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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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Lesson Five (5)


The Fifth (5th) Lesson




§ 6. Независимый причастный обо-




(The Absolute Participle Construction).


Does Travel Broaden the Mind?


1. At the Customs House.


2. At a Hotel.


Словарь урока (Vocabulary).


Вопросы для самоконтроля.




Контрольная работа.




§ 6. Независимый причастный оборот

(The Absolute Participle Construction)

Независимый причастный оборотэто:

Существительное в общем падеже

+ Participle I



местоимение в именительном падеже


Существительное или местоимение выполняетроль подлежащего по отношению к причастию, которое выполняетроль сказуемого.


Независимый причастный оборот всегда отделяется от главного предложения запятой и на русский язык переводится:


В начале предложения -

обстоятельственным придаточным предложением с союзами: “так как”, “после того как”, “когда”, “если” и др. (союз подбирается по смыслу).

My sister studying in the evenings, I seldom see her.

Так как моя сестра учится по вечерам, я ее вижу редко


В конце предложения -

самостоятельным предложением с союзами: “а”, “но”, “и”, “причем”.

They went to the theatre yesterday, the performance being very interesting.

Они вчера пошли в театр, при-

чем спектакль был очень инте-


Grammar exercises

I. Выпишите в две колонки предложения, содержащие независимый причастный оборот в зависимости от его местоположения, и переведите их на русский язык.

1. My friend translating an article, I helped her to find some words in the dictionary. 2. The lessons being over, many students went to play valley-ball. 3. All the work having been done, we could have a rest. 4. The text-book has many illustrations, some of them being the pictures of famous English painters. 5. The students having made many mistakes in their translation, the teacher put bad marks. 6. The weather being fine, we shall go to the country tomorrow. 7. All the students passed their winter exams, Nick and Mike being the best. 8. The


night being very cold, we wore coats and hats. 9. The meeting being over, the concert began. 10. They went to the cinema yesterday, the film being very good. 11. The film being very good, they went to the cinema.

II. Соедините два предложения в одно, используя независимый причастный оборот, и переведите их на русский язык.

Образец: The lesson is over. We shall go to play football. The lesson being over, we shall go to play football.

Когда закончится урок, мы поедем играть в футбол.

1. Nick was ill. We didn’t see him at the University last time. 2. Last summer we visited Paris. Louvre made a great impression on us. 3. The goods were unloaded. The ship was ready to return back to the country. 4. Americans like to travel by car. The roads are fine there. 5. The text is very difficult. He couldn’t translate it without a dictionary. 6. It was very late. We had to return home. 7. I arrived at the station. My parents were waiting for me.

III.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.There being dark in the room, he couldn’t find his bag. 2. The work having been finished, the scientists realised how they were tired. 2. We have three les-

sons a day, each lesson lasting an hour and a half. 4. The experiments having been carried out, we could compare some results. 5. Many people like to watch TV programs in the evening, some shows being uninteresting and it is waste of time to see them. 6. I like to read English books in the original, my favourite writer being Theodor Dreiser. 7. People are fond of travelling, some of them making it their profession.


Предтекстовые упражнения

(The exercises to be done before reading the text)

IV. Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова. Проверьте выделенные слова по словарю.

Start, adapt, tolerant, actual, contact, marmalade, jam, idea, stop.

V. Прочтите новые слова и переведите предложения.

to travel - путешествовать. Do you like to travel? (travelling) Travelling is his hobby.

mind - ум, кругозор. Travelling broadens the mind.

to mind - возражать. Do you mind my opening the window?

never mind - неважно (не имеетзначения). When he was asked about the cost of the ticket, he said “Never mind”.

custom - привычка (обычай). Their customs are very unusual.

to be accustomed (to) - быть привыкшим (привыкнуть к чему-либо). He was so accustomed to his old things that he didn’t want to throw them off (избав-


customs - таможня. Have you gone through the customs? customer - посетитель, клиент. The customer is always right.

to happen - случаться. What happened? It so happened that first I saw the play before reading the book.

a trip - поездка.

to go for a trip - отправляться в поездку. Will you go to France for a business trip?

to decide (to make up one’s mind) - решать. What have you decided to do with this house? I made up my mind to sell it.


to insist on (upon) - настаивать (на чем-либо). He insisted on returning home because it began raining.

to mean - значить. What does it mean? It means that I don’t agree with you. means - средства. In studying English all means were good.

by no means - ни в коем случае. By no means allow children to play with mathes. (Обратите внимание - в английском предложении употребляется одно отрицание)

VI. Найдите синонимы (слова, имеющие одинаковое значение) изапишите их в пары.

1. the start, 2. many, 3. all, 4. the beginning, 5. the whole, 6. much, 7. to decide, 8. to return, 9. of course, 10. to make up one’s mind, 11. to come back, 12. sure, 13. a lot, 14. to expect, 15. to wait for, 16. kind, 17. type.

VII. Переведите пары слов, обратите внимание на разницу между ними.

to see - to look to hear - to listen to ask - to answer

always - never often-seldom before - after

VIII. Переведите на русский язык.

broad ____________

to broaden _______

a judge ___________

to judge __________

trouble ___________

to trouble ________

a place __________

to place __________

travel ___________

to travel _________

a stop ___________

to stop __________

contact __________

to contact ________



IX. Образуйте от прилагательных наречия и переведите их.

Образец : exact - точный exactly - точно usual - обычный _________

entire - полный _________

obvious - очевидный _________

common - обычный __________

X. Напишите II и III формы глаголов и дайте их перевод.


Past Indefinite

Participle II

to teach;



to bring;



to think;



to fight;



to hear



to see



to eat



XI. Переведитепредложения нарусский язык. Обратитевниманиена выделенные слова.

1. I bought one book. 2. One must remember that to know a foreign language one must work hard. 3. Give me, please, another pen, I can’t write with this one. 4. What is the trouble? 5. Don’t trouble him. 6. The trouble is he doesn’t know English. 7. Does travel broaden the mind? 8. He made up his mind to travel. 9. The cup is broken. Never mind!


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