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2.6. Reproduce the article using the phrases from exercise 2.5.

2.7. Read the article and complete the exercises that follow. Etna's plume traced from space

Mount Etna continued to spew molten lava and a giant plume of smoke on Thursday in one of the most spectacular eruptions of recent years. Images from NASA's Terra satellite reveals that the plume now extends hundreds of miles to the south, carrying ash to North Africa.

Local villages were also rocked by earthquakes, caused by magma shifting below the volcano. A thousand people have fled their homes and the Italian government has declared a state of emergency in the area.

Lava has surged down the north and south sides of the mountain and emergency workers dug channels to divert the northern flow from the town of Linguaglossa. Magma has been thrown up to 150 metres into the air and ash has rained down on Catania, Sicily's second largest town.

But the two main lava flows produced by the volcano have begun to slow, raising hopes that the worst of the eruption may be over.

The first eruptions occurred on Sunday, accompanied by earthquakes. The strongest tremors were felt in the town of Santa Venerina, southeast of Etna, on Tuesday, and measured 4.4 on the Richter scale. By co-incidence, a large earthquake struck the town of San Giuliano di Puglia, hundreds of miles away in southern Italy, on Thursday.

Etna is Europe's most volatile volcano and is almost constantly active. The last activity was felt in July and August 2001 and the last major eruption was in 1992. Etna exhibits two kinds of eruptive activity: explosive eruptions from three summit craters and smaller eruptions from fissures on the mountain's flanks.

2.10.2002 NewScientist.com

2.8. Suggest the English equivalents to the following Russian expressions.

извергать кипящую лаву/вывяргаць кіпячую лаву; столб дома/слуп дыму; извержение/вывяржэнне; пепел/попел; покидать дома/пакідаць дамы; вводить чрезвычайное положение/увесці надзвычайнае становішча; лава хлынула вниз по северному склону вулкана/лава хлынула па паўночнаму схілу вулкана; толчки (при землетрясении)/штуршкі (пры землетрасенні); трещины в склоне горы/трэшчыны на адхоне гары

2.9. Insert prepositions and particles where necessary, then read the text and check your answers.

  1. Local villages were also rocked … earthquakes, caused … magma shifting … the volcano.

  2. A thousand people have fled … their homes and the Italian government has declared a state … emergency … the area.

  3. Magma has been thrown … … 150 metres into the air and ash has rained … … Catania, Sicily's second largest town.

  4. The two main lava flows produced … the volcano have begun to slow, raising hopes that the worst … the eruption may be ….

  5. The strongest tremors … measured 4.4 … the Richter scale.

2.10. Answer the following questions.

  1. Why is the current eruption referred to as “one of the most spectacular eruptions of recent years”?

  2. Why has the government declared a state of emergency? What other steps do you think the government may undertake to control the situation?

  3. What have you learnt about Mount Etna from the text? What else can you say about this volcano?

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