- •Кременчук 2003
- •Витяг з протоколу № 1
- •В/о зав. Кафедри о.В. Фадєєва
- •Рецензія
- •Рецензент доц. О.В. Фадєєва Тематичний план лекцій
- •Lection 1. The noun in the contrasted languages
- •Nouns ending in vowels other than -o/-e
- •Syntax of the noun the cases
- •The nominative case
- •The accusative case
- •The genitive case
- •The dative case
- •Impersonal constructions: -ся verbs:
- •The locative case
- •The instrumental case
- •The vocative case
- •Syntax of case: the preposition
- •Alphabetical list of Ukrainian prepositions
- •Case government of Ukrainian prepositions Prepositions governing the genitive
- •Prepositions governing the genitive in addition to other cases
- •Prepositions governing the accusative
- •Prepositions governing the accusative in addition to other cases
- •Prepositions governing the dative
- •Prepositions governing the locative
- •Prepositions governing the locative in addition to other cases
- •Spatial constructions
- •Temporal constructions
- •Prepositions governing the instrumental
- •Substantival word formation
- •Lecture 2. The adjective
- •2. Comparison
- •Regular comparatives
- •Irregular comparatives
- •The analytic or compound comparative
- •Usage and 'than'
- •3. Using adjectives
- •Adjectives constructed with cases and prepositional phrases
- •Adjectives constructed with prepositional phrases
- •Genitive
- •Accusative
- •Instrumental
- •Locative
- •Adjectives constructed with infinitives and adverbs
- •Lection 3-4. The verb in the contrasted languages
- •2. Aspect and tense
- •Verbs of motion determinate and indeterminate
- •Imperfective:
- •Sequence of actions
- •3. The passive
- •4. The imperatives and conditionals the imperative
- •Irregular verbs
- •Inclusive ('Let's') commands
- •The conditional
- •5. Participles, gerunds,infinitive
- •Passive participles
- •The use of the infinitive
- •Verbs requiring the use of an infinitive
- •6. Transitive / intransiive verbs
- •Intransitive vs. Transitive: -ся verbs
- •Intransitive verbs without -ся
- •Intransitive verbs with -ся
- •General
- •Groups of adverbs
- •General
- •Groups of adverbs
- •Interrogatives
- •Indefinites
- •Interrogatives of time
- •Statements of time
- •Indefinites
- •Quantitative adverbs (adverbs of degree)
- •Indefinites
- •Сидячи сидячи стоячи стоячи лежачи лежачи
- •Adverbial modal constructions
- •It is possible that it will rain (perhaps it will rain).
- •It is impossible to open the door (it’s stuck, locked,. . .).
- •Lection 6. The numeral and pronoun in the contrasted languages
- •Summary table of cardinal, collective, and ordinal numerals
- •Два/дві, три, чотири and обидва/обидві
- •П'ять and above
- •Selected paradigms
- •Collectives
- •Distribution
- •The ordinals
- •Time expressions
- •Hours (time of day)
- •Fractions
- •Indefinite quantifiers
- •2. The pronoun: general remarks
- •2. The groups of pronouns
- •Interrogative and relative pronouns
- •'Whose?'
- •'How much?' - 'how many?'
- •Indefinite, negative, and distributive pronouns
- •Indefinites and distributives
- •Lection 7. The conjunction in the contrasted languages
- •General characteristic
- •Using conjunction
- •1. General characteristic
- •2. Using conjunctions
- •Coordination with conjunctions
- •Contrast
- •Within the composite sentence
- •The indirect y/n question
- •Other indirect questions
- •Adverbial or oblique clauses
- •Paired and repeated conjunctions
Prepositions governing the instrumental
It will be noted from the master list of prepositions that none is used exclusively with the instrumental. All prepositions that govern the instrumental also occur with the accusative, while three occur with the genitive as well as the instrumental and accusative. As in the case of prepositions governing the locative, the reason for treating these prepositions together here has to do with the expression of spatial relationships: most of the following, when used with the instrumental, refer to the specific position of one object in relation to another object (X is over, under, behind, in front of... Y); when used with the accusative, it is movement into that position that is being expressed (X is going into position over, under, behind, in front of... Y). The use of particular prepositions, for example, з, together with other prepositions or adverbs (such as поруч) is not reflected in the examples below, as the meaning of such phrasal units is evident from their constituent parts.
з, зі, зо +1.: 'with', 'together with'
Я подружив з колегою. І made friends with a colleague.
проблеми з начальством problems with those in authority
Ми говорили з матір'ю. We spoke with mother.
Він пішов з парасолькою в руці. Не set off with an umbrella in his hand.
з виїздом президента ... upon (with) the departure of the president. . .
з повагою lit. 'with respect'; 'respectfully yours' (in letters)
Чекали з радістю. They (a)waited with (in a state of) happiness.
Чекали з острахом. They waited with/in dread, great fear. Президент приїхав з візитом. The president arrived for a visit (came to visit).
три з половиною дні three and a half days
Що з Ольгою? What's with Ol'ha?
кава з цукром та молоком coffee with sugar and milk
Я згоден з Оксаною. І agree with Oksana.
Phrasal examples of the last type, i.e. in conjunction with adjectives that imply an attitude towards closeness to a person or a position (here: згоден з), are common and easily understood on the basis of the adjective in question.
з, зі, зо + A. expression of approximation
з годину about one hour
з місяць approximately one month
з п'ять фунтів about five pounds
за + I. 'by means of, 'through', 'after', 'at', 'by', 'on', 'for', 'outside', 'beyond'
за обідом at lunch
за кавою at (over, while having) coffee
день за днем day after day
Батько бігає за дітьми. Father runs after the children.
Черга за нами. It is our turn. (lit. 'The queue is
after/behind us.')
за горами beyond the mountains
За роботою неможливо ... Because of work it is impossible to ...
за його прикладом by (after) his example
Ми за нашим лідером! We are behind/follow our leader!
за редакцією Х-ого under the editorship of X
за + A. 'in the course of (time)', 'behind', 'beyond', 'after (temporally and spatially)', 'for', 'in exchange for', 'from', 'than' in comparative constructions.
Сісти за стіл. Sit down at the table.
За дві години написав ... During the course of two hours he wrote . . .
за розмовою during the conversation
За місяць приїде. Не/she will come in a month.
Дякую за хліб. Thank you for the bread.
Я за правду. I am for the truth.
за батьківщину ... for one's country (e.g. to give one's life)
далеко за південь long (lit. 'far') after noon
Вона була за шістдесят. She was past sixty (in years).
за сто кілометрів від ... at a distance of 100 kilometres from . . .
питати, говорити за нього ask, speak about (lit. after) him
Мені страшно за Івана. І am afraid for Ivan.
Це я купив за 100,000 гривень. І bought that for 100,000 hryvni.
віддати дочку за когось give one's daughter (in marriage) to someone
уважати когось за генія consider someone (to be), take as, a genius
між (rarely: межи, меж) +1. 'among', 'between', 'amid'
між Києвом і Одесою between Kyiv and Odessa
між горами in the middle of, amid the mountains
між сином та батьком between son and father
між солдатами among the soldiers
Яка разниця між X та X? What's the difference between X and X
(where both X's are in the I.)?
між (rarely: межи, меж) + A. 'motion, corresponding to the spatial relationships expressed by між +1.
вдарити когось між очі hit someone between the eyes
іти між дерева go between the trees
над, понад +1. 'over', 'above', 'beyond', 'on', 'upon' (понад: also 'along')
над містом above the city
над полями over the fields
робота над книжкою work on the book
понад річкою along (at a height above) the river
Птах летів понад водою. The bird flew (just) above the water.
Література - понад політикою. Literature is above (unconnected to) politics.
над + A. motion corresponding to над + I.; expression of the time of an action; in comparison, but not necessarily with comparative adjectives (see
Птах літає над воду. The bird flies (into position) over the water.
над захід сонця at the time of sunset (an action took place) Заснула над ранок. She fell asleep at/by morning.
Тебе люблю над життя. І love you more than (over) life (itself).
давати продукцію над план produce over the plan (= overfulfil the quota)
понад + A. 'motion (just) above', 'more than', 'above' (figuratively), 'near' (in time)
дивитися на когось понад окуляри look at someone over one's spectacles
понад три тижні, годину over/more than three weeks, an hour Було вже понад ранок. It was already approaching morning. понад сто студентів over/more than 100 students
випустити X понад план produce X beyond the quota/planned аmount
Він герой понад усіх героїв. Не is a hero above all heroes (a hero of
heroes). (Л.У.)
перед + I. 'before' (temporally and spatially), 'in front of, 'ago', 'in the face of
перед домом, хатою in front of the house, cottage/home
перед народом before the people/nation
Перед армією було тяжке діло. The army was faced with a difficult task (matter).
перед ранком (just) before morning, daybreak
перед + A. motion corresponding to перед + I.
прийти перед дім come (to a place) in front of the house
під, попід + I. 'under', 'beneath', 'below', 'near', 'along', 'towards' (with motion)
під Львовом near L'viv
під столом under the table
під впливом .... under the influence (of)
Пише під іменем « X ». Не/she writes under the name X.
Під цим словом розумію ... By this word I understand (= I understand
it to mean) . . .
під рукою at hand
під керівництвом under the direction (of)
під звуки полонезу to (while hearing) the sounds of a polonaise
поле під пшеницею a field of wheat (under = sown with)
під наркозом under (the influence of) a narcotic
попід водою та землею under water and earth
під, попід горами under (at the foot of) the mountains
попід стіною along, alongside, under the wall
під, попід + A. motion corresponding to під, попід + I.; 'near', 'along', ' towards', 'almost' (time)
прийти під керівництво come under the direction (of)
під ранок, вечір towards morning, evening
Їй під тридцять. She is almost thirty.
сісти під стіну sit down near the wall
Пішли під землю. They went underground.
Прийшли під нашу хату. They came towards our house.
під той вітер in such a (strong) wind (as in: X went
somewhere under such bad conditions.)
потрапити під вплив . . . fall under the influence of...
картоплю садити під плуг plant potatoes with, by means of the plough
під страхом смерті in fear of death
під новий рік (on the eve of) the new year
під час перерви during the interval
дивитися попід стіл have a look under the table
ходити попід стіну go up to, near the wall трава
попід руки grass up to (as high as) one's hands
поза +L. 'beyond', 'behind', 'after'
поза дверми behind the door
поза цією кімнатою beyond this room
поза війною after the war
поза + A. 'to the outside of, 'outside', 'a certain time before'
іти поза двері go out, beyond the door
поза ці стіни (go) beyond these (four) walls