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Marketing part 1.doc
1.7 Mб

1. Convenience goods are…

a) products that have a special attraction to consumers who are willing to go out of their way to obtain them.

b) products which are not produced for immediate consumption.

c) that the consumer wants or purchases frequently and with a minimum of efforts.

2. Specialty goods and services are …

a) products which are not produced for immediate consumption.

b) products which are not produced for immediate consumption.

c) products that have a special attraction to consumers who are willing to go out of their way to obtain them.

3. Seasonal discount is …

a) a kind of discount which is offered to middlemen.

b) a kind of discount that promotes the purchase of goods and services out of season.

c) a kind of discount which is given to customers who buy in large quantities.

4. A markup is …

a) goods and materials purchased by organizations for use in production, administrative, clerical or marketing activities.

b) a kind of discount which is offered to middlemen.

c) the amount added to cover additional cost and profit.

5. Capital goods are …

a) products which are not produced for immediate consumption.

b) products that have a special attraction to consumers who are willing to go out of their way to obtain them.

c) goods and materials purchased by organizations for use in production, administrative, clerical or marketing activities.

6. Raw material is …

a) process of setting price for a product.

b) something that is acted upon or used by human labour or industry, for use as a building material to create some product or structure.

c) goods and materials purchased by organizations for use in production, administrative, clerical or marketing activities.

7. Accessory equipments are …

a) goods and materials purchased by organizations for use in production, administrative, clerical or marketing activities.

b) products that have a special attraction to consumers who are willing to go out of their way to obtain them.

c) that the consumer wants or purchases frequently and with a minimum of efforts.

8. A good is …

a) a real, physical thing that we can touch.

b) those goods purchased by individuals for their own personal use rather than for business use.

c) a change we pay others to make for us.

9. A service is …

a) a real, physical thing that we can touch.

b) a bundle of attributes that consumers want and need.

c) a change we pay others to make for us.

10. Shopping goods and services are…

a) those products that the consumer buys only after comparing value, quality, and price from a variety of sellers.

b) something that is acted upon or used by human labour or industry, for use as a building material to create some product or structure.

c) the amount added to cover additional cost and profit.

11. Pricing is …

a) the process that involves offering products at different levels of price, rather than all at one price.

b) process of setting price for a product.

c) a kind of discount which is given to customers who buy in large quantities.

12. Cost-based pricing is …

a) a pricing strategy where seller first determines the total cost of producing one unit of the product and then adds an amount to cover additional cost and profit.

b) the total of the cost plus markup.

c) a kind of discount which is given to customers who buy in large quantities.

13. Consumer goods are…

a) products which are not produced for immediate consumption.

b) those goods purchased by individuals for their own personal use rather than for business use.

c) products that have a special attraction to consumers who are willing to go out of their way to obtain them.

14. Selling price is …

a) the total of the cost plus markup.

b) the process that involves offering products at different levels of price, rather than all at one price.

c) a bundle of attributes that consumers want and need.

15. Price lining is …

a) process of setting price for a product.

b) the process that involves offering products at different levels of price, rather than all at one price.

c) the total of the cost plus markup.

16. Trade discount is …

a) a kind of discount which is offered to middlemen.

b) a kind of discount that promotes the purchase of goods and services out of season.

c) a kind of discount which is given to customers who buy in large quantities.

17. A product is …

a) a change we pay others to make for us.

b) a kind of discount which is offered to middlemen.

c) a bundle of attributes that consumers want and need.

18. Quantity discount is …

a) a kind of discount that promotes the purchase of goods and services out of season.

b) a kind of discount which is offered to middlemen.

c) a kind of discount which is given to customers who buy in large quantities.

19. An expense item is …

a) a bundle of attributes that consumers want and need.

b) a tangible item whose cost must be recuperated from the particular company and/or from the particular client.

c) a change we pay others to make for us.

20. Industrial market is …

a) a kind of market where industrial goods may be sold several times before reaching the consumer markets.

b) the process by which an organization decides which market segments to serve.

c) marketing-activities that are performed to compete beyond the domestic market.


Theres no pride in making millions of

pounds, but there is pride in helping

people and environment

(Anita Roddick. October, 23 1942 –

September, 10 2007 British Businesswoman)

Channels of Distribution

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

сhannel of distribution [¸distri'bju:∫n] – канал розповсюдження, розподіл; торговельна мережа;

to transfer a title to a product – тут: передавати право власності на товар;

user- користувач;

to sell in bulk [bΛlk] – продавати великими партіями (оптом);

independent wholesaler ['houl¸seilə] – незалежний оптовий торговець;

individual retailer [ri:'teilə] – індивідуальний роздрібний торговець;

retail shop – магазин роздрібної торгівлі;

manufacturer – виробник;

in some cases – у деяких випадках;

small scale producer – виробник малого масштабу;

to bypass ['baipα:s] – обходити; іти обхідним шляхом;

mail-order firm – посилкова компанія, що працює з доставкою;

to obtain [əb'tein] orders – отримувати замовлення;

to supply by post – постачати товари за допомогою почтового зв’язку;

to solve a problem – вирішувати проблему;

to dispose [dis'pouz] of smth. – позбуватися чогось;

to overcome [¸ouvə'kΛm] a problem – подолати проблему;

to break a bulk –розбивати гуртову партію на більш дрібні партії; розвантажувати;

to bear a risk – ризикувати; брати на себе ризик;

to display goods – демонструвати товар;

bulky – великий; об’ємистий; громіздкий;

delivery services – послуги доставки;

sole trader \ one-shop firm – фірма, яка має тільки один магазин;

within easy reach of – поблизу, неподалік;

to remain open – залишатися відкритим; тут: працювати;

multiple shop – один магазин із мережі магазинів, які належать торговельній фірмі та мають спільну назву;

interior [in'tiəriə] layout ['lei'aut] – внутрішнє планування (магазину);

to advertise extensively [iks'tensivli] – широко рекламувати;

to exercise close control over – здійснювати ретельний контроль над;

head office – головний офіс;

voluntary ['voləntəri] group – взаємовигідне об’єднання оптових та роздрібних фірм;

to force [fo:s] – змушувати;

to belong to – належати;

to own – володіти;

on matters of management – у справах управління;

department stores – універмаг; універсальний магазин;

roof – дах;

attractive prospect – приваблива перспектива;

attractive [ə'træktiv] prospect ['prospekt] – приваблива перспектива;

to do shopping – робити покупки;

hairdressing ['hεə¸dresiŋ] – перукарська справа;

self-service ['self'sə:vis] store – магазин самообслуговування;

sales area – площа торговельної зали;

impressive [im'presiv] gain in productivity [¸prodΛk'tiviti] – вражаючі прибутки у виробництва;

average ['ævəridʒ] size – середній розмір;

superstore - супермаркет з площею більше 2000 м2;

hypermarket – супермаркет з площею більше 4000 м2;

square [skwεə] feet – квадратний фут;

to occupy ['okjupai] – займати;

single-storey ['siŋgl'sto:ri] shop – одноповерховий магазин;

outskirt ['autskə:t] of the town – передмістя; околиця міста;

adequate ['ædikwit] car-parking facilities [fə'silitiz] – відповідні зручності для паркування автомобілів;

mail-order house – магазин «замовлення поштою»;

to work on a part-time basis – працювати на основі не повного робочого дня;

catalogue ['kætəlog] – католог;

to purchase by installment [in'sto:lmənt] – купувати на виплату;

to pay commissions [kə'mi∫nz] – платити комісійні;

percentage [pə'sentidʒ] – відсоток;

tastes and preferences ['prefərənsiz] – смаки та уподобання;

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]