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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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4.Вы встретились с другом и беседуете о своем поступлении в институт и об институте.

Словарь урока


distance (open) education - заочное обучение to apply - применять

application - применение

higher education - высшее образование to carry out - проводить (выполнять) to like - нравиться

to clear out - выяснять age - возраст

at the age of - в возрасте quality - качество quantity - количество qualify - квалифицировать

qualification - квалификация qualified - квалифицированный




to solve - разрешать (проблему) to discuss - обсуждать (вопрос) solution - решение

obstacle - препятствие

advanced - усовершенствованный, передовой mass media - средства массовой информации dispute - диспут

disputable - спорный


indisputable - бесспорный to print - печатать

printed material - печатный материал team - команда

staff - штат(состав)

teaching staff - штатпреподавателей (учительский состав) miracle - чудо

to provide - обеспечивать provided - при условии

favorable conditions - благоприятные условия unfavorable conditions - неблагоприятные условия full-time student - студент(ка) дневного отделения part-time student - студент(ка) вечернего отделения Be careful - Будь осторожна

to improve - улучшать

to monitor - контролировать, проверять to check on - следить за

to pay fees - платить (за обучение)

Вопросы для самоконтроля


(The Infinitive)

1.Как переводится на русский язык "Infinitive"?

2.Какая форма глагола в русском языке соответствуетанглийской форме глагола "Infinitive"?

3.Какой частицей характеризуется Infinitive?

4.Какие формы имеетInfinitive?

5.Какие функции в предложении выполняетInfinitive?


6. Приведите примеры, в которых Infinitive выполняетфункцию а) подлежащего; б) дополнения;

в) обстоятельства цели; г) определения.


Переведите на русский язык.

1.He is glad to help you.(помочь, помог)

2.He is glad to have helped you. (помочь, помог)

3.Ann wants to send (послать, чтобы ее послали) her son to London.

4.Ann wants to be sent (послать, чтобы ее послали) to London.

5.He wants to go there. (пойти, пошел)

6.He wants to be sent there. (послать, чтобы его послали)

7.The problem was to get (получить, получил) new results.

8.The best way to master the language is to read much. (читать, прочел)

9.He was to get (добраться, добрался) to the station in time.

10. He began to read (читать, читал) the story in the original. 11. He wanted to read (читать, прочитал) the story.

12. They decided to go (пойти, пошли) to the movie.

13. The road to connect (соединять, которая соединит) these two towns will be build.


1 - помочь; 2 - помог; 3 - послать; 4 - чтобы ее послали; 5 - пойти; 6 - чтобы его послали; 7 - получить; 8 - читать; 9 - добраться; 10 - читать; 11 - читать; 12 - пойти; 13 - которая соединит.


Контрольная работа

(Control work)

I. Переведите текст на русский язык, используя словарь.

A United System of Distance Education in Russia.

The federal program for a united System of Distance Education (SDE) in Russia has been under development since 1995. SDE provides the part-time and correspondence (existing since 1927) tuition and the integration of various educational structures and the development of a truly democratic system of continuous education for Russia's population that covers the entire territory of the country. This system is a system of education for everyone at any age.

According to the Federal Bureau of employment 2 million specialists need to be retrained in Russia annually.

They have many reasons to change their job profile. The major users of the system of Distance Education can be Russian-speaking people abroad and those for whom the Russian language is the second one. In contrast to the traditional systems Distance Education allows each student to have an individual scheme of education.

After studies at educational institutions of DE, students get diplomas approved and recognized by the state.

The united System of Distance Education in Russia is created as an open system. Russia presents its industrial, technical and educational potential to the world community and invites all countries to equal-right cooperation, one of the most interesting results of which will be the accumulation of mankind's knowledge.


II.Переведите на русский язык.

1.To master English we must work hard.

2.We must work hard to master English.

3.He has come to see you.

4.He is too tired to continue the work.

5.The students to take part in the conference have come.

6.The article to be discussed tomorrow is written by our professor.

7.He brought the article to be translated into English.

8.This is a dress to be found in any shop now.

9.He is always the first to answer at the examination.

10.Our question will be the first to be discussed at the conference. Don't be late.

III. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What tuition does the System of Distance Education provide in Russia?

2.What does the distance education allow each student in contrast to the traditional system?

3.What are the advantages of this education?

4.What University do you study at?

5.Does the University provide you with books and necessary programs?

6.What subjects do you study at the University?

7.Do you attend all lectures and seminars?

8.When do your classes begin?

9.When are the classes over?

10.What subjects do you like?

11.Who delivers lectures?

12.Do you pay fees for your education? (Is your education free of charge?)

13.What will you become after graduating from the University?


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