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английский язык-экзамен.docx
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4.Ответы к упражнениям

Упражнение 1.

1. He said that he would work with us.

Did he think that he would read these books?

Anna knew that she would translate that article into Russian.

She did not believe that she would be workingat the book from 3 till 5 pm.

Did my friend say that he would be translating that article into Russian for a few hours?

The student decided that he would be reading the book all night long.

Did the new employee said he would have worked with us, before he left for another city?

My brother did not think that he would have read those books, before the school year began .

The secretary knew that she would have translated that article into Russian, before the translatore came.

Did he say that he wouldhave been working with us for several years, before he left for another city?

The girl realized that she would have been reading those books for a few months, before the school year began.

Mary decided that she would have been translating the article into Russian for several hours, before the working day was over.

2. Did they reported that they worked for a foreign company?

My friend did not say that he read a lot.

He said that he often translated scientific articles into Russian.

Did the manager reply that he was talking on the phone?

The translator did not explain that he was translating an article into Russian.

Did she say that she was reading a book?

3. Nick did not know that we had lived in that city.

I explained that I had already read those books.

Did the employee of the company said that he had translated the article into Russian?

We had been living in that city for several years before we moved to Moscow.

He had been reading those books for 2 weeks before he came to take the exam.

Had he been translating the article into Russian for a few hours before we came into his office?



В английском языке есть два залога: действительный залог (the Active Voice) и страдательный залог (the Passive Voice). Действительный залог (the Active Voice) показывает, что подлежащее в предложении является производителем действия, выраженного сказуемым; страдательный же залог (the Passive Voice) показывает, что подлежащее в предложении является объектом действия, выраженного сказуемым.

Пассивный залог (the Passive Voice) указывает на то, что лицо или предмет, выраженное подлежащим, испытывает действие на себе. Например:

The wolf was killed by a hunter. – Волк был убит охотником.

Тема 1. Образование пассивного залога.

Пассивный залог (PassiveVoice) в английском языке строится по следующей схеме:

вспомогательный глагол to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе + причастие прошедшего времени смыслового глагола (Participle II).Например:

The work will be done. – Работа будет сделана.

The work is done. – Работа сделана.

The work has been done. – Работа была сделана.

The work was done. – Работа была сделана.

Тема 2. Отрицательное предложение в пассивном залоге.

Для построения отрицательного предложения частица not ставится после 1-ой части сказуемого (первого элемента сказуемого), если же их несколько, то после первого из них:

It has not been done yet. – Это еще не было сделано.