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5A Read the text again and choose the correct ending to each sentence.

1 The two executives couldn't answer the young graduate's question because ...

a their company didn't do anything socially responsible.

b they didn't understand his question,

c they thought the question was rude.

2 The writer thinks that...

a there have always been socially responsible businesses.

b businesses have only become socially responsible in recent years.

c businesses do less good than they used to.

3 Customers are interested in ...

a buying a good product.

b knowing if a product was made without causing any harm,

c both answers a and b.

4 Product Red was a new concept to ...

a replace Fairtrade.

b raise money.

c make more profit.

5 The article concludes that...

a Product Red is not an effective form of social responsibility.

b most people still don't understand CSR.

c traditional approaches to social responsibility won't be enough.

5B Match definitions 1-7 to the words and expressions in bold in the text.

  1. Controlled or operated by people:____________________

  2. things that are copied, but in a humorous way which makes fun of them:___________

  1. helping people in need: _____________

  2. unexpectedly:_______________

  3. a new idea or activity which becomes very fashionable:______________

  4. a young intelligent person with lots of enthusiasm:__________________

  5. talked in a confused way with an unclear message: _________________

5C Discuss as a class.

  1. Do you think all businesses have a responsibility to 'do good' such as raising money for charities? Why? Why not?

  2. How much does a company's reputation for helping charities or being socially responsible affect your decision to buy their products or use their services?

  3. What do you think motivates the types of companies mentioned in the article to do good? How much is financially motivated? Does it matter?

4. Does your company have any kind of CSR policy (or something similar)? Tell the class about it. What does it include?

UNIT 10 Leadership

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams

1 Vocabulary


I'm not sure Ken's adaptable enough to take a job abroad.

Легко приспосабливающийся


How can you be so apathetic about the world and its problems?

Равнодушный, безразличный

to appreciate



Отношение, позиция


The war was fought by the President in an entirely autocratic manner.

Автократический, деспотический

to avoid the temptation to do sth

Избегать соблазна делать что-то



to be consistent in

Быть последовательным в чём-то


A manager's main task is to coordinate the collaborative efforts of a number of people.


commitment to

Преданность чему-то




The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.

Способность вызвать доверие

culture of trust

Культура доверия


The trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl.

Приводящий в растерянность, пугающий, очень трудный


We will take decisive steps towards political union with Europe.



Несхожий, в корне отличный, несопоставимый

to diversify

Разнообразить, диверсифицировать


She had great empathy with people.


to establish authority

Устанавливать власть

to exert influence over

Оказывать влияние на кого-то

to flourish


to foster

Поощрять, благоприятствовать

to generate

Вызывать, порождать

to get sb to work together

Заставить кого-то работать вместе

to be hands-off

Не вмешиваться


He started his career as a humble peanut farmer.

Скромный, простой


Councilman Hughey's integrity is unquestioned.


to instill confidence in

Вселить в кого-то уверенность

to micromanage

Контролировать каждый шаг, во всё вмешиваться

mutual respect

Взаимное уважение


an overt lie

Открытый, явный, очевидный


Страстный, пылкий


This in turn can lead to the development of a people-focused policy.

Социально ориентированный

to recognize individual achievement

Признавать достижения каждого отдельного человека

to recoup

He was desperate to try and recoup his losses.

Возмещать, компенсировать

to reinforce a sense of team spirit

Укреплять командный дух

to be self-aware

Знать себя, свои сильные и слабые стороны

sense of cohesion

The article comments on the lack of cohesion and commitment within the administration.

Чувство единства, сплочённости


It's a human trait to joke about subjects that make us uncomfortable.

Черта, особенность

to withdraw

Отбирать, отзывать

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