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Marketing part 1.doc
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Module control 4 Units 9 -10

Assignment 1. Write words in normal English script with the help of transcription. Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up 5 sentences with the words:

[¸intər'æk∫n] [eks¸piəri'en∫l]

[kən'tribju:t] [ai'dentifai]

[i'væljueit] [kə'pæsiti]

[iks'pou∫ə] [¸æpli'kei∫n]

[i'ni∫ətiv] ['tα:git] ['o:djəns]

Assignment 2. Substitute the italicized words in the following sentences to their opposites. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Company’s brand manager deals with illegal regulations of our problems. 2. A premium brand is a low quality brand, and of course, it is cheaper than its competitors. 3. A brand associated with a product has certain characteristics that make it common. 4. We integrate between brand essence and brand promise. 5. A market is equilibrium when the quantity that demanders are willing to provide to the market at a specific market price is exactly different to the quantity that suppliers desire to sell in the market at the same market price. 6. Economy brand is more expensive than its competitors. 7. It is possible to sell products without trade mark.

Assignment 3. Open the brackets and use the verb in the Present Perfect Tense or Past Perfect Tense:

1. The vice president just (to come) to the office with a delegation. 2. The secretary (not / to check) office e-mail for weeks. 3. Our general manager (not / to have) a vacation for 5 years. 4. The middle line manager of our company (to lose) very important documents. This is the second time it (to happen). 5. Who is that woman? I never (to see) her before. 6. We (to arrive) at work in the morning and found out that somebody (to break) into the office during the night. 7. I didn’t know who she was. I never (to hear) about her before.

Assignment 4. Disagree with the following statements. Begin your sentences with: I don’t (didn’t) think so; but I can’t agree with you; it seems to me you are (were) wrong:

1. They have made a call to New York to the president of the company this morning. 2. The head of the office has just left you a message. 3. Our company has received no letters from our foreign partners this year. 4. The financial director has just finished his business talk over the telephone. 5. The secretary has dialed the wrong number. 6. My colleague has given me interesting information about the changes in our company. 7. We have received the money order at the general post office this morning.

Assignment 5. Translate into English:

1. Компанія-виробник підвищила свою виробничу спроможність перш ніж розпочала випуск нової продукції. 2. Наші партнери ще не модернізували роботу виробничих ліній. 3. Уряд та освітянські заклади покращили систему освіти і навчання цього року. 4. Зміни у нашому виробництві забезпечили робочі місця та товари для експорту. 5. Менеджери дійшли згоди створити нову стратегію просування компанії. 6. Вони успішно провели рекламну кампанію і тому обсяги продажу товару зросли. 7. Ми не завершили роботу вчасно і тому не отримали дивіденди. 8. Керівництво зосередило свою увагу на рівні життя своїх працівників. 9. Це підприємство вдало розмістило свої ресурси перш ніж розпочало виробництво нового товару. 10. Коли ціни на цей товар зросли, підприємці збільшили його виробництво.

Assignment 6. Choose the definition for each term. Use the glossary to help you:

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