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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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Grammar exercises

I. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени по правилу согласования времен и переведите их на русский язык.

1. He said that he (to work) at school as a teacher of English. 2. He said that he (to work) at the University 5 years before. 3. He said that he (to work) at school the following year. 4. The doctor told the patient that he (to come) on Monday. 5. I knew that she (to go) to Great Britain 2 weeks before. 6. I knew she (to study) the management the following year. 7. We realized that the train (to arrive) at the station on time. 8. The teacher told the students that they (to take exams) at the end of the term. 9. The teacher told the students that all of them (to pass) their exams.

II. Переведите прямую речь в косвенную, сделав все соответствующие изменения, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. She said, “Give me some water, please”. 2. He asked her, “Where do you live?” 3. She answered, “I married 5 years ago”. 4. My sister asked John, “Do you understand Russian?” 5. The doctor told the patient, “Take this medicine 3 times a day! And you will recover.” 6. He ordered us, “Leave her alone!” (Оставьте ее в покое!). 7. The professor asked us, “Don’t touch any devices!”. 8. My brother said to me, “I have finished my work.” 9. I asked him, “Where do you live?” 10. I asked him, “Where did you live last year?” 11. She asked them, “Are you students of the University?” 12. They answered, “Yes, we are students of the University.” 13. He said, “My friend lived near the metro station”. 14. He was told, “Nick got good results in his experiments.” 15. My friend asked me, “Will you allow me to come to you next week?”


III. Переведитепредложения наанглийский язык, расположивихвдве колонки, в зависимости от времени сказуемого главного предложения.

1. Она говорит, что может читать английские книги без словаря. 2. Она сказала, что может читать английские книги без словаря. 3. Он знает, что мы идем в театр. 4. Он знал, что мы пойдем в театр. 5. Он знает, что мы ходили в театр. 6. Он знал, что мы ходили в театр. 7. Он уверен (to be sure), что мы пойдем в театр. 8. Он был уверен, что мы пойдем в театр. 9. Я уверена, что видела ее вчера. 10. Я была уверена, что видела еенакануне. 11. Я надеюсь, что увижу ее завтра. 12. Я надеялась, что увижу ее в институте. 13. Я была уверена, что знаю ее.

IV Раскройте скобки и выберите сказуемое в соответствующей форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. His father asked him why he (did not go, had not gone, would not go) to the lecture the day before. 2. I was sure that we (shall go, should go, go) to the country the following summer. 3. He demanded (not to open, didn’t open) the window, as it was very cold. 4. We asked him where he (was, were, had been, would be) the following week. 5. We asked him where he (was, were, had been, would be) the day before. 6. She asked me what the matter (was, had been, is) but I did not know what to answer. 7. I was asked why I (choose, had chosen, would choose) distant education. 8. I answered that I (chose, had chosen) distant education because I had to earn my living. 9. The master asked the worker why he (was late, had been late) that day. 10. The master asked the worker why he (was late, had been late) the day before. 11. I hoped that he (had met, met, would meet) me at the station.


Предтекстовые упражнения

(The exercises to be done before reading the text)

V. Прочитайте слова и переведите предложения на русский язык. envelope - конверт. Write down the address on the envelope as shown in

the picture.

stamp - марка (почтовая).

to stamp - наклеивать марку. The stamp must be placed in the upper righthand corner of the envelope.

in full - полностью. The state must be spelled in full.

abbreviation - сокращение. You may write such words as streets, avenue in abbreviation.

back side of the envelope - обратная сторона конверта. On the back side of the envelope they usually place the post-mark.

post(al) card - почтовая открытка. You should send a postal card to your parents, if you can’t write a letter.

to mail - отправлять по почте.

E-mail - электронная почта. Now you can use E-mail.

registered letter - заказное письмо. Would you like to send a registered letter?

package - бандероль. It is not good to send documents in a package, it is better to send them in a registered letter.

parcel - посылка. Before sending a parcel it must be weighed.

pillar-box (letter-box) - почтовый ящик. Where is the nearest pillar-box? beside - рядом. Who is the man sitting beside Ann?

besides - кроме того. We study English and besides we have classes in German.

fiction - художественная литература. I like to read scientific journals, my brother preferring fiction.

should - должен, следовало бы. You should do this work on time. They should have posted the letter the day before, but they did not know his address.


Text 1

Sending a Letter

Do you know how to write and to send a letter to England? On the envelope you should write the address in the following order:

1. name, 2. number of flat, 3. number of house, 4. street 5 city, 6. country.

The person who sends the letter writes his address on the back of the envelope. You buy stamps at a post-office.


This is an English pillar-box.

It is usually painted red.

Would you be so kind as to put my letter into the box?

A letter

Dear Kate,

I am happy to write you that now I am a first-year student of the University. I passed all the entrance exams successfully and now attend evening classes and work in the day-time. The first term began on the 1st of September and will last till January. In January we shall have exams in mathematics and chemistry and some tests. This term classes are normally held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Our University provides favourable conditions for practical work. You know my interest in chemistry and so courses in organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry including considerable experimentation with the use of many modern instruments promise me a lot.

We study English but besides we have optional classes in German and French at elementary and advanced levels. As I am interested in technical translation from English into Russian I attend a course of technical translation.

Our library contains a lot of volumes on different subjects and includes fiction. The laboratory of foreign languages has tape-recorders and a TV set, we spend a lot of time there working at our texts and exercises. Full-time students of the University organized an English students' club, and we are invited to its first meeting.

Every subject is new and interesting, so we attend all lectures and practical studies and have no wish to miss an hour. Would you be so kind as to write me regularly.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes! Tanya


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