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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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Text 2

Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык.

The post-office

Every town has a post-office. It sends your letters and postal cards to all parts of the world. The cost of sending a letter is not very high.

If a letter is heavy, you must have it weighed at the post-office. The clerk will tell you how much it will cost. You must buy stamps to put on the letter before mailing it. After you drop your letter into the letter-box, a letter-carrier will take it away to the post-office and from there it is sent to the person addressed.

Sometimes you want to be sure that your letter was received. You must take it to the post-office and have it registered.

Packages and parcels may be sent by the parcel post. Before sending a package, take it to the post-office, have it weighed, and place the right amount of stamps on the package.

It is not safe to send money in a letter. A better way is to send money by postal money-order.

Переведите текст с помощью словаря.

At the post-office, either on the outside wall or inside the building, you will see letter-box openings into which you drop your letters. You will also see red pillar-boxes for the same purpose. In London the openings are often marked LONDON AND ABROAD and COUNTRY. Country here means all places in Great Britain except London; it includes large towns such as Glasgow and Manchester.

Inside a large post-office you will see, over the long counters, notices telling you what kind of business is done below them: POSTAGE STAMPS, PARCELS, TELEGRAMS, PENSIONS, INSURANCE STAMPS, WIRELESS, LICENCES. T he post-office does a wide variety of business. You must have a li-


cence for your wireless set and for your car. You can pay for it at the post-office. Old Age Pensions and Family Allowances, and various sorts of National Insurance benefits are paid out there.

VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Has every town a post-office? 2. What can you send at the post-office? 3. What must you do before mailing a letter? 4. How may packages and parcels be sent? 5. What is a better way to send money?

Послетекстовые упражнения

(The exercises to be done after reading the text)

VII. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов и переведите их.

to stamp


to drop


to address


to print


to place


to pay


to name


VIII. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

1. The cost ... sending a letter is not very high. 2. After you drop a letter ...

the letter-box, first it will be sent ... the post-office, registered and then received

... a person addressed. 3. The name ... the city should be written in full. 4. The


misunderstanding -
непонимание, неправильное понимание

stamp should be placed ... the corner ... the envelope. 5. The address may be written ... the back side ... the envelope. 6. ... the post-office you can see letterboxes ... which you can drop your letter.

IX. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующих слов исловосочетаний.

конверт, марка, почтовая открытка, письмо, заказное письмо, бандероль, посылка, почтовый ящик, почтовое отделение, отправить по почте, электронная почта, опускать письмо в почтовый ящик, взвесить посылку, посылать денежный перевод.

X. Выберите правильный вариант местоимений и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I wrote (he, him) a letter and he answered (I, me). 2. We know (they, them) very well, and they know (we, us). 3.They invited (her, she) and she invited (they, them). 4. He told (I, me) about the parcel, but I didn’t listen to (he, him). 5. We thought about (they, them) but they didn’t think about (we, us).

XI. Образуйте новые слова, используя суффикс - mis (означающий недостаток, неправильность) и переведите их на русский язык.

Образец: understanding -


1. trust -


2. direction -


3. fortune -


Dear Sir—My dear Sir Dear Mr—My dear Mr
Dear Madam—My dear Madam Dear Miss—My dear Miss Dear Mrs— My dear Mrs
Dear George—My dear George—My dear friend George
Yours truly, Very truly yours,
Yours respectfully, Yours sincerely, Your friend

4. to place -


положить на место


5. print -


печатный знак


6. behave -


вести себя


XII. Выучите выражения и используйте их при написании письма.

To a man: Mr. James Smith

To an unmarried lady: Miss Mary White.

To a married lady: Mrs. Mary Green or Mrs. John Green (The lady is married to John Green)

To a boy: Master Fred Green To a physician: Dr. Henry Green

You begin your letter:

To a man:

To a woman:

To a friend:

You close your letter:

XIII. Напишите письмо на английском языке. Сообщите о своих успехах, времяпровождении. Соблюдайте форму обращения и завершите письмо. Подпишите конверт на английском языке по образцам, данным в этом уроке.

XIV. Напишите поздравление другу (подруге) послучаю дня рождения (Нового года).

XV. Напишите (скажите) поанглийски.

1.Я покупаю марки, открытки и конверты на почте.

2.Вчера я послала посылку и заказное письмо своей матери.

3.Я написала письмо, вложила его в конверт, наклеила марку и опустила письмо в почтовый ящик на почте.

4.Внастоящее время многие люди пользуются электронной почтой.

5.Я люблю получать письма, но не люблю их писать.

XVI. Прочтите и постарайтесь запомнить слова и фразы.

telephone - телефон

dial telephone - дисковый телефон

press-button telephone - кнопочный телефон. May I use your telephone?

Можно позвонить по вашему телефону? Are you on the phone? У вас есть телефон?

call - телефонный звонок. There is a call for you. Вам звонят. receiver - телефонная трубка

to dial - набирать номер

the line is free - номер не занят the line is engaged - номер занят

speaking - слушаю (говорите). Who is calling? Кто звонит? Hold on the line! Не вешайте трубку!

What is your number? Какой ваш номер? 128

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