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Marketing part 1.doc
1.7 Mб

1. Iconic brand is …

a) is the best-selling brand in a particular market.

b) defined as having aspects that contribute to consumer’s self-expression and personal identity.

c) is transporting and storing.

2. no brand is …

a) a product that doesn’t have a brand associated with it; also known as a generic brand.

b) a production of a large number of products.

c) a surface in a store on which goods are displayed.

3. integrated marketing is …

a) standardizing and grading, financing, risk taking and securing market information.

b) a promise by a manufacturer or seller to repair or replace defective goods during a certain period of time.

c) the orientation of the whole organization towards its brand.

4. flagship brand is …

a) the brand for which a business is best known, and which represents its image most appropriately.

b) what a company produces, makes or offers.

c) the cost of a product.

5. own brand is …

a) a brand that is cheaper than its competitors.

b) the communication of information about the product with the goal of generating a positive customer response.

c) a brand that is made exclusively for the retailer that sells it; also known as an own-label brand or a private label brand.

6. brand name is …

a) a company’s items, brands, and products.

b) the name given to a product or a range of products – goods of a similar type that are marketed together.

c) adding further items in that part of a product range which a line already covers.

7. brand leader is …

a) the choice to represent a large feeling, which is not necessarily connected with the product or consumption of the product at all.

b) the function of marketing which involves extending credit to consumers, wholesalers, and retailers.

c) the best-selling brand in a particular market.

8. line-stretching means…

a) lengthening a product line by moving either up-market, i.e. making items of higher or lower quality.

b) where product is available and how it is distributed or means of getting the product or service to the customer.

c) lengthening a product line by moving either up-market, i.e. making items of higher or lower quality.

9. brand strategy shows …

a) how the brand will meet its objectives.

b) the means of informing people about the product or service.

c) refers to a consistent approach to brand behaviour and brand experiences across all possible touch points.

10. trade mark is …

a) a promise by a manufacturer or seller to repair or replace defective goods during a certain period of time.

b) the legal protection for the brand, its logo, and its brand name.

c) getting the product to the customer.

11. brand image is …

a) a symbolic construct created within the minds of people.

b) the highest qualification that a person has, such as a diploma or a degree.

c) a person whose responsibility is to identify the target market for products and services.

12. co-branding is …

a) the process by which an organization decides which market segments to serve.

b) standardizing and grading, financing, risk taking and securing market information.

c) two brands working together to create a new product.

13. premium brand is …

a) group of people, who follow the trends set by the early adopters.

b) a high quality brand, more expensive than its competitors.

c) the function of marketing which involves extending credit to consumers, wholesalers, and retailers.

14. brand personality is …

a) transporting and storing.

b) a complex activity that reaches into many aspects of an organization and its dealing with consumers.

c) the human characteristics associated with the brand.

15. brand manager is …

a) a person who is responsible for branding – creating, maintaining and building a brand.

b) group of people, who follow the trends that have been tested by the early majority.

c) is a brand that is made exclusively for the retailer that sells it; also known as an own-label brand or a private label brand.

16. brand vision talks

a) the image of a typical consumer.

b) about the values the brand has today and the values it will need in the future, as well as the communication tools needed to achieve this.

c) the process of dividing the total market into several sub-markets (segments) that have similar characteristics.

17. brand promise is …

a) involves dealing with uncertainties about future consumer behavior.

b) a way of life that reflects a person’s value and attitudes.

c) the explicit promise the organization makes to its target audiences, including employees, about the quality and use of the brand.

18. line-filling is …

a) adding further items in that part of a product range which a line already covers.

b) how to take action on the brand vision.

c) two brands working together to create a new product.

19. total branding refers

a) the last group of people to buy a product or brand: indeed they may never buy it.

b) the choice to represent a large feeling, which is not necessarily connected with the product or consumption of the product at all.

c) to a consistent approach to brand behaviour and brand experiences across all possible touch points.

20. brand management is…

a) a person, who creates something new and start a new trend.

b) the art of creating and maintaining a brand.

c) people, who identify trends early and like to be associated with the start of a trend.


The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself”

(Franklin Roosevelt. January, 30 1832 – April, 12 1945

the 32 President of the USA)

Marketing Different Classes of Goods

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

attempt [ə'tem(p)t] – спроба;

convenience [kən'vi:njəns] goods and services – товари та послуги повсякденного попиту;

shopping goods and services – товари та послуги попереднього вибору;

specialty ['spe∫əlti] goods and services – товари та послуги особливого попиту;

variety [və'raiəti] – різноманітність;

to shop around – робити покупки;

difference – різниця; відмінність;

fur coat – хутряне пальто;

to provide – забезпечувати; постачати;

and so forth – і так далі; і таке інше; тощо;

to rely [ri'lai] on –покладатися на; розраховувати на;

industrial market – ринок промислових товарів;

consumer market – ринок споживчих товарів;

to reach a market – потрапляти на ринок; з’являтися на ринку;

capital goods – капітальне майно;

means of production – засоби виробництва;

functional goods – функціональні товари;

expense [iks'pens] items – основні товари постійного попиту;

less costly – менш коштовний;

cleaning fluid ['lu:id] – чистяча рідина;

light bulb [bΛlb] – лампа;

measurable ['me ərəbl] item – товар, що вимірюється певною вартістю;

to recuperate [ri'kju:pəreit] – тут: відновлювати; повертати;

utility [ju:'tiliti] – підприємство громадського користування;

mine [main] – шахта;

to denote – вказувати на; позначати;

in unprocessed or minimally ['miniməli] processed ['prousest] state – в необробленому, або мінімально обробленому стані;

iron ['aiən] ore [o:] – залізна руда;

log – деревина;

engine ['endʒin] – мотор;

tire ['taiə] – шина;

windshield ['wind∫i:ld] – вітрове скло;

accessory [æk'sesəri] equipments – допоміжне устаткування;

clerical ['klerikəl] activity – канцелярська діяльність;

finished product – готовий продукт;

supplies [sə'plaiz] – тут: ек. пропозиція;

sales representative – торговий представник;

salespeople – дистриб’ютори;

huge [hju:dʒ] installation [¸instə'lei∫n] – величезна установка (пристрій);

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]