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4. Выразите согласие или несогласие с данными утверждениями и обоснуйте свою точку зрения.

l.To be effective and persuasive, public relations writing must be

conducted within a legal and ethical framework. 2.You cannot produce and distribute publicity materials that are credible

and believable if you don't have a strong ethical and professional

orientation. 3.You are legally and ethically responsible for the information that you

produce and distribute.

5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1 .In what way must public relations writing be conducted to be effective and persuasive?

  1. What can careless work lead to?

  2. Who are actions ordinarily brought against?

  3. What should be done to protect oneself?

  4. What are the actions for which one might be liable?

Text 2


Any false statement about a person that is printed or broadcast and tends to bring on this person public hatred, contempt, or ridicule or to inflict injury on his or her business or occupation may be libel. If the statement is


broadcast, it may constitute either libel or slander. If it is made to a third person but neither printed nor broadcast, it may be slander.

Any plaintiff in a libel suit must prove four points: 1) that the statement was published to others by print or broadcast; 2) that the plaintiff was identified or is identifiable; 3) that there was actual injury in the form of money losses, impairment of reputation, humiliation, or mental anguish and suffering, and 4) that the publisher of the statement was malicious or negligent.

With public figures — people in government or politics or who are much in the news — the test is whether the publisher of the statement knew that it was false or had a reckless disregard for its truth. The question of who is a public figure cannot be answered arbitrarily, and the courts are inconsistent on this. It often depends on the context.

With private figures — people who are not officials or prominent in the news — the test is whether the publisher of the statement was negligent in checking the truth of it. In quoting someone, for instance, be sure you state exactly what was said.

These few highlights only hint at the ramifications of libel law. For your protection and for the protection of your organization, you need to dig deeper into this subject.

Remember that you needn't use a name to commit libel. A recognizable description serves the same purpose. If the subject remains unnamed but the public knows who is being talked about, there may be grounds for a libel case.


broadcast — передавать по радио или телевидению hatred — ненависть contempt — презрение ridicule — осмеяние, насмешка inflict injury — причинять вред libel — письменная клевета

slander — клевета, злословие; устная клевета, оскорбление plaintiff — истец libel suit — иск о клевете money losses — денежные убытки impairment of reputation — нанесение ущерба репутации humiliation — унижение mental anguish — душевные страдания malicious - злобный, предумышленный negligent — небрежный, халатный

reckless disregard for — безответственное пренебрежение к чему-л., нарушение чего-л.

arbitrarily — произвольно

inconsistent — непоследовательный, противоречивый private fugures — частные лица highlight - основные моменты, факты

ramification of libel law — ответвление, часть закона о клевете commit libel — оклеветать

there may be grounds for a libel case — возможны основания для

начала судебного дела о клевете


*6. Укажите в каком из приведенных значений данные слова употребляются в тексте.

1. contempt a. a feeling that someone or something is not important

and deserves no respect

b. failure to obey or show respect toward a court of law с complete lack of fear toward something difficult or


2. impairment a. a condition in which a part of a person's mind or

body is damaged or does not work well b. the condition of being damaged or weaker or worse than usual

3. highlight a. the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of

an activity, movie, sports event etc. b. a light bright area on a painting or photograph

4. to commit a. to do something wrong or illegal

b. to say that you will definitely do something с to decide to use money, time, people etc. for a particular purpose.

5. loss a. an occasion when you do not win a game or a

competition, defeat b. a feeling of being sad or lonely because someone or

something is not there any more с money that a business, person, government etc. had

before, but that it does not have anymore

*7. Соотнесите слова в левой колонке с их определениями в правой.

  1. libel a. to send out television or radio programs

  2. plaintiff b. an act of writing or printing untrue statements about

  3. humiliation someone so that other people are likely to have bad

  4. disregard opinion of them



5. to broadcast с. the act of ignoring something, in a way that annoys other people because they think it is important

d. the person in a court of law who sues someone else for doing something wrong or illegal

e. a feeling of shame and great embarrassment, because you have been made to look stupid or weak

*8. Заполните пропуски данными словами.

contempt, negligent, libel, inflict, disregard

  1. He sued the newspaper for.

  2. She did not respect him and treated him with

  3. Hurricanes often severe damage on South Florida.

  4. The crew of the ship may have been in following safety


5. Native Americans complained that such deals showed for

their rights..