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  1. Hasting: How much have you been earning in your present job, Ms. Belova?

Belova: I…$4,000 a year … …a rise next month.

Hasting: How much are you getting?

Belova: … I think.

Hasting: So your salary will be about $ 4,500. How much are you hoping to get in this job?

Belova: I don’t know …job.

Hasting: And on your qualifications and experience, of course.

Belova: Naturally

Hasting: We have a pension scheme here and we're starting a new life insurance scheme soon. When can you start, Ms. Belova?

Belova: In a month’s time… notice.

  1. Insert the correct preposition wherever necessary:

  1. He is … charge of public relations.

  2. He has been working … this company … a number of years.

  3. I’d like to move on… a new position with more responsibility.

  4. I deal … many customers from the CIS.

  5. Much depends … your qualifications.

  1. Insert the correct articles wherever necessary:

  1. You’re working for … bank at … moment.

  2. It’s … very responsible position.

  3. I’d like to move on to … new job.

  4. I did … five months’ secretarial course.

  5. I got … rise last month.

  6. We have … pension scheme.

  1. Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

  1. Two weeks’ notice of termination of employment (to require) by both the employee and the company.

  2. Full details of terms of employment (to enclose) with the letter.

  3. We are sorry to say that we are unable to offer you the position of senior clerk for which you (to interview)

  4. Thank you for seeing us on 15th March. We (to prepare) to offer you the position of sales manager which you applied for.

  5. Most application forms give limited space to expand on previous duties in a company – only what you did, how many people (to involve), what your detailed responsibilities were.

  6. I (to offer) a chance to join another company where there was an opportunity for me to gain more experience.

  1. Read and translate the dialogue

Int = Interviewer

ML = Morna Lawson

Int: Can you tell me what gives you satisfaction in your job?

ML: Well, there’s different things really, er obviously salary is important, status is important – I want to be respected for what I do – erm but most importantly I can’t bear being bored, with routines, so I want the freedom to develop my role really.

Int: So it’s important your manager gives you autonomy.

ML: Yes.

Int: What management style do you respond well to?

ML: Well, I like them, really I like my manager to be fairly hands-off, yet available, so I’m allowed to get on with it and the manager is there to support me.

Int: OK. I know you’ve worked in Spain and Britain. Are there any differences between the workplace culture in the two countries?

ML: Mmm, it was a while, a few years ago that I was in Spain, and I think that Britain and Spain have probably become more similar, but the thing I noticed most was that the Spanish work in order to enjoy their lives far more so than they do in Britain.

Int: Right, Could you describe your best manager?

ML: Erm, a woman I worked with in Spain, who enjoyed her job, enjoyed life; we had a good time at work, erm, and most of all she allowed me to get on with it, make my mistakes – it wasn’t the end of the world, and I learnt a lot from it.

Job satisfaction

  1. Three things that important to Morna in a job: ______________________________________________________________________________ .

Management styles

  1. She likes a manager to be a____________ , but at the same time to be b____________ . In other words the manager allows her to get on with it, but is there to c____________ her.

Workplace culture

  1. Spain and Britain are probably similar now, but when Morna worked in Spain she noticed that __________________________________________________________________ .


  1. Morna’s favourite manager was a____________ . She allowed her to get on with the work and to b____________ (it wasn’t the end of the world) and Morna c____________.


Для того чтобы выполнить первое задание Вам необходимо изучить следующие слова и выражения по теме «Устройство на работу» («Job Hunting»).

to fill in the application form – заполнить анкету

promising company – перспективная компания

a team of creative people – творческая команда

to make the company competitive – сделать фирму конкурентоспособной

in the world market – на мировом рынке

to be responsible for – быть ответственным за

to negotiate for and buy equipment – вести переговоры и закупать оборудование

main strengths – основные достоинства

reliability – надежность

loyalty – лояльность

energy – энергия

to work well under pressure – хорошо переносить повседневные нагрузки

to be accustomed to working under pressure – привыкать напряженно работать

to be a leader, an entrepreneur by nature – быть по натуре лидером, предпринимателем

to have excellent references – иметь отличные отзывы

previous job – предыдущая работа

Does that suit you? – Вас это устраивает?

When do you want me to start? – Когда вы хотите, чтобы я начал работать?

position – должность

opening position – вакансия

application for the position – заявление о зачислении на должность

application to smb – заявление на чье-то имя

job – работа

work – неисч. сущ.

job – исч. сущ.

responsibility – ответственность

skillful – опытный (синоним experienced)

to conduct negotiations – вести переговоры

to have good references – иметь хорошие отзывы

experimental period – испытательный срок

to review salary – пересматривать

You have excellent references from your previous job – У Вас прекрасные отзывы с предыдущей работы

What do you consider a fair salary? – Какую зарплату Вы считаете достойной Вас?

The hours are from nine to five thirty. – Мы работаем с девяти до половины шестого.

superior, supervisor – начальник

subordinate – подчиненный

senior – старший (по должности)

junior – младший (по должности)

officer – должностное лицо

connections – связи; люди, обладающие силой, чтобы помочь

to earn – зарабатывать (деньги)

to discharge – уволить, выгнать с работы

compensation – общее название оплаты проделанной работы

charge – общее название оплаты любых услуг

salary – зарплата служащих

wages – зарплата рабочих

fee – гонорар творческих работников

fringe benefits – различного рода льготы на работе

bonus –премия

red tape (разг. ) – канцелярская (бумажная) работа

deadline – конечный срок подачи чего-то

labour contract (agreement) – трудовое соглашение

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