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5. Match the words on the left with a definition on the right.

  1. asset management

  1. insurance

  1. re-insurance

  2. to merge

    1. a sum of money is paid to a company to take on a risk for you

    2. a company gives you financial advices, then manages your possessions.

    3. to join together to form a new company

    4. an insurance from other insurance companies, to share the risk of loss

Company presentation

1. You represent your company, and are preparing a presentation on the history of the company to give to a group of university graduates. Prepare your presentation.


In the introduction you should tell your audience what you are going to say. Use the sequencing words: first, first of all, firstly, second, secondly, then, after that, afterwards, next, lastly, finally, now/today.

Firstly I’m going to talk to you today about the key developments in the history of the company I work for and then tell you about the company’s current position.’

Main Body of the Presentation

Now prepare the body of the presentation. Don’t write the presentation, but make notes to help you remember what you want to say. Use the language in the box to tell the listener about the sequences of events.

There are (six) key dates company’s history…

Firstly, in 1950 …

After that …

Is that clear?


Now the company is a leader in the field of…

Are there any questions?

Thank you very much.

6. Some useful phrases for your company presentation.

I’m glad to see so many of you here today.

I’d like to talk about how we organize things in this department.

First I’ll describe our organization.

Finally, I’d like to discuss some future plans.

That’s all I wanted to say about training.

Moving on to my next point …

Excuse me, can you tell us when the report will be ready?

Sorry, I didn’t catch the question.

Could you bear with me?

Turnover rose by 12 cent last year.

We are predicting a slowdown next year.

As you can see from the graph, sales have increased dramatically.

Sales reached a peak in December.

They have declined since then.

These are difficult times for the company.

I’d like to finish by thanking you all.

I’d welcome your feedback.

7. Answer the following questions and prepare your own presentation.

1. What does your company do?

2. What is it called?

3. What kind of public image do you have?

4. How many people do you employ?

5. Where are your headquarters?

6. Do you have offices in other countries? If so, where?

7. What is your turnover, market share and net profits? Who is you main competitor?

8. Are you growing, shrinking or holding steady?

9. What are your most promised products and/or markets?

10. What problems are you having and how are you dealing with them?

      1. Unit 2. English Business Letters

Proper business letter writing is very important for normal commercial activity. In spite of the development of telephone, telex and telegraphic ways of communication and increasing personal contacts in international trade, the writing of letters continues. In fact most telephoned and telegraphed messages have to be confirmed by letters. Letter – writing is an essential part of business. The best way is to write simply and in an easy, natural way.

However, whether you write a special letter or make use of a standard letter, you should know the main parts of any business letter and its layout (расположение).

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