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  1. Use the utterances from Ex. I in conversational contexts. Model a: What's the matter? — Jane 'can't xgo.

1. What's in the note? —... 2. Which ones may I take? —... 3. Where shall I go? — ... 4. I want to explain everything. — ... 5. What shall I begin with? —...

Model B: They are not yet here. — 'Not 'yet 'here? 1. We must read three new texts. — ... 2. How do you like your tea? —... 3. I'm afraid it's going from bad to worse. —... 4. Isn't that blue sweater too small? — ... 5. Richard is coming to stay with us. — ...

Model С: Why did you start with that simple exercise? — 1 First 'things "first.

1.1 can't lift this suitcase. — ... 2. When do you want my help? — ... 3. Is everyone ready? — ... 4. I'll cross the street here. — ... 5. She's ill again. — ....

3. Intonation of statements

Statements as well as other communicative types of utterances (questions, imperatives, exclamations) are represented in speech by their modal variants, which are distinguished by intonation. Each variant conveys a certain type of the speaker's attitude to the listener and to the subject-matter.

Straightforward Statements

These are statements which convey information in a straightforward manner without any implications. They are pronounced with the nuclear Falling tone (high, mid or low) which is normally carried by the last important word of an ut­terance and is commonly combined with a High Level head:

  • 'What 'time shall we 4 meet on , Monday?

  • 'Let's 'make it "Monday 'afternoon.

Whenever it is necessary to give more prominence to all or some of the words in the prenuclear part of an utterance a Stepping head (which may have a broken variant) or a Sliding (Falling) head are used:

  1. — Where did he take his Master's degree? ...■•

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