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The Internet

If you think of all the information people have been given about the increasing use of the Internet system, you could be forgiven for thinking that youngsters all over the world are using it. But you would be wrong.

It isn’t as though they wouldn’t want to, given the opportunity, but there isn’t the time or the money in many junior schools to let them. Although computers are now used widely in schools, most lack the funds and teachers with enough technical expertise to be able to successfully install or operate an Internet system.

A specialist company called Research Machines (RM) develops and supplies information systems, software and services to junior and secondary schools, colleges and universities.

It specializes in the British education system and offers some very comprehensive packages. RM sets a fixed annual fee and this means that users have the advantage of spending a longer time on the Internet without continually having to worry about the cost.

Although schools can be expected to use the Internet responsibly, some individuals cannot. This can have disastrous results. Internet users communicate with one another by using telephone circuits, and, like RM, most Internet systems charge a standard fee with no time charges. This could lead to heavy Internet users taking advantage of this standard fee, and spending hours on the net. This jams local telephone circuits and may prevent ordinary bill-paying telephone users from making calls, even in emergencies.

This has already happened during snowstorms on the east coast of America. It has become a nightmare for telephone companies, who are campaigning to have the Internet system regulated by laws.

Not only do Internet users jam telephone circuits and create inconvenience and possible danger to telephone users, but they also cost the telephone companies a great deal of money.

The companies frequently have to replace and install expensive new circuits. This is a result of the fact that Internet users are continually overloading their systems.

The problem is that while it is costing the telephone companies money, it is quite legal. Telephone companies claim that Internet users are abusing their networks and this is fast turning into war. But it is a war that will have to be fought on an international scale.

Another international battle is looming on the horizon. This time it is going to be over what is allowed to be transmitted on the Internet.

At an international conference in Salt Lake City, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned that the Internet might be abused by corrupt governments and evil individuals.

She went on to say, “You must remember that the glories of science are morally neutral. They are just as easy for you to use for good as for a tyrannical dictator to use against his own people.”

Margaret Thatcher also expressed concern at the harm that is being caused to children who have access to offensive information on the Internet. RM, in the meantime, has restricted access to any information it feels may be unsuitable, and monitors newsgroups to assess whether their programs are likely to cause offence.

Of 15,000 news groups, RM has banned around 8,000. This attitude is a far cry from the irresponsible one being demonstrated by a number of people on the open Internet.

Of course it is inevitable that there will be drawbacks to something as powerful as an international communications system. But with RM, the benefits that young people stand to gain will certainly be to their advantage.

Additional knowledge of computers can enhance their chances of employment and the sharing of knowledge and ideas can only be a good thing. However, encouraging responsible use is the way forward.

Теми рефератів

  1. Системи автоматизованого перекладу першого рівня.

  2. Системи автоматизованого перекладу другого рівня.

  3. Системи автоматизованого перекладу третього рівня.