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The vocative case

The vocative case is described as that form which occurs with names of persons or words designating persons/things being addressed: 'John!' 'Kolya!' 'Anna!' will all be marked as 'vocatives' in Ukrainian. As a rule, foreign names (such as 'John') are not marked, but there is nevertheless a tendency to do so, especially in the spoken language. Thus:

Aннo! Anna!

Павле! Pavlo!

Іване! Ivan!

батьку! Father!

Джон(е)! John!

The vocative is not limited to contexts in which the person is addressed directly, however; the name of a person mentioned in the middle or at the end of an utterance (almost parenthetically) will also be in the vocative:

Ідіть сюди, Ольго Сергіївно. Come here, Ol'ha Serhijivna.

Що ти сказав, Володю? What did you say, Volodya?

Це я, Борисе, твій брат. It is I, Borys, your brother.

Syntax of case: the preposition

The presence of a preposition in conjunction with a noun (as with other declinable elements) requires the noun to appear in the particular case which that preposition governs; Ukrainian prepositions may govern any case except the vocative and the nominative. The following is a virtually complete alpha­betical list of Ukrainian prepositions and the cases they govern; this list is followed by subgroups of prepositions according to the case which each governs, with definitions, and followed by examples.

Alphabetical list of Ukrainian prepositions

Many Ukrainian prepositions can govern more than one case. The vast majority of prepositions that govern only one case govern the genitive. We explore instances - and meanings - of multiple governance in the relevant sections. Where a list is provided of prepositions governing one case only, examples of only a few selected ones will suffice, especially when several are synonymous (this is especially true of the genitive prepositions). Where prepositions govern more than one case, examples are cited for each. The following list includes historically simple prepositions (such as y), forma­tions consisting of two prepositions (for example, з-за) or three prepositions (such as з-понад) acting as one, prepositional constructions involving a frozen case form (like позаду), as well as those resulting from other word-formational processes (for example, завдяки). It does not include construc­tions such as поруч з, in which the case of an accompanying noun or noun phrase is determined by the second element (here the preposition з); such constructions are numerous in Ukrainian, and quite transparent in their usage and meaning.

Preposition Case(s) governed

без G.

біля G.

близько G.

в = у G.,A., L.

вдовж = удовж G.

вздовж = уздовж G.

від (од: archaic) G.

віддалік = оддалік G.

вподовж = уподовж G. (cited in SUM)

впоперек = упоперек G.

впродовж = упродовж G.

всередині G.

вслід = услід D.

всупереч = усупереч D.

для G.

до G.

довкола (довкіл) G.

(ід = до, dial. D.)

з, зі, зо G, А., І.

за G, А., І.

з-за, із-за G.

завдяки D.

замість G.

заради G.

збоку G.

(зверх, зверху, rare G.)

ззаду G.

з-перед G.

з-під G.

з-поміж (з-помежи) G.

з-понад G.

з-попід G.

з-посеред G.

з-проміж G.

(к: archaic D.)

коло G.

край G.

крізь А.

крім G.

між (rarely: межи, меж) G, A., I.

мимо G. (cited in SUM)

на L., A.

навколо (навкіл) G.

навпроти G.

над І., А.

накрай G.

налад G.

напередодні G.

наперекір D.

неподалік G.

насупроти (less common than G.


о L., A.

об L., A.

обабіч G.

обік G.

обіч G.

од: see від

оддалік (віддалік) G.

опріч G.

перед І., А.

перше G. (rarely as a preposition but cited in SUM)

під L, A.

після G.

пo L., A., (D.)

побіля G.

побіч G.

поблизу G.

поверх G.

повз (dial, поз, поуз) A., G.

повздовж G. (rare, SUM)

подовж (dial, подовш) G.

поза І., A.

позад G.

позаду G.

поздовж G.

поміж (помежи) I., G, A.

понад (variants понаді, понадо) І., А.

поперед G, L, A.

попереду G.

поперек G.

попід I., A.

попри A., L., G.

поруч G.

поряд G.

посеред G.

при L.

про А.

проміж (промежи, промеж) L, G, A.

проти (против dial.) G.

протягом I.

ради = заради G.

серед G.

спереду G

супроти (супротив, dial.) G.

у = в G.,L.,A.

уздовж = вздовж G.

упоперек = впоперек G.

услід = вслід D.

усупереч = всупереч D.

через А.

A great many prepositions live a double life as adverbs: for example, вздовж 'along (something)', or simply 'along', всупереч 'in spite of (something)', or just 'to the contrary'. Good dictionaries will indicate both usages for such forms, but some may mention only the adverbial usage (in other words, this will be the more common or primary usage) when it can in fact also be found as a preposition; just one such example is позаду, which in many source: is described as an adverb only, while SUM describes it as a preposition a: well.

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