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3 Learn the idioms and match them with the definitions below. Use these idioms in sentences of your own.


to talk to a brick wall (informal)

Как об стенку горох


to turn a deaf ear to sth

Пропустить что-то мимо ушей


no/nobody’s fool

Совсем не дурак


to dance to sb’s tune

Плясать под чью-то дудку


to twist sb around/round one’s little finger (informal)

Вить веревки из кого-то


(as) stubborn as a mule

Упрямый как осел

  1. when sb refuses to listen to your advice, ideas, explanation, etc.

  2. to do whatever sb tells you to

  3. to be able to persuade sb very easily, usually because they like you

  4. to ignore sth

  5. a person very determined not to change his opinion or attitude

  6. a person who cannot easily be cheated by anyone

3A Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the idioms from the box given above:

  1. Она не послушалась совета мужа и согласилась на эту работу.

  2. Они богаче и могущественнее нас, поэтому, к сожалению, мы вынуждены плясать под их дудку.

  3. Если ты скажешь ей, как поступить, она не послушает, потому что упряма как осел. Почему бы просто не предложить ей это?

  4. Что ему ни говори – всё как об стенку горох. Он и слушать не будет.

  5. Власти пропустили мою просьбу мимо ушей.

  6. Пользуясь тем, что в ее руках информация, компрометирующая финансового директора, она вертела им, как хотела.

  7. Будучи либеральным человеком, открытым к восприятию нового, он не пропускал мимо ушей ни одно предложение, тщательно изучал каждое, прежде чем принять его.

  8. Играя на слепом стремлении молодых людей следовать моде, производители заставляют их плясать под свою дудку.

  9. Сколько бы я ни говорил о необходимости изменить наш продукт в соответствии с современными потребностями, всё как об стенку горох! Никто не обращает внимания на мои доводы.

  10. Вряд ли вам удастся что-нибудь ей объяснить, она упряма как осел!

4 Writing tips


4a Read the model letter below.

4b What is the purpose of the letter?

4c Find examples of formal and informal language and give the topic of each paragraph.

4d In which paragraph does the writer contradict the oppos­ing viewpoint?

Dear Sir,

I am writing with regard to the upcoming reception which is to be held on 2nd June to welcome foreign VIPs. As a tax-payer, I consider this event an extravagant waste of money, and would like to offer a little constructive criticism.

Officials took the hasty decision to spend outrageous amounts of money organising a two-hour event, while our school and roads are badly in need of repair. At the local council meeting held last month our honourable judge, Mr Peter Stevens, stated that the local gov­ernment did not have the funds to repair these facilities. At the same time, they were arranging for foreign dignitaries to visit our town, at our expense. As a result, our children face a cold winter without prop­er heating in their classrooms , and as motorists, we will risk our lives driving on roads which require resurfacing.

Also, the local hospital has stated time and time again that as they do not have the medical equipment to tend to patients properly, they feel they are fighting a losing battle. It is unbelievable that the town's needs are being sacrificed for a few hours of rubbing shoulders with VIPs. If the council can spend thousands of pounds welcoming a handful of officials, then surely it can spend some money on improving the standards of services within our community — or do we not qualify as a worthy cause?

While I understand the significance of providing an appropriate /unctionfor these officials, I do not believe that the needs of our town and its residents should be overlooked.

To sum up, I believe that a compromise could be made by scaling down this expensive reception party and spending some of the money to meet our community's needs. What better way to greet visitors than by proudly showing off our town and its citizens?

Yours faithfully,

Alison Brown

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