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3 Learn the idioms and match them with the definitions below. Use these idioms in sentences of your own.


money talks (saying)

Деньги всё могут


to pull out all the stops (informal)

Пойти на всё, нажать на все рычаги


to meet halfway

Пойти на компромисс, уступить кому-л.


to be\to feel at home

Чувствовать себя как дома


to be on the go (informal)

Быть в движении, в работе, быть на ногах


to take the bull by the horns

Взять быка за рога

  1. to do everything you can to make sth successful

  2. to reach an agreement with smb by giving them part of what you want

  3. to deal with a difficult or dangerous situation in a direct and brave way

  4. to be busy and active

  5. if you have a lot of money you can get special treatment, havemore power, persuade people to do things, etc.

  6. to feel comfortable or relaxed

3A Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the idioms from the box given above:

  1. Мы сделаем всё для того, чтобы подготовить приказ к концу недели.

  2. Я решил взять быка за рога и предложить свой вариант программы на ближайшем заседании.

  3. Я не могу согласиться со всеми вашими предложениями, но я готов идти на компромисс.

  4. Она целый день была на ногах и очень устала.

  5. Разумеется, он получит то, что хочет. Деньги всё могут, не так ли?

  6. В своей новой квартире я уже чувствую себя как дома.

  7. Она все время в работе. Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы она находила время на отдых.

  8. Я действительно хочу этих отношений, Саймон, и готова многое сделать для этого, но и ты должен пойти на уступки.

  9. Не будете же вы отрицать ту аксиому, что деньги все могут?

  10. Чего она только ни делала, чтобы удержать его возле себя.

4 Writing tips

Letters of complain

A formal letter of complaint is written to complain about a problem which has arisen (e.g. faulty merchandise, rude staff, inaccurate information, etc). It should explain the reasons for the complaint, and usually includes a suggestion/request/ demand concerning what should be done (e.g. refund, compensation, etc).

When writing a complaint letter you want to keep it short and to the point, if you write a seven page complaint letter, it's highly unlikely that someone will sit down and read all seven pages.

The complaint letter should be addressed to the customer service/consumer affairs department or the head office if there is no customer service department. The address and contact information of the customer service department should be available on the company's products or website.

A hard-copy complaint letter should be written in the business letter format, while an email should be sent in the same format but without the heading (your return address, their address, and the date).

Be sure to keep a copy of the letter for yourself and include photocopies of any relevant documents and enclose them with your letter.

Mild or strong language can be used depending on the writer's feelings and the seriousness of the complaint, but abusive language must never be used.

Mild Complaint:

I am writing to complain about a factual error in yesterday's newspaper.

I hope that you will give this matter your prompt attention.

Strong Complaint:

I am writing to express my strong disapproval concerning the offensive behaviour of

an employee at your company's Winchester Road branch.

I demand a full, written apology or I will be forced to take legal action.

The nature of the complaint should be clearly stated in the first paragraph. Each aspect of the topic should be presented in a separate paragraph containing a clear topic sentence. Each complaint should be supported by clear justification.

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