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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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VII. Найдите слова, противоположные по значению.

1. tropical, 2. cold, 3. heat, 4. increase, 5. decrease, 6. arctic, 7. slavery, 8. freedom, 9. to end, 10. to begin.

VIII. Найдите слова, одинаковые по значению.

1. to found, 2. to solve, 3. frequent, 4. to consider, 5. to decide, 6. to establish, 7. often, 8. to regard.


The United States of America

The United States of America is known to have been founded on July 4th, 1776, when thirteen English colonies, which had been established during the previous century and a half, decided that they could no longer regard themselves as subjects to the British Crown.

When George III, King of England and his Government in London ordered the colonists to pay heavy taxes on tea and paper, they revolted and declared themselves independent. The War of Independence is known to have ended in favour of the colonists. Since 1783 the USA has steadily increased its power, and the original thirteen states have now grown to fifty. The development of the United States of America is considered to be interrupted by the Civil War between the Northern and Southern States in the 1860’s. The struggle of the American colonies for political and economic freedom from Great Britain activated the anti-slavery movement. Slave revolts were frequent. Slavery became a shame to the American nation.


The problem was not solved even in Congress and the Civil War between the North and the South broke out.

This war is known to be won by the Northerners (or “Yankee”, as they were called) in 1865, and since that time the country has become more and more important.

The USA is a federation of 50 states which was established by the Constitution in 1787. Each state has its own government and its own capital city. The federal government is headed by the President and the Congress consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Washington is the capital of the USA. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia.

America lies in the central part of the North American Continent with the Atlantic Ocean to the East, the Pacific Ocean to the West, Canada to the North, and Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the South.

The United States covers an area of 3,022,387 square miles and includes fifty states and the District of Columbia, the seat of the national government.

The climate of the USA is various. One can find high mountains and prairies, tropical heat and arctic cold, valleys and deserts because the nation occupies nearly half of the continent. There are industries of every kind. The country is rich in mineral resources. America is a

country of roads and cars and is a nation on wheels.


Послетекстовые упражнения

(The exercises to be done after reading the text)

IX. Найдите в тексте и выпишите эквивалентные словосочетания:

1)они решили, что не могут больше считать себя субъектами Британской Короны;

2)приказал им платить огромные (непомерные) налоги на чай и бума-


3)они взбунтовались и провозгласили независимость (себя независи-


4)закончилась в пользу колонистов;

5)тринадцать штатов выросли до пятидесяти;

6)федеральное правительство возглавляется Президентом и Конгрес-


7)всевозможные отрасли промышленности;

8)страна дорог и автомобилей.

X. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащиеComplex Subject и переведите их на русский язык.

XI. Переведите текст.

Independence Day

Independence Day is one of the chief holidays of the United States. It was adopted in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. On that day thirteen colonies sent their delegates to the Congress and the document was approved and signed by the delegates and the president of the Congress.


This document is known as the Declaration of Independence and declared the establishment of the USA. Since then the Fourth of July is always celebrated by the Americans as the anniversary of national independence.

Fireworks, sporting events in honour of the day became parts of the celebrations in most cities of the USA. But state laws prohibit many types of fireworks because the state government is afraid of fires especially in Houston, the hottest city of America.

XII. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.When was the USA founded?

2.How many colonies declared themselves independent?

3.How many states has the USA now?

4.When did the Civil War between the Northern and Southern States take


5.Who won the war?

6.Is the USA a federation?

7.By whom is the federal government headed?

8.What does the Congress consist of?

9.What is the climate of the USA?

10.What city is the capital of the United States of America?

11.What date is considered as Independence Day?

12.How do Americans celebrate their Independence Day?

XIII. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык (проверьте себя по ключу)

1.СШАбыли основаны 4 июля 1776 года.

2.Тринадцать колоний провозгласили себя независимыми.


3.В 1860-х годах между северными и южными штатами была гражданская война.

4.Гражданскую войну выиграли Северные штаты.

5.Сейчас Америка представляетсобой федерацию 50 штатов.

6.Федеральное правительство возглавляется Президентом и Конгрес-


7.Конгресс включаетв себя Сенати Палату Представителей.

8.День Независимости отмечается 4 июля.

9.Столица СШАВашингтон.


1.The United States of America was founded on July 4th, 1776.

2.Thirteen colonies declared themselves independent.

3.In the 1860s the Civil War between the northern and Southern states

took place.

4.The Civil War was won be the Northerners.

5.At present the USA is a federation of 50 states.

6.The federal government is headed by the President and the Congress.

7.The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

8.Independence Day is celebrated on July 4.

9.The capital of the USA is Washington.


Dialogue 1

Прослушайте диалог, а затем разыграйте попеременно ту или иную роль.


Hi, Alex. I haven't seen you for ages! Where did you rest in summer?


Glad to see you Ann. I've been to America!


Really? Such a good chance! (Какой прекрасный случай, возмож-




Sure. I was sent with a delegation just on the eve (накануне) of their


Independence Day.


Sorry, and what date is considered as Independence Day in America?


They celebrate it on the 4-th of July.


How do they celebrate the day?


Oh! Fireworks, sporting events in honor of the day take place in most


cities of America.


And what city have you visited?


I have visited New-York, Washington and Houston. I have some pho-


tos with me.


Can you show them to me and can you tell me about America in de-




Why not! Come to my place on Saturday. Some of our classmates


asked me to tell them about America.


Thanks a lot. I'll come.


See you later.




Dialogue 2

Прослушайте диалог и расскажите на английском языке, что Вы поняли.


What do you know about the United states of America?


I know that it is the country of roads and cars.


Do you know when the USA was founded?


Yes, I do. I know that the USA was founded on July 4, 1776.


You are quite right. But how many states were there?


There were 13 states then. Now there are 50 states. That is why (вот


почему) the American flag has 13 strips (полос) and 50 stars (звезд).

Teacher: That is very interesting. Do you know any holidays that Americans celebrate?

Student: Sure. They celebrate their Independence Day on the 4-th of July, then they celebrate Memorial Day - May 27-th, and May 12-th is Mother's Day, and of course Christmas.

Teacher: Oh, you know quite a lot about America. How did you know about it? Student: I've read it in newspapers and some facts I know because I was in America last summer. I'm interested in history of America.

Teacher: That’s good. Next time I'll ask you to tell us about Mother's Day.

XIV. Ответьте на вопросы.

1)What do you say on the New Year's Day?

2)What do you wish your friends and relatives on Christmas?

3)How do you congratulate on one's birthday?

(Many happy returns of the day. Merry Christmas! A happy New Year!

XY. Прочтите о праздникахвСША. Скажите(нарусском языке), какие праздничные дни отмечают американцы.


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