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Prepositions governing the accusative in addition to other cases

Note that без + A. is possible in dialect but not in literary usage; the construc­tions with о below are considered generally archaic by native informants, but are included here as they can be encountered in older Ukrainian literature.

о 'about', 'on', 'at', 'upon', 'over', 'for'

о цю пору at about/during that time (approximation)

О воду просить. Не/she is asking for water, (rare, SUM) Склянка розбилася о камінь. The glass broke (apart) on/against the rock.

(archaic, SUM)

о пів на п'яту at half past four

о три роки молодший younger by three years (dial., SUM)

(but preferable: на три роки)

об (rare, archaic) 'concerning', 'about', 'on', 'against' (at times = o, see preceding entry)

об цю пору at/during that time

стукати об стіну rap on the wall

обпертися об стіну lean against the wall (for support).

Його взяла об руку. She took him by the hand, (rare)

пo 'up to', 'as far as', 'down to' (motion implied), 'along', 'each' (distribu­tive meaning)

по той бік along that side (indicates motion or location of

action, usually with words such as бік, сторона)

іти по лікаря to go for the doctor

іти по молоко to go for the milk

сніг по коліна the snow (is) up to the knees

по п'ять разів five times (each)

ходили по четверо They walked (in groups of) four/four at a time.

з березня по вересень from March through September

від війни по наші дні from the war up to the present day

з 1 no 9 квітня from the 1st to the 9th of April (inclusive)

повз 'along', 'by', 'past', 'across'

ходити повз двір to walk across the courtyard

Вона пройшла повз відчинене вікно. She walked past the open window.

рік повз рік from year to year (continuously)

(more dialect than literary, preferred: рік за роком)

повз пшеницю густу past the dense wheat (growing in the fields)

попри 'along', 'past (dial.)', 'besides', 'in spite of

попри всі намагання in spite of all (one's) efforts

A number of prepositions that may occur with the accusative also govern the instrumental or prepositional; the two contexts dictating which of these cases is required are usefully described together on semantic grounds.

Prepositions governing the dative

вслід = услід 'after' (in the direction of)

Батько дитині вслід кричав «Стоп!». Father shouted 'Stop!' after the child. (Note that here it functions as a postposition, as it follows the noun.)

всупереч = усупереч 'in spite of, 'without regard for', 'contrary to'

всупереч усім законам contrary to all laws завдяки 'thanks to'

завдяки його допомозі thanks to his help завдяки батькові thanks to father

ід = до, dialect 'to', 'as far as'

к: archaic towards, to

Іди к бісу Go to the devil.

наперекір 'in spite of, 'contrary to'

наперекір усім труднощам in spite of all the difficulties

наперекір її бажанням contrary to her wishes


По is cited by some sources as a preposition + D. used to express 'according to', for example in по-моєму 'in my opinion'; such a construction ought instead to be considered a frozen expression, i.e. thought of as an adverb rather than as a viable preposition (it can be used in the speech of Ukrainians under the influence of the Russian language, in which it is employed in contexts expressed by other means or cases in Ukrainian).

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