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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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Словарь урока


in honour of - в честь (кого-либо) both - оба

both ... and - как ... так either ... or - либо ... либо neither ... nor - ни ... ни

to take an active part - принимать активное участие to own - владеть

to owe - быть должным, обязанным

a great deal (much) - много, большое количество to compare - сравнивать

sense - чувство, смысл, значение to capture - захватить

entirely - полностью, целиком as a matter of fact - фактически according to - согласно

at first glance - на первый взгляд federal - федеральный

avenue - проспект, авеню memorial - мемориал ensemble - ансамбль emigrant - эмигрант clerk - клерк, служащий employee - служащий

cornerstone - краеугольный камень well-know (famous) - известный

to be named (to be called) - быть названным


Вопросы для самоконтроля

Сложное дополнение (с инфинитивом)

(Complex Object)

1.Напишите предложение, содержащее “Complex Object”( witn the Infinitive)

2.Каким предложением переводится эта конструкция на русский язык?

3.Какие союзы вводятпридаточные предложения?

4.Чему соответствуетподлежащее придаточного предложения?

5.Чему соответствуетсказуемое придаточного предложения?

6.После каких глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to?

Приведите пример.


Укажите номера предложений, содержащих оборот “Complex Odject” (“объектный падеж с инфинитивом”).

1. My sister wants them to come here. 2. My sister wants to know English well. 3. I know this girl well. 4. He knows this girl to study well. 5. We heard the boy say something to her brother. 6. They saw us stop at the school. 7. They saw an interesting book on the table.


1. 4. 5. 6.


Контрольная работа

(Control work)

I. Прочтите текст, постарайтесь понять его общее содержание.

American cities

Chicago is the second largest city in the United States. It was built on the shore of the Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes, and is a busy inland port. Chicago is the centre of the meat packing industry. The city is famous for its stores, the Art Institute, and museums. Built on the side of an Indian village, Chicago has grown to a large port and a railroad centre. It is a gigantic industrial and economic centre.

San Francisco, on the Pacific Coast in California, is considered to be the most beautiful city in the United States. It has a fine natural harbour, it carries on the trade with other countries. The city is built on hills and it faces the famous Golden Gate Park, which is a beautiful man-made area in the north and San Francisco Bay in the east. Today much of San Francisco is a 20th-century city, the charm of early California can be felt in its narrow winding streets.

New Orleans is in Louisiana, at the mouth of the great Mississippi River. Los Angeles in south-western California is famous for Hollywood, where

both movie and TV shows are produced, and its world-famous Disneyland and the nearby suburb (Anaheim). Disneyland is a huge amusement park which delights both adults and children.

Philadelphia is a unique blend of historical and modern America. The colonial city where the American nation was born in 1776 is today a centre of culture, education, science as well as business and industry.

Boston is the capital of Massachusetts and the largest city in New England. It is located on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean 180 miles (290 km) north-east of


New York City. The Boston metropolitan area has a large population of which there is a large student component, including an international student population.

II. Ответьте на вопросы

1.Where was Chicago built?

2.What is Chicago famous for?

3.Where is San Francisco situated?

4.Is New Orleans in Louisiana?

5.Is Boston the city of students?

III. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

1.We must read much to understand English well.

2.She worked hard in order not to be behind the others.

3.He did everything to achieve his aim.

4.He knew the subject well enough to answer all questions.

5.She suppose the students to have read all the novels written by great writers.

6.We should like these sentences to be translated into Russian before the text is read.

7.The students wanted some of new expressions in the text to be explained by the teacher.

8.It is necessary for us to consider this question at our next meeting.

9.It was unnecessary for the students to repeat the experiment.


IV. Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

either ... or neither ... nor both ... and (the) both

They will go neither to the library nor to the cinema. I will go neither by tram, nor by bus.

I know neither Peter nor Mary.

She speaks neither English nor German.

You may go either to the Institute or to the library. Either Peter or Mary will do it.

He will translate either the text or the article. Both friends went to the movie.

Both Peter and Mary don’t know the lesson. It was both cold and wet.

She liked the both sisters.


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