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L A N G E N S C H E I D T.docx
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5D Упражнения

1. Фонетическое упражнение.

The Indian restaurant in Chamber

Street's very good.

[di 'indian 'restrd in 'tjeimba strirts

'ven god]

The earthenware jug's rather nice.

[di 'eiGnwea 'd3Agz га:бэ nais]

The electric heater's still on.

[di I'lektnk 'hktaz stil on]

Her birthday's on the eighteenth.

[ha 'b3:Odeiz Dn 61 ei'ti:n0]

Have you got the umbrella?

[hsev jo got 61 лт'Ьге1э]

He's got all the important symphonies.

[hiz 'got 'э:1 61 impoitnt 'simfaniz]

2. Дайте ответы.

a) When's Eric's/Sue's/Joyce's/Tony's birthday? b) What's Brian's problem?

c) Is it a good idea to give Tony a book for his birthday? d) How many records

has Tony got? e) What present has Karen got for Sue? 0 What can Sue do

with the jug? g) Is Joyce interested in books? h) What's a good present for


3. Дополните предложения.

a) Sue's birthday is the seventh of February, b) Eric, Sue, Joyce, and

Tony - they have their birthdays in February, c) It's difficult find a

present for a person Tony, d) You can't give him a pen or a lighter

- he's got many pens and lighters already, e) With Tony it's hopeless,

but Sue isn't a problem, f) She's got a lot of flowers, so a vase is a

good for her. g) Joyce isn't interested vases or candlesticks - she's

hardly at home.

4. Вставьте have/'ve или has/'s. Употребите, где это возможно, краткую фор-


а) you got a book about famous detectives? b) I got some very nice

neighbours here, c) he got your New York address? d) If it's a fish restaurant,

they must fish and chips, e) That man over there a familiar

face, f) We n't got many musicals, g) She got his address but she

n't got his phone number, h) What number you got? i) She

got all the Beethoven symphonies, j) We got some good ideas for a television

programme, k) Tony got all the great musicals on video.

5. Дополните предложения.

a) Eric, Sue, Joyce, and Tony all have ... b) I haven't got enough ideas ...

c) With Tony it's hopeless. He's already ... d) He's got a lot ... e) He's got

too many ... f) But Sue isn't such ... g) I've got a nice ... h) She can use


5 D

the jug ... i) She's always got a lot ... j) Joyce isn't interested ...

k) She's hardly ... 1) An umbrella is a nice ...

6. Вставьте: me, you, him, her, it, them.

a) Here are some flowers. Have you got a vase for ? b) It's Sue's birthday

next Monday. I'm trying to find a present for c) Brian's interested in

jazz. I've got a Louis Armstrong record for d) The Bakers have over a

thousand records. We can't give a record, e) I think this jug's rather

nice. You can use as a vase, f) Let give you my address and phone

number, just in case, g) If you see the milkman, tell I'm coming back on

Monday, h) If the heater's still on, please turn off. i) Go to the London

Tourist Board. They can tell all about budget hotels in London, j) There

are a lot of good fish-and-chip restaurants in London, but the Sea Shell is the

best of all.

7. Составьте предложения по образцу.

Karen (6) - Karen's birthday's on February 6 th (the sixth of February).

a) Eric (4) b) Sue (7) c) Joyce (10) d) Tony (16) e) Brian (18)

Замените подчеркнутые выражения равнозначными по значению выражения-

ми, данными в следующем списке.

a few, a lot of, difficult, fine, give you information, important, many, plenty, problem,

time, toilet, a Tube, would

a) The trouble is he's got everything, b) He's got all the great symphonies,

c) Parking's a problem in London, d) Many people have their birthdays in February,

e) Could you do me a favour? f) Have a nice stay in New York,

g) There are dozens of cinemas around Leicester Square, h) The London Tourist

Board can tell you about budget hotels, hostels, and other cheap accommodation,

i) Excuse me, where's the lavatory? j) There's an Underground station

near the hotel, k) There are some good restaurants around the hotel.

1) We're all very well, m) We've got a lot of time, n) It's a tough problem.

9. Переведите.

а) В феврале много дней рождения, b) Восемнадцатое — день рождения

моей бабушки, с) У меня не хватит подарков для такого количества

(стольких) людей, d) Невозможно найти подарок для Тони, е) У него есть

тысячи книг и пластинок, f) У Карен есть глиняный кувшин для Сью.

g) Сью может использовать кувшин как вазу, h) Джойс не интересуется

книгами и музыкой, i) Зонтик — всегда нужный подарок.


t o o very

1 '


7 8

1 10












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