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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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double room - двойной номер

to pay in cash - платить наличными

to pay by credit card - платить по кредитной карточке to fill in - заполнять

registration form - регистрационная форма the bill - счет

rooms are engaged - номера заняты

Вопросы для самоконтроля

Независимый причастный оборот

(The Absolute Participle Construction)

1.Что включаетв себя независимый причастный оборот?

2.Какую роль выполняет существительное или местоимение в этом обороте? Вкаком падеже они употребляются?

3.Какую роль в этом обороте выполняетпричастие?

4.Отделяется ли независимый причастный оборот от главного предложения запятой?

5.Каким придаточным предложением переводится независимый причастный оборот, если он употребляется в начале предложения?

6.Какими союзами в русском предложении вводится такое предложение?

7.Каким предложением переводится независимый причастный оборот, ес-

ли он стоитпосле главного предложения?

8.Какими союзами соединяется такое предложение с главным предложением?

9.Переведите на русский язык:

а) We went to the cinema yesterday, the film being very interesting. б) The film being very interesting, we went to the cinema yesterday.


Обратите внимание на разницу в переводе предложений.


Укажите номера предложений, где используется независимый причастный оборот.

1. Being ill I couldn’t go to the concert. 2. My mother being ill, I couldn’t go to the concert. 3. Having finished my work I went home. 4. The work being over, I went home. 5. Helping my friend with English I used records. 6. My friend helping me with mathematics, I help him with English.


2, 4, 6.

Контрольная работа

(Control Work)

I. Переведите текст с помощью словаря.

Dear guests! If you want to visit Russia, you need (must obtain) a visa for your entry and stay in the country. The inhabitants of our country are not only very hospitable, but it is also their desire to maintain good relations and friendship with the people of all nations.

“Everything for our guests” is therefore the motto of “Intourist” and other firms offering you all the opportunities for your pleasant stay in the country. Such cities as Moscow, St.Petersburg, which are sung about in many songs are special centres of attraction for art and theatre enthusiasts.


World-famous art treasures in museums, theatres, world - famous parks and palaces, cathedrals and churches, trips by bus or boat into the attractive surroundings are worth seeing.

You can book the trip at a travel agency. You will be offered city tours and sightseeing, trips to the most beautiful regions of the country, visits to old and new cultural or memorial places, tickets for theatres, concerts and other events and many other things - according to your wishes. Hotels offer modern (up-to- date) furnished rooms and apartments, radio and telephone in every room, television on request, every room with a bath or shower. Hotel restaurants with international cuisine, conference and banquet rooms, postal service and travel agency, parking lot and garages (hair-dressing and cosmetic saloons), dance bars, ets.

Perhaps you will say: “I like it, I shall take such a trip” and we say to you “a cordial welcome to our country!”

II. Найдите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Having read the book I returned it to my friend. 2. Being very busy he couldn’t come. 3. The weather being line, the children played outdoors. 4. The work having been done, he went home. 5. Entering the room he saw the boys sitting at the table. 6. The text translated by us yesterday was very difficult. 7. Professor Petrov being very busy, I couldn’t see him. 8. Being well written the article was short and clear. 9. The article being well written, Pete read it with pleasure.


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