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Книга по английскому языку.doc
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4. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. How many countries are subscribed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994?

  2. What does the GATT 1994 consist of?

  3. What fundamental principles is the GATT based on?

  4. Are all member countries equal?

  5. Are any exceptions to the basic rale of equal treatment allowed? Give an example.

  6. What is the aim of the second principle?

  7. In what case may trade sanctions be imposed on the offending country?

*5. Выразите согласие или несогласие с данными утверждениями.

  1. All member countries are equal and share benefits of any moves toward lower barriers.

  1. Exceptions to this basic rule are not allowed.

  2. No preferences are granted to developing countries.

  1. The new WTO provides a Dispute Settlement Body to enable member countries to resolve trade disputes.

  2. If a GATT agreement violation is found and not removed by the offending country, trade sanctions may be imposed on that country in a double amount of the economic injury caused by the violation.

Text 2 EU

The European Economic Community (EEC) was established in 1958 by the Treaty of Rome in order to remove trade and economic barriers between member countries and to unify their economic policies. It changed its name and became the European Union (EU) after the Treaty of Maastricht was

ratified on November 1, 1993. The Treaty of Rome contained the governing principles of this regional trading group. The treaty was signed by the original six nations of Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Membership expanded by the entry of Denmark, Ireland, and Great Britain in 1973; Greece in 1981; Spain and Portugal in 1986; and Austria, Sweden, and Finland in 1995.

Four main institutions make up the formal structure of the EU. The first, the European Council, consists of the heads of state of the member


countries. The council sets broad policy guidelines for the EU. The second, the European Commission, implements decisions of the council and initiates actions against individuals, companies, or member states that violate EU law. The third, the European Parliament, has an advisory legislative role with limited veto powers. The fourth, the European Court of Justice (ECJ), is the judicial arm of the EU. The courts of member states may refer cases involving questions on the EU treaty to the ECJ.

The Single European Act eliminated internal barriers to the free movement of goods, persons, services, and capital between EU countries. The Treaty on European Union, signed in Maastricht, Netherlands (the Maastricht Treaty), amended the Treaty of Rome with a focus on monetary and political union. It set goals for the EU of (1) single monetary and fiscal policies, (2) common foreign and security policies, and (3) cooperation in justice and home affairs.


EU the European Union — Европейский Союз (ЕС) EEC - the European Economic Community - Европейское эко­номическое сообщество совет (ЕЭС) the Treaty of Rome — Римский договор remove barriers — устранить барьеры unify — объединять; унифицировать the Treaty of Maastricht — Маастрихтский договор ratify — ратифицировать, одобрять, утверждать original — первый, первоначальный, подлинный entry — вступление, присоединение the European Concil — Европейский совет guidelines — руководство

the European Commission — Европейская комиссия implement — осуществлять, выполнять initiate actions against — возбуждать дело против; начинать

процесс против

the European Parliament - Европейский парламент advisory — консультативный, совещательный legislative — законодательный

ECJ the European Court of Justice — Европейский суд judicial — судебный refer to — относить к, передавать в the Single European Act — единый европейский закон amend — вносить поправки, изменения single — единый fiscal — финансовый



*6. Соотнесите слова из левой колонки с их английскими эквивалентами в правой.

  1. снять торговые и a. to set a goal экономические барьеры b. to amend a treaty

  2. ратифицировать договор с. to violate EU law

  3. подписать договор d. limited veto powers

  4. главы е. to remove trade and economic государств-участников sanctions

  5. нарушить f. cooperation injustice законодательство ЕС and home affairs

  6. консультативная g. heads of state of the member countries законодательная роль h. to sign a treaty

  7. ограниченное i. to ratify a treaty

право вето j. an advisory legislative role

  1. внести поправки в договор

  2. установить цель

10. сотрудничество

в области правосудия и внутренних делах

*7. Заполните пропуски данными словами.

unified, fiscal, heads of state, entry, established, judicial

  1. The university was in 1960.

  2. The branch of a government decides whether laws are go^d

and whether people have disobeyed these laws.

  1. Strong support for the Patriotic War. the nation.

  2. Thirty-five held a summit last year.

  3. The administration needs to come up with a sound policy.

  4. Several Eastern European countries gained to the European


*1. Укажите, в каком из приведенных значений данное слово употребляется в тексте.

1. trade a. the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging g

within a country or between countries, b. a particular job especially one needing special si

with your hands с an exchange of something you have for something

someone else has


2. service a. help that you give to someone

b. a formal religious ceremony, for example in church с the work you do for a person or organization

3. court a. the royal family and the people who work for them

b. the judges, lawyers, and jury who officially decide whether someone is guilty of a crime and what the punishment should be.

с an area that has been specially made for playing games such as tennis, basketball, etc.

4. case a. an example of a disease or illness or the person

suffering this disease or illness

b. a question or problem that will be dealt with by a court of law

c. a large box or container in which things can be stored or moved

5. powei a. the legal right or authority to do something

b. energy such as electricity that can be used to make a machine, car, etc.

c. a natural or special ability to do something.