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Marketing part 1.doc
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  • Perfect Continuous Tenses.

Exercise 12. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Continuous:

1. The chief accountant (to do) his annual report for half an hour. 2. Students (to write) the final test for fifteen minutes. 3. Foreign guests (to wait) for us since 7 p.m. 4. Our professor (to teach) International Marketing since 1985. 5. Our company (to sell) a wide range of component parts for five years. 6. How many months they (to create) this project? 7. Since when you (to look) for our documents? 8. Our partners (to distribute) a lot of modern equipment since they started their production. 9. The Vice President of the international company (to hold) the negotiations for a week already. 10. What the secretary (to do) in the office since morning?

Exercise 13. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Perfect Continuous:

1. The students (to write) the composition for twenty minutes when their professor left the study. 2. Shareholders (to discuss) this question for an hour when the director came into the hall. 3. Who (to wait) for you at the station for a quarter of an hour when you arrived from business? 4. The weather in London was cold as the severe wind (to blow) since yesterday. 5. Since when they (to work) in Microsoft company together? 6. They (to interview) for half an hour when we arrived for the meeting. 7. He was very tired as he (to look through) new contracts for several hours. 8. I didn’t like the cottage, even though I (to live) in it for many years. 9. We (to wait) for these inquiry for a month when the secretary brought me it. 10. We (to unpack) our things for twenty minutes when our friend rang us.

Exercise 14. Put the verb in brackets in either the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:

1. How long your company (to cooperate) with LG corporation? 2. We (not/ to see) our investors for two months. 3. The prices on consumer goods (to increase) by 10% this quarter. The government (to inform) about this fact since the beginning of the year. 4. The secretary just (to finish) to type the terms of the contract which his chief (to wait) for so long. 5. My friend (not/ to decide) yet which company to work in. He (to think over) this since winter. 6. She already (to write) some letters and to interview for candidates. 7. They (to discuss) the matter for some hours; but they (not/to reach) the agreement yet. 8. I (to think) about your offer since 8 a.m. but I (not/to take) any decision yet. 9. We (to analyze) the pricing for the whole month and eventually (to come) to an agreement. 10. Since when you (to make) innovations in the production of engines?

Exercise 15. Use the verb in the correct tense form: the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect, and the Present Perfect Continuous:

1. I never (to suppose) that he can drive a car. He (to drive) it now. He (to drive) it for an hour and a half. 2. The interpreter of our firm (to translate) the contract now. He (to work) over it since morning. He (not/to finish) translating it yet. 3. General manager (to arrive) to the office. She always (to come) to work at this time. She (to send) the e-mail now. 4. Where (to be) your colleague? – He (to work) in the office. He (to work) there at the moment. – How long he (to be) there? – He (to work) for three hours. 5. Why you (to look) so tired? – I (to prepare) my research on local market for the whole day, but it (not/to be) ready yet. 6. Foreigners (to try) to understand my “perfect” English for some minutes but they (to fail). 7. We (to wait) for the results of the experiment for many months. You (to send) the results already?

Exercise 16. Put the verb in the Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, and Past Perfect Continuous:

1. They (to discuss) this question for some time when their director (to come) in. 2. Yesterday we (to discuss) where to go on holidays. We (to think) about it for some time but I (not/to come) to the conclusion yet. 3. Where (to be) your friends at 4 p.m.? – They (to hold) a brief meeting at that time. They (to take up) several major questions there for an hour. 4. We saw our new employee (to look through) a contract for some minutes. 5. The head of R&D Department (to sign) all contracts at last. He (to study) them for 2 hours. 6. My friend (to be) angry and (to look) very tired, as somebody (to delete) an important file in his computer and he (to work) over it all night. 7. Your first mobile was very functional. - Yes, I (to bought) it Europe many years ago. It (to function) for 7 years before I (to loose) it.

Exercise 17. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Gross income has been calculating for an hour by our economists. 2. I had been waiting for the fax for half an hour by the time they got to us. 3. Since when have you been typing this letter for your top manager? 4. My secretary had been talking over the telephone for twenty minutes when I rang her. 5. I have been trying to finish my new business plan for a long time but haven’t succeeded. 6. How long have you been working over this project? – I’ve been working over it for two weeks only, but most of the time I’ve been thinking of the result. 7. Will you have been writing your annual report until my arrival? 8. Our director says that this employee has been wasting time and money since he came to our office. 9. The professor will have been correcting mistakes for an hour when students come to the lecture. 10. My colleague will have been studying for five years when she gets her Master Degree.

Exercise 18. Translate into English:

1. Де ви були о 10 ранку? – Я був у транспортному відділі. Я підписував контракти нових працівників. Я підписував їх уже 10 хвилин, коли ви зателефонували мені. 2. Всі колеги знали, що він працював над новим дизайном міні ринку вже багато місяців. 3. Коли ми виїхали з офісу, йшов сильний сніг. Він йшов уже більше години. 4. Нарешті постачальники вислали нам каталоги нових офісних меблів. Ми чекали на них майже рік. 5. Мої батьки були дуже схвильовані, так як не були в рідному місті з часів війни. 6. Секретарка не могла знайти документи для засідання ради директорів. Вона шукала їх цілий день, але так і не знайшла. 7. Міжнародний семінар з менеджменту щойно завершився. Він тривав майже два тижні. 8. Як тільки я закінчу проектувати ваш офіс, я покажу вам проект. Я сподіваюсь, що закінчу проектувати його до кінця місяця. 9. Ви побачите нашого партнера з Польщі на зустрічі? – Ні, він буде на конференції в Угорщині. Він буде там вже тиждень, коли відбудеться наша зустріч. 10. Завтра ввечері я працюватиму над своєю доповіддю. Коли ви прийдете, я працюватиму над нею вже дві години. Я закінчу писати доповідь до того часу, коли ви зателефонуєте.

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