= Весь ручной багаж должен пройти рентген-контроль).

5. Latecomers are more likely to get "bumped" (= Опоздавших, вероятнее всего,

"высадят"): Get "bumped" (= быть высаженным) — страдательный залог

(-Я5В1); вместо get может употребляться be: be "bumped".

6. Early: Может быть как прилагательным (take the early flight), так и наречи-

ем (check in early, we went to bed early). Cp. cheap, late и quick в 16В1.


1 6 C / 1 6 D

7. Check in: You should check in early. (= Вам следует пройти регистрацию

пораньше.) Check in passenger (= зарегистрировать пассажира). Check in

baggage (= зарегистрировать багаж).

8. Baggage: В АВ для БВ luggage.

В сфере воздушного j

сообщения baggage яв- т

ляется официальным тер-

мином, также и на терри-

тории БВ.

9. You are given a boarding

pass (= "Вам выдается по-

садочный талон"/Вы полу-

чаете посадочный талон):

Эта "личная" пассивная

конструкция (альтернатив-

ная A boarding card is

given to you) не имеет

прямого соответствия в русском языке.

10. Prove expensive (= оказаться дорогим): Goods bought cheap may prove expensive,

не expensively, так как expensive относится не к prove, а к goods

bought cheap. Ср. 10А One of these T-shirts would look very nice with it, где

nice определяет не глагол look, а подлежащее. Prove, look, sound (it sounds

good) и feel (she feels happy) являются структурно тождественными, как be

(it is good, she is happy), после которых употребляется прилагательное, а не


11. After boarding, afraid of flying: ш^-форма после предлога (->15ВЗ).

12. Повторяющиеся числа: once (= один раз), twice (= два раза, дважды), three

times (= трижды), four times (= четырежды) и т.п. Примеры: 16А It's 25

times safer to travel by air than by car, 11A Twice a week (= дважды в неде-

лю) we had a mud bath and a massage.

16D Упражнения

1. Дайте ответы.

a) Where can you buy an airline ticket? b) What does the flight-information

board tell you? c) What's a "no-show"? d) Why do airlines overbook their

flights? e) When do passengers get "bumped"? f) What happens at the

check-in desk? g) When are security checks made, and what is searched?

h) Why do many passengers buy things at a duty-free shop? i) What do you

have to do if you bring 1,000 cigarettes into a country? j) Where can you put

your hand baggage on the aircraft? k) When do you have to fasten your seat

belt? 1) Where are you allowed to smoke on an aircraft? m) What percentage

of the population is afraid of flying?

2. Прилагательное или наречие на -ly?

a) Is it (possible) to make a reservation by phone? b) She (possible) hasn't got

her ticket yet. c) Airlines (normal) overbook their flights, d) It is (normal) for

airlines to overbook their flights, e) A confirmed reservation is (absolute) no

guarantee that you'll get a seat, f) There can be no (absolute) guarantee that a


1 6 D

passenger with a confirmed reservation will get a seat, g) There are (careful)

security checks at most airports, h) All passengers are (careful) examined with

a metal detector, i) Mr Burger isn't a (typical) German. j) The food here

isn't (typical) German, k) This bag is (awful) heavy. 1) We've got an (awful)

lot of baggage, m) It's a very (nice) T-shirt, n) The T-shirt would look very

(nice) with the skirt, o) The T-shirt would go (nice) with the skirt.

3. Прилагательное или наречие?

a) It would be (risky) not to fasten your seat belt during takeoff, b) You'll

(probable) find details about your flight on the flight-information board. c) He

(deliberate) checked in at the last minute, d) Security checks are (real)

(important), e) You travel more (safe) by air than by car. f) Is this a (safe)

place to put the bag? g) The lake is (awful) cold, h) The equipment seemed

(cheap) when we bought it, but it (eventual) proved (expensive). i) Smoking

is (certain) not (good) for you. j) She knows Australia very (good).

4. Составьте предложения по образцу:

Flying / safe / travelling by car.

Flying is safer than travelling by car.

Flying / expensive / travelling by car.

Flying is more expensive than travelling by car.

a) A cinema ticket/cheap/a theatre ticket, b) A train/comfortable/ an aircraft,

c) Los Angeles /large /Chicago, d) The blue skirt/stylish/the pink,

e) Jack/reliable/Tom, f) My bags/ heavy/ yours, g) Learning a language/

difficult/learning to drive a car. h) You/ thin /before you went on holiday.

5. Вставьте соответствующие предлоги из данного списка.

although, before, if, since, that, when, whether

a) a certain percentage of passengers are "no-shows", airlines normally

overbook their flights, b) you wish to know details about your flight, you

must look at the flight-information board, c) she made her reservation by

phone, she hasn't got her ticket yet. d) you can check in, you must go to

the ticket desk to get your ticket, e) I don't know she'll be at the airport

to meet us. f) you come late, you're more likely to get "bumped".

g) he checked in early, he got "bumped", h) they X-rayed the bag,

they saw a suspicious object, i) you're going abroad, you have to go

through passport control, j) they were going abroad, they had to go

through passport control, k) I don't think everything's cheaper at the

duty-free shop. 1)1 don't know everything's cheaper at the duty-free

shop, m) Don't forget you may have to pay duty on things bought at the

duty-free shop. n) Many people are afraid of flying flying is much safer

than travelling by car. o) airlines normally overbook their flights, even a

confirmed reservation is no guarantee you'll actually get a seat, p) Make

sure your seat belt is fastened the FASTEN SEAT BELT sign is on.


1 6 D

6. Переведите.

а) У меня еще нет билета на само-

лет. Ь) Пассажиры, летящие до

(for) Нью-Йорка, должны пройти к

посадочному переходу 12.

с) Может быть, вы хотите что-

нибудь купить в Duty-free-Shop по-

дешевле, чем в обычных магазинах?

е) Мы должны будем уплатить

(таможенную) пошлину за эти ве-

щи? 0 Вы можете поставить свою

сумку под сиденье, стоящего впере-

ди вас кресла, g) Пристегните,

пожалуйста, ремни, h) Здесь ку-

рить не разрешается, i) Вам не

нужно бояться летать, j) В кото-

ром часу вы приехали?

••11 15

1921 232528

























AC851RpOoSstr. TTs Ihheesrer'h teer aaer ac n delieu mirfyfe-t shn oipat y n iomurotsh 1121wgoheter I A mer wmyedeac yoik ute ca tnmy rat nyveig ehl.taev lby bbenruea spsihksao?nfes.t 1165sgmeuaeanrn.etotng rWEi.evnhl teal t'ave air yomr 211891avorerrifn. t[Yk Tohruue]: of T hra ctea nyvoeul. 108 22 Swssraiis i an

1 6 D / 1 7 A

23 We have a mud bath and a twice

a week.

24 The tickets are selling like cakes.

25 I haven't got money to buy it.

26 Flight BA 760 is ready for

boarding at gate 18.

27 You can the jug as a vase.

28 The scheduled time is 16:05, but

the flight will be delayed by about 40


29. The Green Gate and the Live and Let

Live are my favourite in London.


2 Are you of flying?

3 Shall I you at the airport?

4 Departure from New York is at 18: 30,

in Berlin is at 09:45.

5 Can I have a window please?

6 Will passengers on flight LH 408

please to gate 14.

7 I had some good at a snack bar

in Baker Street.

8 Even a reservation is no guarantee

that you'll actually get a seat.

10 Who's that man there? His face

is familiar.

13 You can get cigarettes, papers, books,

films, at the airport shop.

14 You have to show your at the

check-in desk.

17 SR 506 is now boarding at gate


20 Everyone working for an airline should


1 7 A T e x t

The United States of America

The United States is the world's fourth largest nation in both area and population. It

consists of 50 states and a "federal district", the site of the capital, Washington D.C.

Like West Germany, the U.S. is a federal republic. In contrast to countries like

Britain - where the head of state (the king or queen) and the head of government

(the prime minister) are two different people - the United States has a president

who is both the head of government and the head of state.

Politically and economically the U.S. is the most powerful country in the world. It is

also the most conspicuous country in the sense that America's fashions and policies,

goods and weapons, executives and soldiers have shaped today's world to a

much greater extent than those of any other nation.



Considering its prominent position Untied States is both kiled and in d tsihkileed w omrdlo,re it niiste npseerhylap stha nno ta nsyurp orsitnhiegr wSoamrme,mti fereisn dayl dafnifedren ocpeen ,is a nmdad ethe b eUtw.See.n g othveern mAmenet,rci awnho speeo ppelo,cilei wsho are "oAf.mercia is so vast that aml ost everythnig sadi about it is likely to be oUpnptieodstei S tiaste spro isba bayl ceoquunatryyl otrufe ,r"ani sa dfiore sthtse aAnmde rcdiaense rwts,rtie mr oJuamntaeniss Tan.d aonnde a-7nd d ethgeree ssam ine ANalosvkeam.b eItrs d catyizie nthse mtemayp ebraetur e"o dlm-staoyck "be A m28erci adnesgre smceaynd abnets Aomf meircimangir aInntdsai nfrosm or E uthroepe adne,sc eAnsdaiannts a nodf ALafrcitnian A msalevrceiasn, ocrou tfhoeremgine arsre w shtoill uhnadveerp brvieelicgoemde mnanituorrtiayzile gdr.ou Tphso,u gwhho th elivye a rine anellgi hAbmouerhrcioaondss, o"Twhne awndors th acveoun tthryeri to ow nbe c hpaoroarcte inr, cisusto Amms,e rcirae,"ligio sna,di an dthe s oEmnegmtisilhes h ATomynebrcieaen.s W areheli e Uxtre.Sm.e wyla gwesel aoreff, a maboonugt 1th5e phegirh ecsetn tin o fthe the w oprdlop uaalntodin tinhe W pyoovmerntyig lin (e8". p eTrhe ce pnot).ve rtNya otirantewdi eis thhgiehe pstov einrty M rasitessis piisp i1 1(25 p eprer c ecnetnt ppeerrso ncen livte sfor in H sippoavnecirtsy,. and a shocknig 35 per cent for balcks - every WWhoaudtl w thoeudrle thbee wanoordlthe rbe su plikeerpo wife trhe troe twakaes Anom eArcimas'er cipaal,c eif? th eWreou dlwe Wbuosniudelss th ebree abse livejeanlys a sand it sTi?-sh Writs,ou dlCo cwae-Co alEu roapnedan sha mbebu ragsers ,p rossopaeprou spuropdeurmcniagrke tsth?em W?o uWdlo utdhler ewe be h acvehea pteel pchaorsne sif aHnednry w aFsohrdnig hmadanct'h nisetas,dpeonnst' kannodw p theerso naanlsw ceormsp tuoters the ifse Am queerciasntoisns ,h abduntt' mniveosntte dpeo operl pwerofeucdlted p tthheat plifeeop einl oofur th etmi eUn otiewdes S taate sgr eoaft Admeaelrc ioaf. its vitality, coolur, and materail 110


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