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Figure 21 Quotation of terms

This is a reply to a general enquiry in which Mr Crane, Chief Buyer at F. Lynch & Co. Ltd, asked for certain concessions (seeFigure 19).

Figure 22

Catalogues and samples

M. Gerard wrote to R.G. Electronics to enquire about CDs (see Figure 20). He implied that his store was a large one, that he was only interested in high-quality products, and that he might place a substantial order. This is the reply.

Unit 5 follow-up and sales letters

After the enquiry and reply, a supplier may consider an announcement or follow-up letter necessary to keep the buyer interested. The announcement might be about a reduction in price, improved discounts for bulk purchase, a reminder that demand is high and stocks are in short supply, or information about an addition to the range of goods which the supplier can offer.

Figure 23

An announcement from Standard Office Furniture Ltd. to AQ Electronics following their previous correspondence.

The follow-up is often a sales letter, an advertisement praising a product, for example. Sometimes it is an offer of a free sample. Sometimes it is to arrange a visit by a representative. (We are not talking about unsolicited sales letters here. Unsolicited sales letters are not sent in response to an enquiry. An unsolicited sales letter is often a circular sent to thousands of addresses, advertising a product.)

Figure 24

Unsolicited sales letter

In many types of business it is the practice of the seller to offer goods to his regular customers and to others who may be interested, without waiting for an enquiry. Similarly, suppliers regularly make special offers of goods when prices are particularly favourable. In these cases the customer’s interest has to be aroused.

Figure 25

Battery manufacturer’s offer to overseas dealer

Unit 6 orders and execution of orders

If the seller’s offer is right, an order may he expected to follow. When ordering goods, a customer will generally include the following in his letter:

  1. A reference to a visit by the supplier’s representative, or to an adver­tisement or catalogue, or to a sample, or to previous correspondence. This applies particularly to a first order. In subsequent orders the buyer may begin his letter with:

  2. Details of the goods required: quantity, quality, catalogue number, packing, etc.

  3. Conditions and qualifications.

  4. Alternatives which are acceptable if the goods ordered are not avail­able.

  5. A closing sentence, perhaps encouraging the supplier to execute the order promptly and with care.

Figure 26

The following letter illustrates the points listed above.

Importers of Fashion Goods Avenue Ravigny 14


The Western Shoe Co. Ltd.

Yovi1, Somerset S19 3AF


30 October 20---

Dear Sirs

Thank you for your letter of 15 October. As you will already know, your Mr J. Needham called on us a few days ago and left a range of samples. We think articles of this quality will find a ready market here, and we are prepared to order the following as a stock trial order:

Nowadays orders are usually written on a company’s official order form (see Figure 27) which has a date and a reference number that should be quoted in any correspondence referring to the order. If the order is telephoned, it should be confirmed in writing, and an order form should always be accompanied by either a complimets slip or a covering letter (see Figure 28). A covering letter is preferable as it allows you the opportunity to make any necessary points and confirm the terms that have been agreed.

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