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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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1.January 1. It is New Year's Day. People say to each other: Happy New Year!

2.Memorial Day is a U.S. legal holiday to honour those who died defending their country. It is a day to remember and memorialize all those who died defending their country.

3.Independence Day - the 4 of July.

4.Thanksgiving Day (День благодарения) is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

5.Christmas is a great religious holiday. It is celebrated on December 25. It is a custom to stay at home and spend time with one's family.

6.On the second Sunday of May Mother's Day is celebrated. You can forget anniversaries and birthday but to forget Mother's Day is nearly unforgivable.

Flowers and cards are standard gifts. Think of something special you can do for your mother - clean the house, prepare breakfast, and the most important thing to remember is to tell your mother "I love you".

Словарь урока


to found - основывать to establish - учреждать tax - налог

heavy - тяжелый

to declare - декларировать, провозглашать declaration - декларация

independence - независимость independent - независимый in favour of - в пользу

to interrupt - прерывать


to celebrate - праздновать

to sign the resolution - подписывать резолюцию to approve - одобрять

firework - фейерверк, салют to prohibit - запрещать

to allow - разрешать

to regard themselves - считать себя subject - субъект

to order - приказывать to grow - расти

to increase - увеличивать(ся) to decrease - уменьшать(ся) valley - долина

desert - пустыня prairies - прерии

natural resources - естественные ресурсы wheel - колесо

holiday - праздник

to adopt - принимать (законы) anniversary - годовщина event - событие

in honour of - в честь (кого-либо) to be afraid of -


Вопросы для самоконтроля

Именительный падеж с инфинитивом

(Complex Subject)

1.Каким предложением переводится эта конструкция на русский язык?

2.Дайте формулу этой конструкции.

3.Какой союз вводитпридаточное предложение?

4.Каким оборотом переводится на русский язык сказуемое англий-

ского предложения?

5. Каким членом предложения является инфинитив конструкции Complex Subject при переводе английского предложения на русский язык?


Укажите номера предложений, содержащих оборот "именительный падеж с инфинитивом".

1. This river is said to be very long. 2. He said that the lived in Omsk. 3. 1 know English well. 4. 1 knew his sister's friend. 5. She is known to be a good swimmer. 6. 1 like to read English books. 7. These tests are said to be very easy. 8. This method of teaching is expected to give a good result. 9. She is asked at the lesson.



Контрольная работа

(Control Work)

Переведите текст с помощью словаря.


I.Прочтите следующее пояснение к тексту:

1.mother country -зд. Great Britain

II. Прочтите текст, постарайтесь понять его общее содержание, ответьте на вопросы:

1.Why is July 4 celebrated by Americans as a national holiday?

2.Who was the new country's first president?

The War of Independence or the American

Bourgeois Revolution (1775-1783)

The rapid development of the British colonies in America in the 18th century gave rise to the so-called "American problem". The French and Indian War was over in 1763. The American colonies helped England in this war. The northern country of Canada now belonged to England and the French were driven out of the fertile western river valleys. George III King of England, wanted to draw the American colonies closer to the mother country1). New laws were passed and the colonists had to pay new high taxes to support England. These post-war decisions stimulated an evergrowing movement of protest which exploded into the War of Independence.

In 1774 thirteen colonies sent their delegates to a Continental Congress in Philadelphia. On July 4, 1776 the delegates signed the document known as the Declaration of Independence, and declared the establishment of the United States of America. Since then July 4 is celebrated by the Americans as a na-


tional holiday - Independence Day.

The Continental Congress authorized an American army appointing George Washington its commander. But Britain didn't agree with the Declaration until 1783, when the American colonists won in the War of Independence. So after the years of bitter fighting the United States at last were recognized as a new independent country. George Washington had led the army in its successful fight. He was elected the new country's first president.


Прочитайте текст, постарайтесь понять его общее содержание, скажите, что явилось причиной Гражданской войны между Севером и рабовладельческим Югом.

The Civil War (1861-1865)

The American Revolution opened a new stage in the transformation from feudalism to capitalism, but it failed to abolish slavery. The struggle of the American colonies for political and economic freedom from Great Britain activated the anti-slavery movement.

Slavery as a source of cheap labour was instituted in America as early as the 1660s. Many poor people came to America to escape political oppression and economic exploitation. They had to work on a master's land for some years as payment for their transportation from Europe. But it was impossible to enslave the entire working population and therefore the enslavement of black Africans became a source of cheap labour available. Negroes brought by force from their African homeland to America were turned to slaves. Almost all of them were in the South where southern planters made them plant and pick the great cotton crops. Cruelty was an integral part of the slave system. Slave revolts were fre-


quent. Slavery became a shame to the American nation. Many people in the North opposed slavery and took part in anti-slavery actions. The problem was not solved even in Congress. The southern states left the Union and the Civil War between the North and the South broke out.

The Civil War greatly affected the course of American history. President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which committed the nation to stamp out slavery in the southern states. The American slavery was crushed, the nation was unified. But the fight for Negro rights has not been yet ended.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1)She is expected to come to-morrow.

2)Radio is known to have been invented in Russia.

3)The expedition is believed to have reached the river.

4)He is said to be writing a new story (novel).

5)He proved to be a good specialist.

6)He is sure to come in time.

7)The house is likely to have been built many centuries ago.

8)The boy happened to be at home.


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