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How Congress Makes Laws

1. A Senator or Representative writes a bill (1)

2. The bill goes to a committee of the Senate or House

The committee can call public hearing (2)

It can table (postpone) the bill (3) It can send the bill back to the full house without a recommendation (4) It can amend(change) the bill

3. The full Senate or House debates the bill and can amend it.

4. The bill goes to a committee of the other house


5. The second house debates the bill (5)

  • The second house defeats the bill

  • The second house passes the bill

The President signs the bill, and it becomes law > The President vetoes (rejects) the bill

6. The bill goes to the President (6)

7. Congress overrides the veto (passes the bill)

8. The bill becomes law

The Senate or House defeats the bill The Senate or House passes the bill

  1. A bill concerning taxes or the budget must begin in the House of Representatives

  2. There are some standing committees in the Houses of Congress/

  3. If a committee tables a bill, Senators or Representatives can force it out of committee with a majority vote.

  4. This step often "kills" the bill.

  5. If the second house of Congress amends the bill, the first house must agree to the changes.

  6. If the President does nothing and Congress adjourns within ten days, the bill does not become law.

Ex. 3. Пользуясь юридическим словарем, найдите русские эквива­ленты терминов на схеме.

The Federal Court System

can appeal to

Supreme Court

•9 judges •no jury • highest court in the U.S. • all decisions are final

Special Courts

Example Court of Customs U.S.Tax Court

can appeal to

13 Circuit Courts of Appeal

• a group of 3 judges •no jury • higher courts • review district court decisions

can appeal to

94 District Courts

• 1 judge + jury • lower courts • hears cases about federal laws and constitutional rights • most cases start and stop at this level



Ex. 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Supreme Court Justices

There are nine Supreme Court Justices. Supreme Court justices have an important job. Justicies hear cases about constitutional rights. Their decisions can effect all U.S. citizens. One of the nine justicies is Chief Justice.

The President appoints someone to be ajustice. The Senate must approve the President's choice. Supreme Court justices have the position until they die or retire. If justices do something wrong, the Congress can impeach them. But this does not happen often.

Ex. 5. Используя схему, сделайте сообщение по-английски на тему "Federal Court system in the USA".

Ex. 6. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Text 2

Provisions of the Sixth Amendment protect the rights of people who committed a crime and put on a trial.

These provisions are the following:

  • Speedy trial. The federal government cannot hold you in jail for a long period of time without bringing you to trial if you demand that the trial be held as soon as possible.

  • Public trial. The government cannot try you in secret. Your trial must be open to the public and there must be a public record of the proceedings.

  • Impartial jury. The government must try you before a jury. It cannot try you before a jury that is prejudiced. For example, if you were on trial for drug crime and jurors admitted to having angry and violent reactions because they had been victims of similar crimes, the jury could not be impartial.

  • Location of the trial. The government must try you in the state, district or community where the crime was committed. You may, however, have the right to have the trial moved, if you can show that the community is prejudiced.

  • Information on charges. The government cannot arrest you and hold you for trial without telling you why it is doing so. Government lawyers also must present in open court enough evidence to justify holding you for trial.

  • Confronting witnesses. You and your lawyer have the right to confront and cross-examine all witnesses against you. The government cannot present the testimony of secret witnesses who do not appear in court against you.

  • Favorable witnesses. The government cannot prevent you from presenting witnesses who might testify for you. In fact, if such witnesses do not want to testify and you want them to, the court must force them to appear.

Assistance of counsel. The government cannot prevent you from having a lawyer defend you from the time you are named as a suspect.

If you are charged with a serious crime and cannot afford a lawyer, the government must provide one free of charge.