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Vocabulary Notes

i.e.= id est= that is - т.е.

current issues - текущие проблемы

sitting — заседание

a quality - качество

impartiality — беспристрастность

sound — зд. точный, глубокий

to handle debates — вести дебаты

to scrutinize — тщательно исследовать

to reject — отвергать

to amend, to make amendments — вносить поправки

to review — пересмотреть

Ex. 15. Найдите в тексте слова и выражения, которые используются для описания работы обеих палат британского парламента. Переведите их на русский язык.

Ex. 16. Найдите в а) и Ь) слова с одинаковым значением.

  1. term; chamber; limit; reject; propose; control; happen; pass; issue; amend; examine

  2. veto; supervise; adopt; period; house; suggest; make amendments; matter; restrict; take place; scrutinize

Ex. 17. Выберите черты характера, которыми, по-вашему мнению, должен обладать политический деятель.

  1. an ability to organize people

  2. an ability to choose the right person for a right job

  3. an ability to handle debates

  4. an ability to control the meetings

  5. a good knowledge of a parliamentary procedure

  6. to be impartial

  7. to be honest

  8. to be responsible

9. high standards of personal behaviour 10. firmness of command


Ex. 18. Расскажите о каком-нибудь выдающемся политическом дея'-теле, о его личности (personality), взглядах (ideas), деятельнос­ти (activities).

Ex. 19. Переведите письменно, пользуясь словарем.

Parliamentary Debates. Parliament is a place where politicians can speak about public matters, express points of view, argue, try to persuade, support and oppose other members. Indeed, the very word tells us this is its function (compare the French "parler", to speak). What is more, this free exchange of ideas is vital for a democratic form of government. People are bound to differ about political and economic priorities; and wise and just policies are more likely to result from widespread discussion than from decisions made by a few. Parliament debates require two kinds of skill: the ability to argue and to deliver a prepared speech. For argument the speaker needs a good memory stored with relevant information; speed of thought and fluency of speech quickly to express his reaction to the previous speaker. In addition, he needs the qualities which enable him to deliver a speech: audible and clear diction, and an interesting tone of voice. He must be able to judge the mood of the House and adapt his wit or style to match the occasion. He must never be dull and always have something of importance to say. One MP who met most nearly all these criteria in this century was Winston Churchill.

Ex. 20. Прочитайте текст без словаря.

Text 4


The UK is governed by the Government - a body of ministers who are responsible for the administration of national affairs. The ministers are the leading members of the political party which wins a majority of seats in Parliament. The party which wins the second largest number of seats in Parliament becomes the official Opposition.

The Prime Minister, the leader of the party with a majority, is appointed by the Queen. (The Queen appoints, but does not select the Prime Minister. She has no choice.) All other Ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The majority of ministers are members of the Commons, although the Government is also fully represented by ministers in the Lords. The Lord Chancellor is always a member of the House of Lords.

The Cabinet. The most senior Ministers (usuially about 20 in number) compose the Cabinet, which meets regularly (once or twice a week) under

the chairmanship of the Prime Minister to decide government policy on major issues, exercise supreme control of government and co-ordinate gov­ernment departments.

Minister are responsible collectively to Parliament for all Cabinet deci­sions; individual ministers are responsible to Parliament for the work of their departments.

The "Shadow Cabinet". The Opposition party, which is not currently in power, under the direction of its leader forms a "Shadow Cabinet". The ministers in the Shadow Cabinet deal with the same matters as the Cabinet of Ministers in the current government, debating with the actual Cabinet ministers from the Government side.

The people elects MPs.

After an election a Government is formed.

Prime Minister is appointed by the Queen.

The Prime Minister selects his Ministers.

The Ministers form the Cabinet.

The Cabinet decides Government policies.

The Parliament agrees to support or reject Government policies and laws.


Ministers are responsible to Parliament for their department and its actions. The Commons can force a government to leave office. This happened in 1979, when the official Opposition put forward a no-confidence motion which was carried by one vote. The Government was therefore obliged to advise the Queen to dissolve Parliament and a general election followed.

One of Parliament's most prized occasions is Commons' Question Time. For roughly one hour a day, ministers are asked by MPs searching questions on major government policies. This is often the best way for MPs to probe ministers about government intentions. The Prime Minister is questioned twice a week.