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Английский язык. Книга 3 - Парахина А.В., Шляхова В.А..pdf
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Lesson Eight (8)

The Eighth (8th) Lesson


Лексико-грамматические упражнения

на пройденный материал

Переведите c английского на русский язык упражнения, обращая внимание на грамматические явления, указанные в начале каждого упражнения.

I. Глагол “to have”.

1. He has a brother. 2. He had translated the text by Monday. 3. He had to translate the text by Monday. 4. He had dinner at home. 5. Did you have a good rest last Sunday? 6. When do you usually have your supper? 7. Have you had breakfast? 8. You have to do it just now. 9. Have you bought the book? 10. Have you this book at home? 11. He has never seen how bananas grow. 12. They have a good idea to go to the country tomorrow. 13. A new ring-road has been built round the city. 14. The workers had built a new road round the city by the winter. 15. The date of the discussions has been changed. 16. They have already changed the date of their meeting. 17. Nick had no car of his own and he had to go to the country by train. 18. Have you heard the latest news? 19. They had not been invited to the party. Why have they come? 20. The boy had to clean the classroom because he was on duty that day. 21. I’ll have to go to the library because I have no books on the subject. 22. He has his hair cut.


23. We have this apparatus repaired. 24. Have you finished reading the novel?

25.I had free time so I decided to visit the Tretiakov Gallery.

II. Функции глагола “to be”.

1.He was at home yesterday. 2. One of my friends is a pilot. 3. Who is standing at the window? 4. What are you thinking about? 5. I am very tired. 6. Where were you yesterday? 7. I don’t know whose book is on table. 8. There were some women in the room. 9. What he said is of great interest to me. 10. I know that he is to be present at the lecture. 11. It is interesting to study new subjects. 12. Is it cold today? Yes, it is. 13. It is winter. It is 5 o’clock, but it is dark. 14. Is he in? No, he is out. 15. It was in the Crimea that I met him. 16. What is it? It is the article that you asked me to translate. Is it easy? No, it is difficult, but it is interesting. 17. The first text I was to translate was very difficult. 18. What are you doing? I am translating? 18. It was I o’clock, the children were sleeping. 19. The children will be sleeping at 10 o’clock. 20. To be or not to be, that is the question. 21. The text to be read is about M. Twain. 22. Was he at the lecture yesterday? Yes, he was. 23. This detective story was

translated into Russian. 24. New houses were built in the village. 25. He was spoken about a lot. 26. He was to speak at the meeting.

III. Функции глагола “to do”.

1. He can do everything. 2. He does everything in time. 3. I don’t know his address, but Ann does. 4. He reads better than I do. 5. He translated better than I did. 6. He didn’t come to the Institute yesterday. 7. I don’t understand you. 8. Do you speak English? Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) 9. Does he know chemistry? Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t.) 10. Where does he live? I don’t know.


IV. Пользуйтесь “правилом ряда слов” (существительное в функции определения).

1. He liked to swim in summer water. 2. I know a man who swims in an ice water and doesn’t catch cold. 3. She made a ten-minute person-to person call to New-York. 4. He bought a brick house. 5. He rented a flat in a five-story building. 6. He spent his five week leave in the country, and took a two-week tour to London. 7. Where is your twenty-dollar suit? 8. Little John liked the piano lessons which his mother gave him. 9. A Clean Air Act was passed by Parliament in 1956 giving local councils power to control smoke. 10. Being situated on the Thames London existence depended upon its water-born trade. 11. Summer days are longer than winter days. 12. A ten year old boy looked like a seven year old boy because of his short height. 13. Americans are proud of their Independence Day and other holidays. 14. English people like to go to golf clubs. 15. Recently my son has bought a portable transistor radio. 16. All new cars are provided with a cigarette lighter.


Hard -

hardly -


трудный, усердный,

едва, почти не


усердно, много


1. She seems to be a hard student. 2. You should work hard at your English. 3. He listened attentively but could hardly hear what she was saying. 4. The next ten years were very hard for him. 5. I hardly know him. 6. I could hardly see him. 7. My sister can read English books but can hardly speak English. 8. I hardly realised what had happened to me. 9. When I was a school-girl I studied hard all the subjects. So I entered the University without any difficulties. 10. It was so dark in the room that I could hardly distinguish the objects.


11. They were so tired that they could hardly walk. 12. My friend smokes a lot and we call him a hard-smoker.


Near -

nearly -


близко, рядом


1. He lived near the Institute. 2. Westminster Abbey is the church where nearly all the kings and queens have been crowned. 3. Modern English has the words borrowed (заимствованные) from nearly all European languages. 4. Nearly all the schools in England and Wales have been reorganised into comprehensive schools. 5. The building will be reconstructed in the near future. 6. Near the house there was a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers. 7. The village was near the railroad and when a train passed by it was very noisy.


Bad -

badly -



плохо, очень, сильно

1. I don’t like to go out in bad weather. 2. He was badly wounded (ранен). 3. The translation was badly done. 4. A young man was badly in love with a girl but she did not pay attention to him. 5. My younger brother is a bad boy, he doesn’t obey me (не слушается). 6. That was a very bad time, the sun was shinning badly, there was no rain, there was nothing to eat and to drink for animals. 7. The experiment was carried out under very bad conditions and the results were poor.

VIII. the (more) ... the (better) (чем (больше) ... тем (лучше))

1. The longer is the night, the shorter is the day. 2. The longer we worked with the professor, the more we liked him. 3. The more we study, the


more we know. The more we know, the more we forget. 4. The stronger is the wind, the higher are the waves. 5. The more literature you read, the more interesting will be your report.

IX. Very

the very


именно тот(та) самый (ая)

1. Newton was very modest (скромный). 2. The next ten years were very hard. 3. This is the very book I wanted to have. 4. Thank you very much. 5. That was the very man I had seen at the station the day before. 6. She was very beautiful and she was the very woman I was in love with all my heart. 7. She was the very person we could rely upon (положиться). 8. We spent a lot of time to find the very man who can play this role. 9. Be very careful while crossing the street.

X.One (функции)

1.One of the most interesting rooms in the British Museum is the one devoted to Egypt. 2. One of the most peculiar features of life in England is the preserving (сохранение) of many traditions. 3. When one sees the warders at the

Tower of London, one feels carried back to the age of Queen Elisabeth I. 4. When one doesn’t know grammar, one often makes many mistakes. 5. One can do it at once. 6. One must do one’s duty. 7. One should be attentive at the lesson. 8. This pen is better than the old one. 9. The new textbook is more interesting than the old one. 10. The first text was easy, but the one you are translating now is very difficult. 11. For centuries England and Wales have formed one single political and administrative unit. 12. If one goes to Wales and can’t understand what people are saying, one must know they are speaking Welsh. 13. In the West End of London one can see the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral, the masterpiece of the well-known English architect Christopher Wren. 14. Have you


heard of Fleet Street - the street where most of British newspapers are printed? The national papers are the ones sold over the country. 15. There are two types of national papers - the “popular” (массовая) papers and the “quality” (солидная) ones for more serious readers. 16. One plus one makes two. 17. I want to buy one of these books.

XI. Усилительная конструкция It is ... that (who, which ...) (Слова,

стоящие между it is ... и that переводятся со словами именно, как раз.)

1.It was these books that I gave him. 2. It was I who gave Ann the books. 3. It was yesterday that I gave Ann these books. 4. It is our student who takes part in the conference. 5. It is your book which (that) is on the table. 6. It is in this journal that you will find the necessary information. 7. It is two months since he left the town (Уже...) 8. It was Russian scientist Popov, who invented the radio. 9. It was Mendeleev who established the Periodic Table of Elements. 10. It was U.Gagarin who was the first man is space. 11. It was Lomonosov who became the founder of Moscow State University. 12. It was U. Dolgoruki who founded Moscow in 1147.


Because -

because of -


так как, потому что

из-за, благодаря

1.Because of their traditions, historical associations and reputation the prestige of Oxford and Cambridge is very high. 2. Because of the plague (чума) Cambridge was closed and Newton returned to the country. 3. The fact that the earth is flattened (сплющена) at the poles because of rotation was explained. 4. I haven’t seen him since May, because I was not in the city. 5. We went to the sea-shore because the day was very hot and it was pleasant to swim in the sea and to lay in the


sun. 6. We can speak English fluently because we worked hard all the year. 7. She couldn’t meet him because of her illness. 8. He did not return the book to the library because he had lost it.

{ body XIII. every + thing


1.She remembered his every word. 2. Everybody was waiting for the signal. 3. He knew everything about the man. 4. He looked for the lost (потерянные) glasses everywhere. 5. Everything was explained. 6. He goes to the Institute every day.




XIV. any +



{ where


1.Have you got any money about you? 2. Is there anybody in the room? 3. Is there anything on the table? 4. Will you go anywhere? 5. I am

ready to translate any text in the textbook.



the same

XV. some +


тотже самый






1. Give me some sugar, please. 2. Put some sugar in your tea, there is no sugar in it. 3. I had no time to go and buy some bread. 4. Will you have some


more tea? You have had only one cup. 5. I think he has something against me. 6. Somebody was crying (плакать) in the room. 7. Sometimes he asks me the same question. 8. He is somewhere here.






I. so

+ where.






II. no



III. ev







1. Will you go anywhere on Sunday? 2. I shall go nowhere. 3. You can buy this book everywhere. 4. He lives somewhere in Europe.



I. so

} + thing.




III. ev





1.I can tell you nothing about it. 2. Can you tell me anything about it? 3. I can tell you something about it. 4. I can tell you everything about it.



I. so


+ body.





II. no



III. ev








1. Somebody must go there. 2. Nobody knows the address. 3. Everybody wants to know a foreign language. 4. Does anybody know how to get to the nearest metro station?


Only -

the only -




1. In the early nineteenth century Oxford and Cambridge were the only two universities in England. 2. The cost of education at these universities was so high that only the sons of the rich could study there. 3. The Welsh language is a Celtic language and is very different from English. In general this is the only national feature left in Wales. 4. The City occupies only a small part of London. 5. When he came into the hall he saw only her and her beautiful blue eyes. 6. There are so many charming women, there are so many charming names, and only one of them is touching you when you are in love.


Both -

both ...

and -



и тот ...

и другой





1. They have houses both in the country and in the city. 2. Academic life in both Universities is hard and interesting. 3. “Gulliver’s Travels” by Swift is still read with great interest both by children and grownups. 4. Both the pupils and teachers leave the school building when the day’s classes are finished. 5. Both of them graduated from the University in 1995. 6. Both the son and the father were fond of playing football. 7. Both Cambridge and Oxford Universities are the oldest ones in Great Britain. 8. I didn’t like both films. They were both very long and boring (скучными). 9. Both these festivals are very good.


XXI. Многозначность слова “it”.

1. It is very important to solve many problems of building spaceships. 2. Since the problem of aeronautics was very important, the scientists paid much attention to it. 3. The knowledge of electricity makes it possible to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. 4. It is a method which scientists will always follow. 5. It was the great Russian scientist M.V.Lomonosov who first studied “the Northern lights”. 6. The Periodic Law established by Mendeleev is so important that every chemist must study it. 7. Nowadays it is possible to compute the path of the rocket to any planet. 8. The TU-104 is a high-speed passenger jet airliner. It serves long distance lines. 9. It is always necessary for every engineer and scientist to know English. 10. It is Mercury that is the smallest of the planets, for its diameter is 3000 miles. 11. In order to travel into space we must have a special flying vehicle (транспортное средство): it is the rocket. 12. It is cold today, put on your coat. 13. It is obvious that the most difficult problem will be the design of this device (устройство). 14. These new machines make it possible to lighten man’s labour. 15. It was Isaac Neuton who first pointed out that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. 16. As the balloon depended on the wind, the man could not control it when it was in flight. 17. It is dark in the street, cross it carefully. 18. Give me a cup of tea and put some sugar into it, please. 19. It was a golden time of his life. 20. It is said that the delegation arrived in Moscow yesterday. 21. It is supposed that he lives in New-York. 22. It is believed that the train will arrive at the station in five minutes. 23. It is known that the Earth is rotating. 24. It is time to go to bed.

XXII. Многозначность “should” и “would” (вспомогательный глагол при согласовании времен, вспомогательный глагол при сослагательном наклонении, модальный глагол).

1. John said that he would tell me something worth my attention. 2. It would be hard to believe that the facts in this story really took place in real life. 3. It would be interesting to know if the story is based on real facts. 4. My friend


told me that he would introduce me to a wellknown painter. 5. He said that I should not miss this chance. 6. The parents proposed that the plans for the summer vacation should be discussed later. 7. I was not sure if my plans for winter would succeed or fail. 8. If I had asked where he had got this book, I should not have got a correct answer. 9. John said that he would win the first place in swimming. 10. I should like to tell you some words about my profession. 11. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? 12. If you go to America you should see the Statue of Liberty. 13. If you came to Moscow you would be surprised by its beautiful metro stations. 14. They said that they would go to the theatre the next day. 15. If you want to read and understand English books in the original you should read and listen much more. 16. I suppose that we should go shopping. 17. My mother said that she would go shopping. 18. Would you mind opening the window? 19. I would like you to tell me the truth.

XXIII . Причастие I (Participle I).

1. Which of the four men smoking by the window is Tom? 2. From time to time you will get letters informing you of my life. 3. Having got what she wanted, she took her coat and went away. 4. And saying so he left the room. 5. Go to the corner and ask the militiaman standing there to tell you the way to the gallery. 6. Having arrived in a big city, he started to look for a job. 7. Not speaking the language he couldn’t ask the way to the museum. 8. The man standing at the time-table is our teacher.

XXIV. Причастие II (Participle II).

1. People dressed in winter coats hurry along the street. 2. The suits made by this firm are of high quality. 3. We are discussing the article written by our professor. 4. There were some broken chairs in the room. 5. The task discussed at the conference is very interesting. 6. The doctor sent for lives not far from our house. 7. The meeting attended by the students was stormy and ended late


at night. 8. Asked to help me, he rang me up at once. 9. Given the dictionary only yesterday, he couldn’t translate the text in time.

XXV. Причастие I, II (Participle I, II).

1. Reading the book I wrote out some useful expressions. 2. Having read the book, he put it aside. 3. Being very busy he could not come. 4. Having finished my work I could go to the country. 5. Having entered the room, he opened the window as it was very hot in the room. 6. I am interested in the problem being discussed now. 7. The letter sent yesterday will be received only tomorrow. 8. The man writing something at the table in the corner of the room is an old friend of mine. 9. A smiling girl came up to me and asked if I recognised her 10. The children playing in the garden forgot about their promise to return home in time. 11. They watched the boys playing football. 12. We saw him walking along the street. 13. He heard her crying something to the boy. 14. Opening the door, I saw some people reading newspaper. 15. Having received a negative answer, he decided to get the book from some other library. 16. Being invited to take part in the conference he began to prepare for it carefully. 17. Seeing a car at the front door, I understood that she had returned. 18. Working together for many years they understood each other very quickly. 19. They took the train leaving at 5.30.

XXVI. Самостоятельный причастный оборот (Absolute Participle Construction). Обратите внимание на место оборота в предложении.

1. My mother being ill, I went shopping. 2. The work being over, everybody went home. 3. Everybody went home, the work being over. 4. Weather permitting (позволять), we shall be able to fly to London. 5. Jim helping me with English, I helped him with Russian. 6. He was given two articles on the subject, the latter (последняя) being more interesting. 7. The letter having been written, we went to the post-office. 8. His mother being ill, he started to


look for a job. 9. He didn’t go out because of the rain, everybody wishing to speak to him. 10. He lifted the cup and kept it in his hand till she drank, both standing. 11. The wind being strong, our yacht will reach the island in no time. 12. I was sitting at my desk, pen in hand, studying the figures, my chief being silent (молчать), his face being passive. 13 It being very dark, we switched on the light. 14. She said she would gladly join our company, her husband standing silently at the window.

XXVII. Герундий (Gerund).

1. Travelling abroad is rather expensive. 2. She stopped answering my letters. 3. I understand perfectly your wishing to leave. 4. We insist on sending him to the hospital. 5. Excuse me for giving you so much trouble. 6. I don’t remember having asked this question. 7. After being examined by the doctor, the young man joined the sports club. 8. He can translate from Russian into English without using a dictionary. 9. You must go on reading. 10. On hearing the telephone call they stopped talking. 11. Between saying and doing is a long distance. 12. Translating this article took me a week. 13. Translating the article was difficult for him. 14. Nobody likes being interrupted. 15. She went out of the room without saying “good-bye”. 16. After having waited for 10 minutes, she left the station. 17. We succeeded in getting good results. 18. We thanked the professor for having delivered such an interesting lecture. 19. On finishing the lecture, the professor asked if there were any questions. 20. Stop talking and let us continue working. 21. I am surprised at your making so many mistakes. 22. He is proud of being a student of the University. 23. He felt satisfaction (удовлетворение) in helping his friends. 24. I want you to give up smoking. 25. We hope to get good results by sending the boy to the summer camp. 26. His life experience helped him in writing his short stories.


XXVIII. Слова, оканчивающиеся на ing.

1. Being ill I couldn’t go to the theatre. 2. When the workers were building the house they used new materials. 3. Building the house the workers used new materials. 4. The workers building the house wanted to finish their work in time. 5. Building the house took ten months. 6. The building of the house took ten months. 7. They used new building materials.

XXIX. Инфинитив (Infinitive).

1. The work to be done at home is very important for us. 2. He was the first to come to the office. 3. Here are the new grammar rules to be remembered. 4. In order to speak English fluently, you should read English books in the original and speak to native-speakers. 5. To be an expert in a computer science one must study many subjects as well as English. 6. To enter any University one must study hard at school. 7. The reports to be made at the conference attract the attention of many scientists. 8. It is necessary for us to discuss the problem at our next meeting. 9. You must help him to finish the work. 10. I am glad to have taken your advice. 11. They were happy to answer your questions. 12. They were happy to have been answered their questions. 13. She is glad to invite you to the party. 14. She was glad to be invited to the concert. 15. To explain the design, he drew several diagrams. 16. It is necessary to explain the design of this apparatus in order to understand how it operates. 17. The article to be published contains a lot of misprints. 18. To be published in time the article must be typed immediately.

XXX. Инфинитивные конструкции (Complex Object and Complex Subject).

1. She is considered to be a good specialist. 2. He is known to be doing interesting experiments now. 3. They are expected to tell us everything about


their plans. 4. The opening of the conference is known to have been fixed on September. 5. The work of the conference is believed to be very important. 6. They are supposed to be discussing the book now. 7. He is known to have finished translating the article. 8. The invention is considered to be of great importance. 9. Dostoevsky is known to be an outstanding Russian writer. 10. His books are said to have been translated into many languages. 11. The teacher expected us to write letters in English. 12. We know Dreiser to be one of the greatest American writers. 13. I heard somebody say her name. 14. We saw him enter the room. 15. I felt somebody have touched me.

XXXI. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice).

1. I was invited to see the new film. 2. Preparations are being made for new tests. 3. I know that these goods were ordered by our firm. 4. These cars have been designed and produced at our plant. 5. New methods of tests were developed. 6. The students will be offered a very interesting research work at the University. 7. Don’t enter the room. They are being examined now. 8. Many new houses have already been built in the city. 9. We were given a very interesting task last week. 10. We shall be given a very interesting job next month. 11. The new machines will be tested in the nearest future. 12. The doctor was sent for. 13. The data were reffered to earlier. 14. The speaker was greeted by the audience. 15. This film may be shown only to grown-ups. 16. She was offered a job as a secretary. 17. The report was listened to with great interest. 18. We were informed about the conference. 19. The experiments were followed by a discussion. 20. A new film will be shown next mouth. 21. Much work is being done now to improve the conditions of life. 22. I was told that my report had been published in the journal.


XXXII. Условные предложения и сослагательное наклонение.

1. If I know about these facts, I shall tell you. 2. If I knew about these facts, I should tell you. 3. If I had known about these facts, I should have called your attention to them long ago. 4. If these facts are not neglected, the results of the discovery will be very interesting. 5. If these facts had not been neglected, the discovery would have been made long ago. 6. If it is possible, we shall go there at once. 7. If it had been possible, we should have gone there the day before. 8. If you read more information on this subject, please, write to me. 9. If I read more information on this subject, I should write to you now. 10. If I had read more information on that subject, I should have already written to you. 11. If she is not so stupid, she will put on her coat. It is raining now. 12. If she had not been so stupid, she would have put on her coat and would not have caught cold. 13. If her son were not so polite, he would not be invited to the party today. 14. If her son had been polite, he would have been invited to the party to his friend last night. 15. If people were more reasonable, there would be no wars on the planet. 16. If people had been more reasonable, there would have been no wars on the planet. 17. If people had been aware of the Earth threat, they would have used its resources more reasonably. 18. If the teams worked on friendly terms, the results would be more successful. 19. If the team had worked more successfully, it would have had the first place. 20. If the discussion of this problem had begun earlier, scientists would have been able to offer some solutions. 21. If he hadn’t looked like his mother, I’d have never recognised him. 22. If she hadn’t been so beautiful, she’d have never been a film-star. 23. We should not have been so afraid of his dog, if it hadn’t been so big and angry. 24. They suggest that the plan should be submitted to the commission. 25. I suggested that the problem should be discussed at the next meeting. 26. They propose that the work should be done at once. 27. We propose that a time limit should be fixed for the discussion. 28. It was important that all members of the team should be very attentive. 29. It is strange that she would have spoken to him. 30. The parents insisted that we should have supper with them. 31. I wish I knew his ad-


dress. 32. I wish it didn’t rain so hard in autumn. 33. The sportsmen wished there had been more snow in the mountains. They would like to ski. 34. I wish my husband stopped smoking. 35. George wished his girl-friend could come to the dinner-party. 36. Parents wished their children hadn’t repeated their mistakes in life. 37. I wish summer had never ended (lasted forever). 38. I wish you had been there. 39. He wished he spoke English perfectly.


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