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8. What is there in the text to suggest that:

1. All the mass media deal with advertisements for employment.

2. A reply to advertisement should be brief and to the point.

3. The procedure of recruiting personnel differs from one company to another.

4. A covering letter contains very important points.

5. Requests for application forms are very carefully worded.

6. All the skills required for the post are to be mentioned in the application form.

7. Knowledge of languages is important. 8. Two references are required.

9. Find the English equivalents in the text:

  1. Отвечая на объявление, не забудьте проставить дату или ссылку.

  2. Я хотел бы подать объявление о приеме на работу на должность секретаря, объявление о которой появилось в издании «Компьютерная технология» за этот месяц.

  3. Я отвечаю на Ваше объявление о приеме на работу на должность личного помощника директора по туризму.

  4. Я отвечаю на Ваше объявление от 28 июля о приеме на работу на должность коммерческого директора, которое Вы поместили в «Экспорт Джорнэл».

  5. Я хотел бы узнать, нет ли у Вас вакансии на должность…

  6. Мне 20 лет, я получил образование в средней школе, которую окончил, получив свидетельство…

  7. В настоящее время я работаю на фирме.., где я занимаю должность … в отделе, связанном с.., и уже работаю здесь с…

  8. Не могли бы Вы выслать мне анкету и любые другие относящиеся к делу подробности?

  9. Я был бы признателен, если бы Вы выслали мне анкету и если бы Вам потребовались какие-либо дальнейшие сведения обо мне, я был бы рад предоставить их.

  1. Sum up what information is given in the text about:

advertisements for employment

practices of different companies

a covering letter

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. What importance is attached to the wording of requests?

  2. Why should letters be brief and to the point?

  3. Why do some companies confine themselves to application forms?

  4. What requirements should a covering letter meet?

  5. What do you think of the information contained in the application form?

              1. III. 1. A job interview

Mrs. Hastings who is head of human resources interviews Ms. Belova.

Hastings: Thank you for coming, Ms. Belova. My name is Janet Hastings. I am in charge of Human Resources.

Belova: How do you do?

Hastings: Do have a seat. As I can see you're working for Auto Importers Ltd. at the moment. How long have you been there?

Belova: For a year. It's a very interesting position but I'm look­ing for something with more responsibility, some­thing more challenging.

Hastings: And you would like to move on?

Belova: Yes, if I could, you know, hopeeull to a job that gives me more opportunity.

Hastings: If you don't mind I'd like to ask you a few questions about your education and your first employment.

Belova:Oh yes, certainly. Well. I left specialized secondary school at 17. At school I studied English and Bench. When I worked for Johnson Bros I did a six months' secretarial training course where I studied shorthand, filing and com­puter technology. I worked for Johnson Bros for a year and then I moved on to my present company. I' ve been working for it for a year and a half. Though I work as a secretary my duties are those of a personal assistant. I deal with many customers and in the Assistant Director's absence I take policy decisions. I have travelled with him acting as his interpreter.

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