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Вариант №4

I. Переведите на английский язык

- Здравствуйте, сэр.

- Здравствуйте. Садитесь, пожалуйста. Вы заполнили анкету?

- Да. Расскажите мне о моих обязанностях.

- Прежде всего, Вы будете отвечать за наши контакты с английскими партнерами. Вам часто придется путешествовать. Кстати, у Вас скоро будет шанс поехать в Лондон на конференцию

- Да, понимаю.

- Ваша зарплата составит 500$ в месяц, но если Вы хорошо себя покажите, то вскоре мы пересмотрим ее.

- Насчет командировок, какова будет их продолжительность? (length of time)

- Не дольше чем на месяц.

- Хорошо, когда мне начать работу?

- Мы работаем с десяти до шести. Вас это устраивает?

- Конечно.

- Тогда по возможности на этой неделе.

- Я начну прямо завтра.

II. Вставьте вместо пропусков следующие слова и выражения в нужной форме

  1. Employment and recruitment … are aimed at assisting you in finding a job.

  2. It is useful to visit job, … and career days.

  3. The most part of recruitment agencies only present … on the existing position.

  4. Interview is an important part in your job … .

  5. It is important to assure the company … that you are the right person for the position.

1. fairs

2. credentials

3. search

4. representatives

5. agency

III. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видовременные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject), выделив его одной чертой.

  1. She was anxious to be selected for the post of Personal Assistant to the Director in the recently affiliated Jacobs Sussard Company.

  2. When the production team was joined by Hilary, she was introduced to important contacts in the industry (by the manager) and before long she was promoted to head department.

  3. This work is supposed to take much time.

  4. You are expected to be present by 8 am every day.

IV. Найдите эквиваленты словам и словосочетаниям

  1. brief

  2. shipping

  3. accommodate

  4. full-time job

  5. income

  6. part time job

  7. salary

  8. opportunities for promotion

  9. compete

  1. to try to be the best at some thing

    1. a 9 to 5 job

    2. money you earn from work, rents etc.

    3. regular pay from work every year

    4. prospect for advancement

    5. short

    6. put up

    7. job you have for a few hours a week

    8. the act of business of importing or transporting goods by ship

V. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

Job search

Job search is a long process which needs lots of time and effort. You can't start it without a resume. You present the most important information about yourself in it: your background, your work experience, skills and special knowledge. You should write your objective too, that is what position you are aim­ing at.

With your resume drawn you start direct re­search. You study business magazines and newspa­pers and look for the companies that regularly hire in your field. You can send your resume to these companies. Employment and recruitment agencies are aimed at assisting you in finding a job.

State employment agencies are funded by state labour departments. The most effective way to use their services is to visit the local office.

Only employment agencies and some recruitment agencies will actively market you to a large number of companies. The most part of recruitment agencies only present the credentials on the existing position.

It is useful to visit job fairs and career days, ask your family, relatives, friends, neighbours and ac­quaintances to help you in job search.

You can use web pages on Internet, such as www.jobs.ru or www.hro.ru and other special web sites.

If you are offered a position, you can negotiate the offer and ask about your salary. As you can see, the process of job search is rather difficult, but it can be a rewarding too if you get the position which you have been dreaming about.

VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What do you present in your resume?

  2. Should you write your objective?

  3. How do you start direct research?

  4. What are employment and recruitment agencies aimed at?

  5. What is the most effective way to use their services?

  6. Why is it useful to visit job fairs and career days?

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