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Gagina English.doc
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V. Give a summary of the text.

VI. Complete these sentences. Use active words and word combinations.

1. We should protect the … . 2. There was a rigid… in the Soviet Union. 3. You will not be able to reach … maturity soon, you are very young. 4. Our … are making … forecasts. 5. There were several …blocks during the WWI. 6. Our task is to … the future. 7. … have different standard of living thаn countrymen. 8. It is a very expensive car, I can not … it. 9. You may get … from this transaction. 10. Our government is trying to do away with … .

VII. Translate into English.

1. Мешканці міста мають більш стрімкий темп життя, ніж люди, які живуть в селі. 2. Ви не зможете знайти однаковість в цих предметах. 3. Експериментальні дослідження допомагають визначити вченим курс подальшої роботи. 4. Ми повинні постійно турбуватися про стан довкілля, бо від цього залежить здоров’я людей. 5. Ви повинні зробити огляд прочитаної наукової статті. 6. Він повинен був довести до кінця свою роботу. 7. Дуже складно надати нову форму майбутньому не докладаючи зусиль. 8. Щоб дозволити собі коштовні речі, треба багато працювати. 9. Ти не отримаєш ніякого зиску від цієї роботи. 10. Нерівність багатств завжди буде створювати суперечки між людьми. 11. Стійка ідеологія іноді застосовується для маніпулювання людьми. 12. Наприкінці минулого століття відбулися великі зміни в усіх сферах людського життя.


Useful Words and Expressions

Good points:

active human lifespan;

free choice of religion;

economic growth;

higher level of psychological maturity;

a great variety of social roles;

technological progress; information techniques;

basic personality or nature (= one's self);

health maintenance;

identity (a sense of identity);

spiritual life;

Bad points:

disparity of opportunities;

disparity of wealth;

ecological/political chaos;

global tension;

a growing number of migrants/refugees.










Answer the following questions.

1. Our society has certainly changed in the past few years. For better or for worse? Give your reasons.

2. How comfortable are you in the modern society? What changes do you like?

3. Is there anything about modern society that you dislike or even hate? If so, why?

4. Some people find modern society cruel and unfair? What about you?

5. What's your idea of a fair society?

6. What would you name as a scourge of modern society? (drugs, terrorism, AIDS, etc.)

7. What do you think could help make our society better?

8. If you had a chance to travel back in time, what century would you choose? Why?

Social english



- Would you like to have a party at the weekend?

- Oh, I can't, I'm afraid. I've got other plans.

- That's a pity.

- How about next weekend? I think, I'll be free then.

- Next weekend? It's all right with me.

- Perfect!

Exercise 1. Match a line in A with a line in B.



1. I can't go with you.

2. Would you like to join me for lunch?

3. Would you like to come to my flat?

4. Why don't we go to the theatre?

5. Have you got any plans for tomorrow?

6. Have you got any plans for today/ tonight/next week ...?

a) I'm not hungry, thanks.

b) Oh, great!

c) I'm sorry, but tomorrow I'm not free.

d) I'm not interested in it, I'm afraid.

e) Oh, what a pity!

f) No, I haven't. Why?

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