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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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What is your extension? Какой ваш добавочный номер?

I’m putting you through. Я вас соединяю.

Can you put me through to Mr. Petrov, please? Соедините меня с Пет-

ровым, пожалуйста.

Ivanov is out. Иванова нет.

Could you leave him a message? Не могли бы вы передать ему запис-


I’ll call him back later. Я ему перезвоню позже.

You have got the wrong number. Вы не туда попали. Вы набрали не тотномер.

Oh, sorry to have troubled you. Извините за беспокойство. Thank you for your calling. Спасибо, что позвонили.

Dialogue 1

At the post-office

Miss: (On the telephone) Yes . . . one moment, hold on, please!— Mr. Johnson, Liverpool's on the line.—Box number 4, please!— Well, gentlemen, you are lucky you haven't come during the rush hour when you would have to queue up here. But now I have enough time for you. What would you like?

Winter: Well, miss, there's a letter . . .

M.: Look, the postman is collecting the letters from the pillar-box. Why don't you hand your letter to the postman, sir?

Simon: You see, my friend intends to have his letter registered.

M.: Ah, a registered letter. That's different.—Oh, you've forgotten to print the name and address of the sender on the back of the envelope, sir.

W.: Shall I also write the post-box number below the address of the recipient?

M.: The P.O. Box number? Well, you may.—The counter for poste re129

stante letters is over there, next to the parcel counter, if you are expecting something.

S.: No, miss, we aren't expecting anything. But we want to send this packet to Glasgow. Please make it c.o.d.*

M.: We'll send it c.o.d. to Glasgow.

S.: Now I'd like some stamps and some postcards.

M.: But I can only sell you ordinary postcards, not picture postcards. W.: Ordinary postcards will do.

M.: By the way, are you a stamp-collector, a philatelist sir? Do you want to buy special stamps or first-day covers?

S.: No, miss. I don't need special stamps or first-day covers. W.: We need the stamps for postage only.

M.: Then I'll give you a stamp book; it contains a variety of stamps. W.: Yes, please, give us two stamp books and ten postcards.

M.: Here you are—two stamp books and ten postcards.

*c.o.d. - cash on delivery - наложенным платежом.

Прослушайте диалог еще раз и разыграйте его в лицах.

Прослушайте диалог.

Dialogue 2

Telephone is ringing

Helen: 465-33-89. Hello!

Steeve: Hello! Can I speak to Mr. Blake, please?

H.: Who is calling?

S.: Steeve Coldman.

H.: Excuse me. I didn’t catch you. Spell your name, please.

S.: S-t-ee-v-e.


H.: Hold on the line! I’ll look for him. (After a minute). Sorry, he is out. He is at the conference. He may be in later. Could you leave him a message?

S.: No, thanks. I’ll call him later. Just tell him Steeve called. And sorry to have troubled you.

H.: No trouble at all. Bye. S.: Thanks, bye.

XVII. Прослушайте диалог еще раз и, прослушивая, запишите, кто звонил, по какому номеру (куда звонил), где был мистер Блейк.

XVIII. Выучите диалог наизусть, разыгрывая ту или иную роль.

Cловарь урока


post-office - почта letter - письмо envelope - конверт

registered letter - заказное письмо post(al) card - почтовая открытка package - бандероль

parcel - посылка stamp - марка

money order - перевод денег по почте to weigh - взвешивать

address - адрес

to post - посылать по почте


letter (pillar) box - почтовый ящик to cost (cost, cost) - стоить

to send by parcel post - посылать посылкой to mail - отправлять почтой

E-mail - электронная почта air-mail - авиапочта

to drop - опускать (в почтовый ящик) a telephone - телефон

dial or press - button telephone - дисковый или кнопочный телефон call - телефонный звонок

receiver - телефонная трубка to dial - набирать номер

to put through - соединять to be free - быть свободным to be engaged - быть занятым

to be on the phone - иметь телефон to be in - быть в помещении

to be out - отсутствовать

to leave a message - оставить (передать) записку to call back - перезвонить

to have got the wrong number - набрать не тот номер (не туда попасть)

Вопросы для самоконтроля

Согласование времен

(Sequence of Tenses)

Прямая и косвенная речь

1. Когда действуетправило согласования времен?


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