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Marketing part 1.doc
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  • Sequence of Tenses.

  • Direct and Indirect Speech

12. Open the brackets and choose the correct form of the verb. Mind Sequence of Tenses:

1. The secretary realized that nobody (will come/would come) to the meeting. 2. Mr. Smith, the general director of our company says he (has not seen/had nor seen) his friend from LG Corporation for ages. 3. I wanted to know who (is working/was working) at my computer. 4. All administrative staff of our company supposes the negotiations (will start/would start) in some hours. 5. I supposed that my assistant (has finished/had finished) the annual report in time. 6. The financial director thought we (are discussing/ were discussing) price discrimination for the new product. 7. Our teacher says we (will be writing/would be writing) the test on “Main Economic Notions” at two p.m.

13. Make one sentence from two sentences paying attention to Sequence of Tenses:

1. They are looking through the selling contract. (The Vice President was sure). 2. The secretary of the international firm can not speak English. (The head of the HR Department didn’t suppose). 3. He doesn’t know how much taxes we pay. (Financial department assistant told me). 4. Somebody has deleted this file in the computer. (I did not notice). 5. Partners have been waiting for him for ten minutes. (We were surprised). 6. The manager has already seen this contract. (He didn’t tell us). 7. He will talk to dealers. (She promised).

14. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Nobody knew he would come with foreign partners to the office. 2. We wanted to know if our guests enjoyed the corporate party. 3. Marketers thought they would have finished their business plan by next week. 4. The secretary says she will let us know when the top manager will come. 5. They are sure we shall be waiting for the new employee in the hall. 6. Manufacturers knew they would open new production line in time. 7. He apologized that he had arrived so late for the meeting. 8. The chief manager doesn’t know who phoned him at five p.m. 9. I didn’t think they were still discussing the urgent problem. 10. The PR manager said he had never been to London before.

15. Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech:

1. The director said to us, “You must finish your project in time”.

2. The manager asked, “When will representatives come to the meeting?”

3. The accountant said, “I’ll have examined all financial statements by tomorrow”.

4. Our trade partner said, “We have already transferred your products”.

5. The top manager asked employees, “When did you send your statements to the head office?”

6. The head of the department told the secretary, “Don’t forget to post these letters”.

7. She said to visitors, “The president is not here. He has just left the office”.

8. The lecturer told me,” You can not speak any foreign language”.

9. Our partners asked us, “How long have you been waiting for us here?”

10. The interpreter said,” I have been trying to translate these documents since morning”.

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