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60 Chapter 4

Exercise 1. Give English equivalents of:

виконувати одне завдання; трохи відмінний; розширяти можливості; лише, виключно; питання, що розглядається; поважати; навмисне використовувати; втручатися; набувати популярності, загрожувати; надто спрощений образ; величезна швидкість; краще розуміння; на початку 19 століття, наприкінці травня.

Exercise 2. Translate Ukrainian sentences into English. Then match the two columns:

1. На жаль, ця ідея не набула популярності.

2. Сподіваюся, вам спаде на думку кращий план.

3. Цей прилад з'явився наприкінці 20 століття.

4. Він зробив це навмисне.

5. Про це (питання) не йдеться (це питання не розглядаеться).

A. That is not the point in question, B. He did it on purpose.

C. I hope you can come up with a better plan (than this).

D. Unfortunately, this idea failed to catch on.

E. This device appeared in late 20th century.

Exercise 3. Render the following passage into Ukrainian.

A new philosophy of conceiving scientific theory is about to be born in the so-called computer laboratory, which, so to speak, stands half-way between theory and experiment.

Supercomputers will allow a whole new methodological research approach dealing with reformulation of the basic principles of economic and social systems. Thanks to these «artificial brains», it will soon be possible to model present and future reality with a degree of accuracy previously unseen.

Chapter 4 61

Grammar: structure of english sentence

A main clause has a subject and a verb that stand independently:

He is reading the book.

A subordinate clause also has a subject and a predicate but is dependent on the main clause and cannot stand independently:

He is reading the book that I gave him.

main clause subordinate


Mind that a complex sentence may consist of two independent clauses:

She likes physics, and he likes mathematics.

62 Chapter 4

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with one of the variants.

1. ... he is speaking about is exciting.

a. that

b. what

c. while

d. when

2. You might know a person ... has gotten a job like this.

a. which

b. whom

c. who

d. how

3. I don't know ... to go.

a. after

b. that

c. because

d. where

4. ... we need more information is obvious.

a. before

b. while

c. that

d. what

5. ... you go to Italy, you should visit Rome.

a. after

b. as

c. when

d. unless

6. No one is sure ... makes him think so.

a. when

b. why

c. what

d. how

7. ... the introduction of the washing machine people spent much more time cleaning their clothes.

a. after

b. prior to

c. at present

d. during

8. Scientists are still uncertain about ... this phenomenon occurs.

a. which

b. how

c. about

d. with

Chapter 4 63

Logical connectors

Logical connectors are essential for connecting clauses, and are essential for good writing. We will classify logical connectors (or transitions) according to the function they fulfill. Mind that some logical connectors belong to more than one category (depending on the context and the speaker's intention).

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