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  1. Letter No. 5. Complaint about bad packing

Dear Sirs,

      1. Order No. Jad/1573

We regret to inform you that four of the twenty cases containing your consignment of alarm clocks were inadequately packed.

We sent you specific packing instructions for this consignment, and no doubt you passed these instructions on to your forwarding agent Cases 13, 14, 18 and 20 did not include the layers of waterproof lining we had insisted on. As a result, the clocks contained in these cases are almost ruined and certainly unsaleable.

We must insist on an immediate replacement for the four cases, and we must ask you to follow our instructions more carefully in the future.

Yours faithfully,

b) Adjustments of claims and complaints

After the claim has been made it is considered and is either admitted as reasonable and justified or declined as groundless. In the first case the reasonable party meets the claim fully or partly; in the second case they ask the other party to withdraw the claim

It is particularly necessary to exercise tact in handling complaints.

The reply to a complaint should always be polite. Even if the subject of the letter is serious, the tone throughout the letter should be courteous. Replies to complaints should be prompt and should start with some form of apology. You should not dispute the complaint until you have the full facts. Explain if possible the reasons for the delay, damage, wrong consignment, bad packing or inferior quality. If the customer is wrong it will be necessary to write a tactful letter explaining why you think so.

Finally you should write to the customer informing him that you are arranging replacements, price reductions or other remedies, and assure the customer that similar mistakes will not happen in future.

Vocabulary notes

claim n претензия

admit a claim принять претензию

decline v отклонять (претензию)

syn. reject a claim

repudiate a claim

withdraw a claim отзывать претензию

groundless adj беспочвенная, необоснованная


amicable adj дружеский

syn. friendly

court n суд

Chamber of Commerce and Industry торгово-промышленнаяпалата

arbitrator n арбитр

appoint an arbitrator назначать арбитра

syn. nominate

umpire n суперарбитр

award n решение арбитража

binding adj обязательный

adjustment n урегулирование

submit v передавать, представить

syn. refer


to submit a matter to Arbitration передавать дело в арбитраж

remedy мера (по жалобе)

assure заверять

Read some replies to the letters of complaint and translate them into Russian.

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