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Virtually Human

…Noble is a co-founder of Physiome Sciences, a company that specializes in modeling human organs and cells for the pharmaceuticals industry. Physiome has crude but functioning models of dozens of types of human cells, and is working on building them into complete immune, endocrine and bone systems. It’s part of a whole new industry that is springing up, offering pharmaceuticals companies virtual versions of everything from single receptors to multiorgan systems for testing potential drugs. Entelos, for example, a modeling company based in the heart of Silicon Valley at Menlo Park, California, specializes in simulating disease states. Its computer model of asthma includes elements of every relevant structure and process, from airways to immune cell reactions…

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Virtually Human

…Turning today’s models into a Virtual Human will involve standardizing the way biological information is collected, stored and shared, since the current models are mostly incompatible. Each represents a particular scale, from cell to tissue or organ, and is generally incapable of receiving input from another model. Most of them were custom-designed by their creators right down to the way they input their data and the programming language they employ. At present, one model’s kidney would be deaf to what’s happening in another model’s liver. Anyone hoping to assemble the various simulated organs and systems faces a digital Babel.

But this may be about to change. In March this year Physiome Sciences announced that it will allow non-commercial researchers to use its cell-modeling software free of charge…

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Virtually Human

…The company says it wants to help promote the idea of biological modeling, though researchers who use Physiome’s software will find there are strings attached. The company gets access to the researchers’ data to improve its own models, and the researches must agree not to reveal the company’s algorithms. Nevertheless, Physiome has already had more than a dozen applicants, ranging from academic researchers and biotech companies to a group within the National Cancer Institute and another at the US Department of Agriculture. While some may fear this raises the specter that some of biology’s most useful information could fall into private ownership, Easterly welcomes Physiome’s initiative as “a tremendous step”. Anything that makes biological modeling technology accessible to more researchers is welcome, he says…

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Virtually Human

…Modeling the whole human body will mean dealing with billions of megabytes, much more data than has come out of the Human Genome Project. Scientists are still snuggling with the glut of genome data, so government agencies are reluctant to embark on an even more ambitious venture.

Meanwhile, Physiome Sciences is forging ahead. “We’re not going to wait for them,” says CEO Jeremy Levin. But he insists this doesn’t signal another genome-style race between private enterprise and a publicly funded effort, not least because no single company could possibly afford to build its own Virtual Human. If a public version ever gets going, Physiome Sciences will “commit heavily” to it, Levin adds…

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