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Marketing part 1.doc
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Module control 2 Units 4 -6

Assignment 1. Refer the sentences to the past. Make all necessary changes:

1. The sales of our firm rapidly grow. 2. We do whatever it takes to attract customers. 3. Our company applies the principle of communication in our promotional strategy. 4. They usually plan the development of a new product. 5. A lot of customers purchase goods of the highest quality. 6. We always try to follow all demands of the time. 7. The general manager usually looks for new trends. 8. We satisfy the goals thanks to our highly qualified staff. 9. The director of the firm often emphasizes the importance of corporate communication. 10. The head of the company offers me the position of the vice president.

Assignment 2. Open the brackets and use the verb in the Present Indefinite or in the Future Indefinite:

1. I (to prepare) the price analysis before you (to come back). 2. I (to be) ready to go if you (to give) me some time to finish my work. 3. She (to get) this contract for us, if she (to do) this, we (to offer) her higher position in the company. 4. I (to buy) this product, as soon as the manufacturer (to decrease) the prices. 5. Our firm (to achieve) its goals, when wholesalers and retailers (to buy) more. 6. We (to receive) some orders as soon as we (to introduce) our product at the market. 7. They (to discuss) this question if we (to present) the research of the total market. 8. I (to make) money transaction as soon as I (to receive) the approval of our director. 9. We (to talk) about salary and responsibilities after you (to create) this position. 10. Our company (to change) advertising campaign before our competitors (to earn) the highest profit.

Assignment 3. Define the passive constructions, translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The goal will be achieved thanks to our qualified staff. 2. The committee’s decision was adopted successfully. 3. Facilitating functions were used in the work of our company. 4. The expert will be met at the airport by us. 5. I am surprised to meet you in my department. 6. Everybody was tired of long ineffective discussion. 7. The agreement will be reached by them tomorrow. 8. Marketing is categorized as a branch of business as well as a social science. 9. Customers are provided by all kinds goods. 10. Payments will be maid by tourists in time.

Assignment 4. Put letters into the correct order. Provide synonyms for each of them:

  1. tionardizastand 6. tamentionseg

  2. bardmentbom 7. thotiesauri

  3. tymajori 8. libeqriumui

  4. gardlag 9. mentadstju

  5. petioncomti 10. ansatroncti

Assignment 5. Translate into English:

1. Ми проводимо збори менеджерів компанії щотижня. 2. Ви будете проінформовані управляючим про наявність у нас нових посад. 3. Наша продукція продавалася на внутрішньому ринку за високими цінами. 4. Тепер ми знаємо, що хтось зареєстрував замовлення в неділю. 5. Управлінський підхід був використаний у роботі нашої фірми. 6. Рекламна діяльність здійснюється найкращими фахівцями. 7. Ми визначили перелік необхідних змін у нашій роботі. 8. Як ви реагували на невдоволення споживачів вашим товаром? 9. Найкращі товари в цій галузі були представлені на показі. 10. Замовлення на товари та послуги проводиться по телефону щодня.

Assignment 6. Choose the definition for each term. Use the glossary to help you:

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