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Завдання до модульної контрольної роботи № 5

  1. Режими додавання слів у програмі PROMPT2000.

  2. Принцип роботи програми Socrat.

  3. Панелі інструментів програми PROMPT2000.

  4. Принцип роботи програми Pragma.

  5. Автоматизований переклад в Інтернеті

  6. Засоби автоматизованого перекладу документів.

  7. Поповнення словників у програмі PROMPT2000.

  8. Робота із словниками у програмі PROMPT2000.

  9. Програма PROMPT2000.

  10. Рівні автоматизованого перекладу.

  11. Швидкий переклад тексту у програмі PROMPT2000.

  12. Збереження перекладених документів у програмі PROMPT2000.

  13. Типи автоматизованих словників.

  14. Засоби автоматизованого перекладу документів.

  15. Автоматизовані та автоматичні словники.

  16. Автоматизований словник Lingvo.

  17. Принципи роботи програм РУТА, ПЛАЙ.

  18. Електронні перекладачі у мережі Інтернет.

  19. Класифікацію автоматизованих словників.

  20. Спеціальні словники.

  21. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

The science of secrets

Cryptology, the science of secure communications, is as old as civilization and the written word. Throughout the ages, everyone from kings to shopkeepers has employed codes to gain a competitive edge, reduce vulnerability, hide their true intentions or revel in the comfort of knowing something that someone else doesn't.

Just as communications evolved from scratches on bark sheathes to streaming bits of electrons over optical fibers, cryptology has matured from simple letter-replacement schemes to complex mathematical algorithms…

  1. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

The science of secrets

…Cryptology's evolution wasn't sparked by ideas for better secret keeping, but rather to meet the challenge of an adversary's ability to break existing codes.

The first recorded use of cryptography was by the Spartans, around 400 B.C. The warring Greek city-state used a "scytale", a wooden baton wrapped with a parchment, to encode military and government messages. Wrapping the parchment around the scytale would reveal the correct text. To anyone without a corresponding scytale, the message would be nothing more than an incomprehensible set of characters…

  1. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

The science of secrets

…The cryptology of the Roman Empire was far more simplistic than the Spartan method. Around 100 B.C., Emperor Julius Caesar employed an uncomplicated technique of shifting letters of messages. By today's standards, the Roman system was no more effective than a schoolyard brainteaser. However, the method worked well since most of Rome's adversaries couldn't read, much less decipher a coded message.

Cryptology took on many forms in the centuries between the fall of Rome and the dawn of the Industrial Age…

  1. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

The science of secrets

…Cryptology took on many forms in the centuries between the fall of Rome and the dawn of the Industrial Age. By the late 19th century, with the advent of the telegraph and wireless radio, cryptology took its permanent place as an important component of commercial, military and diplomatic communications. Rudimentary mechanical and electromechanical encoding inventions developed at the turn of the 20th century and through World War I laid the foundation for stronger and more efficient cipher devices…

  1. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

The science of secrets

…Enigma, Nazi Germany's famed encryption device of World War II, was the first master of the new mechanical techniques. An engineering marvel, Enigma was essentially a typewriter that used a series of three or four preset rotors (depending on the model) to substitute the letters of a message. So complex and efficient was Enigma that the British made cracking the encryption method a top priority. A team of Polish cryptographers unraveled the mystery of how Enigma worked, but it took the concerted effort of the famed British and American code breakers at Bletchley Park to break the code…

  1. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

The science of secrets

…With the dawn of the computer age, the possibilities for encryption methods and devices expanded exponentially. Machines with blazing fast computing power gave cryptographers the ability for the first time to design complicated encryption techniques.

The most well-known and successful automation endeavor was Lucifer, an IBM project that introduced complex mathematical equations and functions to encrypt messages. Lucifer was later adopted by the National Security Agency (NSA), which modified it to come up with the first data encryption standard (DES)…

  1. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

The science of secrets

…With the dawn of the computer age, the possibilities for encryption methods and devices expanded exponentially. Machines with blazing fast computing power gave cryptographers the ability for the first time to design complicated encryption techniques.

The next great evolution in cryptology came with the introduction of microprocessor-powered computers. The rapid deployment of increasingly powerful desktops quickened the pace of cryptographic development, since even a moderately skilled computer user could break many of the algorithms in use. Greater threats from previously unlikely quarters gave birth to new encryption methods, including the Rijndael algorithm and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)…

  1. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

The science of secrets

…Just as academic and commercial cryptologists are playing with numbers and equations to devise better encryption methods, so too are curious and motivated hackers. Cyberspace outlaws and foreign adversaries are feverishly working to unlock our military and economic secrets. As the bad guys get smarter and more resourceful, the good guys must improve their cryptology efforts.

Cryptology is more deeply rooted in every part of our communication and computing world than when it was first employed by ancient peoples.

  1. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

New Realities?

…There are, so far, three main contenders for the next great theory of physics. They are known as technicolor, supersymmetry and extra dimensions. All have the full complement of weirdness and wonderfulness that the man in the street might expect. And all depend on gaining a deeper understanding of the symmetries that are believed to underpin the structure of reality.

Symmetry, in mathematical terms, means more than just the commonplace idea of mirror images. A process is mathematically symmetrical if it conserves something. Different forces have different symmetries; indeed, they are defined by them…

  1. Перекласти текст за допомогою обраного самостійно електронного перекладача. Відредагувати текст перекладу.

New Realities?

…When an electron radiates a photon, electric charge is conserved. When it exchanges a w boson with a neighbor, it is the weak charge that does not vary. And when quarks interact via gluons, the conserved property is color. However, if the energy with which particles are slammed together in accelerators is increased, there is reason to believe that the symmetries (and hence the forces) will merge – bringing the unity of nature a step closer.

That has happened once already. At a suitably high energy, the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces unite. They are, in other words, two manifestations of an underlying “electroweak” force…