- •Preface
- •Acknowledgements
- •Contents
- •1.1 Introduction
- •1.2 Classical Physics Between the End of the XIX and the Dawn of the XX Century
- •1.2.1 Maxwell Equations
- •1.2.2 Luminiferous Aether and the Michelson Morley Experiment
- •1.2.3 Maxwell Equations and Lorentz Transformations
- •1.3 The Principle of Special Relativity
- •1.3.1 Minkowski Space
- •1.4 Mathematical Definition of the Lorentz Group
- •1.4.1 The Lorentz Lie Algebra and Its Generators
- •1.4.2 Retrieving Special Lorentz Transformations
- •1.5 Representations of the Lorentz Group
- •1.5.1 The Fundamental Spinor Representation
- •1.6 Lorentz Covariant Field Theories and the Little Group
- •1.8 Criticism of Special Relativity: Opening the Road to General Relativity
- •References
- •2.1 Introduction
- •2.2 Differentiable Manifolds
- •2.2.1 Homeomorphisms and the Definition of Manifolds
- •2.2.2 Functions on Manifolds
- •2.2.3 Germs of Smooth Functions
- •2.3 Tangent and Cotangent Spaces
- •2.4 Fibre Bundles
- •2.5 Tangent and Cotangent Bundles
- •2.5.1 Sections of a Bundle
- •2.5.2 The Lie Algebra of Vector Fields
- •2.5.3 The Cotangent Bundle and Differential Forms
- •2.5.4 Differential k-Forms
- • Exterior Forms
- • Exterior Differential Forms
- •2.6 Homotopy, Homology and Cohomology
- •2.6.1 Homotopy
- •2.6.2 Homology
- •2.6.3 Homology and Cohomology Groups: General Construction
- •2.6.4 Relation Between Homotopy and Homology
- •References
- •3.1 Introduction
- •3.2 A Historical Outline
- •3.2.1 Gauss Introduces Intrinsic Geometry and Curvilinear Coordinates
- •3.2.3 Parallel Transport and Connections
- •3.2.4 The Metric Connection and Tensor Calculus from Christoffel to Einstein, via Ricci and Levi Civita
- •3.2.5 Mobiles Frames from Frenet and Serret to Cartan
- •3.3 Connections on Principal Bundles: The Mathematical Definition
- •3.3.1 Mathematical Preliminaries on Lie Groups
- • Left-/Right-Invariant Vector Fields
- • Maurer-Cartan Forms on Lie Group Manifolds
- • Maurer Cartan Equations
- •3.3.2 Ehresmann Connections on a Principle Fibre Bundle
- • The Connection One-Form
- •Gauge Transformations
- •Horizontal Vector Fields and Covariant Derivatives
- •3.4 Connections on a Vector Bundle
- •3.5 An Illustrative Example of Fibre-Bundle and Connection
- •3.5.1 The Magnetic Monopole and the Hopf Fibration of S3
- •The U(1)-Connection of the Dirac Magnetic Monopole
- •3.6.1 Signatures
- •3.7 The Levi Civita Connection
- •3.7.1 Affine Connections
- •3.7.2 Curvature and Torsion of an Affine Connection
- •Torsion and Torsionless Connections
- •The Levi Civita Metric Connection
- •3.8 Geodesics
- •3.9 Geodesics in Lorentzian and Riemannian Manifolds: Two Simple Examples
- •3.9.1 The Lorentzian Example of dS2
- • Null Geodesics
- • Time-Like Geodesics
- • Space-Like Geodesics
- •References
- •4.1 Introduction
- •4.2 Keplerian Motions in Newtonian Mechanics
- •4.3 The Orbit Equations of a Massive Particle in Schwarzschild Geometry
- •4.3.1 Extrema of the Effective Potential and Circular Orbits
- •Minimum and Maximum
- •Energy of a Particle in a Circular Orbit
- •4.4 The Periastron Advance of Planets or Stars
- •4.4.1 Perturbative Treatment of the Periastron Advance
- •References
- •5.1 Introduction
- •5.2 Locally Inertial Frames and the Vielbein Formalism
- •5.2.1 The Vielbein
- •5.2.2 The Spin-Connection
- •5.2.3 The Poincaré Bundle
- •5.3 The Structure of Classical Electrodynamics and Yang-Mills Theories
- •5.3.1 Hodge Duality
- •5.3.2 Geometrical Rewriting of the Gauge Action
- •5.3.3 Yang-Mills Theory in Vielbein Formalism
- •5.4 Soldering of the Lorentz Bundle to the Tangent Bundle
- •5.4.1 Gravitational Coupling of Spinorial Fields
- •5.5 Einstein Field Equations
- •5.6 The Action of Gravity
- •5.6.1 Torsion Equation
- • Torsionful Connections
- •The Torsion of Dirac Fields
- •Dilaton Torsion
- •5.6.2 The Einstein Equation
- •5.6.4 Examples of Stress-Energy-Tensors
- •The Stress-Energy Tensor of the Yang-Mills Field
- •The Stress-Energy Tensor of a Scalar Field
- •5.7 Weak Field Limit of Einstein Equations
- •5.7.1 Gauge Fixing
- •5.7.2 The Spin of the Graviton
- •5.8 The Bottom-Up Approach, or Gravity à la Feynmann
- •5.9 Retrieving the Schwarzschild Metric from Einstein Equations
- •References
- •6.1 Introduction and Historical Outline
- •6.2 The Stress Energy Tensor of a Perfect Fluid
- •6.3 Interior Solutions and the Stellar Equilibrium Equation
- •6.3.1 Integration of the Pressure Equation in the Case of Uniform Density
- • Solution in the Newtonian Case
- • Integration of the Relativistic Pressure Equation
- •6.3.2 The Central Pressure of a Relativistic Star
- •6.4 The Chandrasekhar Mass-Limit
- • Idealized Models of White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars
- •White Dwarfs
- •Neutron Stars
- •6.4.2 The Equilibrium Equation
- •6.4.3 Polytropes and the Chandrasekhar Mass
- •6.5 Conclusive Remarks on Stellar Equilibrium
- •References
- •7.1 Introduction
- •7.1.1 The Idea of GW Detectors
- •7.1.2 The Arecibo Radio Telescope
- • Discovery of the Crab Pulsar
- • The 1974 Discovery of the Binary System PSR1913+16
- •7.1.3 The Coalescence of Binaries and the Interferometer Detectors
- •7.2 Green Functions
- •7.2.1 The Laplace Operator and Potential Theory
- •7.2.2 The Relativistic Propagators
- • The Retarded Potential
- •7.3 Emission of Gravitational Waves
- •7.3.1 The Stress Energy 3-Form of the Gravitational Field
- •7.3.2 Energy and Momentum of a Plane Gravitational Wave
- • Calculation of the Spin Connection
- •7.3.3 Multipolar Expansion of the Perturbation
- • Multipolar Expansion
- •7.3.4 Energy Loss by Quadrupole Radiation
- • Integration on Solid Angles
- •7.4 Quadruple Radiation from the Binary Pulsar System
- •7.4.1 Keplerian Parameters of a Binary Star System
- •7.4.2 Shrinking of the Orbit and Gravitational Waves
- • Calculation of the Moment of Inertia Tensor
- •7.4.3 The Fate of the Binary System
- •7.4.4 The Double Pulsar
- •7.5 Conclusive Remarks on Gravitational Waves
- •References
- •Appendix A: Spinors and Gamma Matrix Algebra
- •A.2 The Clifford Algebra
- •A.2.1 Even Dimensions
- •A.2.2 Odd Dimensions
- •A.3 The Charge Conjugation Matrix
- •A.4 Majorana, Weyl and Majorana-Weyl Spinors
- •Appendix B: Mathematica Packages
- •B.1 Periastropack
- •Programme
- •Main Programme Periastro
- •Subroutine Perihelkep
- •Subroutine Perihelgr
- •Examples
- •B.2 Metrigravpack
- •Metric Gravity
- •Routines: Metrigrav
- •Mainmetric
- •Metricresume
- •Routine Metrigrav
- •Calculation of the Ricci Tensor of the Reissner Nordstrom Metric Using Metrigrav
- •Index
7.1 Introduction |
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had the brilliant idea of using this firstly discovered binary pulsar system to make high-precision tests of General Relativity. Having noticed a constant shrinking of the period of revolution T , they traced it back to the emission of gravitational waves, providing the first indirect evidence for their existence. Indeed they showed that their measurements are in astonishingly precise agreement with the Einstein formula for quadrupolar gravitational radiation established in 1918. In the present chapter we plan to analyze in full detail the mechanism of gravitational radiation emission and the evidence for it provided by binary pulsar systems.
7.1.3The Coalescence of Binaries and the Interferometer Detectors
The discovery of the binary pulsar not only provided indirect evidence for gravitational waves, but also clarified the panorama of their candidate astrophysical sources. Gravitational waves are certainly emitted during the explosions of supernovae, both of type II and of type I. These events, however, are too much sporadic and the corresponding emission spectra depend on too many variables for them to be efficiently predicted. Powerful sources of gravitational radiation are also the active galactic nuclei, that are most probably occupied by giant black holes of millions of stellar masses. Stars and matter falling into such holes certainly produce gravitational waves, yet the involved wave-lengths are too large for Earth-based detectors. On the other hand, the binary pulsar provided a new paradigma of a clean, predictable and quite universal astrophysical source of gravitational radiation, whose wave-lengths are compatible with Earth-based detectors. Binary systems are quite abundant in the Universe since about fifty percent of the stars are grouped in pairs. All stars sooner or later collapse and a large fraction of them end their life as neutron stars or as black-holes. Hence binary compact star systems must be quite abundant as well. The result of Hulse and Taylor showed that such systems are instable against the slow loss of energy through gravitational radiation which, however, becomes very large and dramatic in the last few seconds before coalescence. Binary coalescences became thus the preferred astrophysical sources of gravitational radiation to be searched for. New instruments were devised and slowly constructed for the detection of such events: the gravitational interferometers.
The idea of the interferometers is just as simple as that of the resonant bars (Fig. 7.5). In this case the metric disturbance produced by the wave is supposed to deform the two arms, each a few kilometer long, of a laser interferometer, whose concept is the same as that underlying the apparatus utilized by Michelson and Morley to detect the motion of the Earth relative to the Ether. A highly monochromatic laser beam is split in two orthogonal beams that flow in the two arms of the interferometer, are reflected by mirrors placed at the arm end-points and come back, intersecting at the original splitting point. As long as the two arms are of equal length, the beams come back in phase and do not create any interference. Any gravitational