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  1. The layout and parts of a business letter

Business letters are usually written on printed company-forms (letter-paper). The ordinary business letter comprises the following principal parts:

  1. The Headletter (Заголовок)

  2. The Date (Дата)

  3. The Inside Address (Название и адрес фирмы-получателя)

  4. The Salutation (Вступительное обращение)

  5. The Subject Heading (Заголовок к тексту письма)

  6. The Opening Paragraph (Первый абзац письма)

  7. The Body of the Letter (Текст письма)

  8. The Closing Paragraph (Заключительный абзац)

  9. The Complimentary Closing (Заключительная формула вежливости)

  10. The Signature (Подпись)

  11. Enclosures and Postscripts (Указания на приложения и постскриптум)

    1. A sample of the layout of a business letter is given below.

  1. Executive Training Videos

1048 Wiltshire Avenue

San Diego

California 92107

12 June 2006

Ms. E.J. Harding

Johnson Engineering

Offley Industrial Park

Birmingham B9 6HL

Dear Ms. Harding,


Thank you for your letter of 3 June enquiring about our range of training videos.

Unfortunately the video you require is temporarily out of stock, but we are expecting some more in the near future. I will contact you again as soon as they arrive.

You may be interested in other items from our product range, and I am enclosing our latest brochure and price list.

Thank you for your interest in our training videos and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Kapferer

Sales Manager

Enc. Current brochure and price list.

            1. The main parts of a business letter

1. Headletter

Printed letter head includes the name, the postal and telegraphic addresses, the telephone number(s), the number of the telex(-es) and fax(-es) of the sender, and it may contain a description of the business, trade-mark, and some other information

2. Date

The date is typed on the right-hand side and on the same line as the reference. There are different ways of writing the date. The simplest and clearest of all the current forms used in the English-speaking world is 12 Nov. 2006 or 12th November, 2006. American style of writing date is November 12, 2006 name of the month should not be stated in figures, as it may easily be confusing.

Abbreviations may be used for Jan. Feb. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. No mention of town.

3. Inside address

The name and the address of the company written to are usually typed on the left-hand side. Firms are addressed as Messrs, an abbreviated form of Messieurs, the French word for Gentlemen. It should be used with the names of firms which consist of family names. Note that the number of the street in the address always precedes the name of the street. After the name of the company the number of the house and the name of the street are given, then the name of the town and of the county (in Great Britain or state in the USA). When writing letters to other countries, always give the name of the country, which should be typed on a separate line.

e.g. Messrs. Brown &Smith, The Modern Machine Tool

34, High Street, Corporation

London, E.C. 3. 300 Lincoln place,

England Chicago, Ill.


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