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        1. ' Every ' Friday,morning | Mrs.' Bell -goes to the 'supermarket.

        2. If they 'don't -make a 'reservation, they 'won't 'get x seats.

          1. Look at the same utterances in context. Note that the non-final parts of the utterances are incomplete in meaning and less impor­tant than the continuation.

            1. Mr. Sandford's house is not large, but it is comfortable and the rooms are cosy. In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers. There are also a few trees and bushes near the house.

            2. Mr. Priestley lives in a two-storeyed cottage. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a large dining-room, a cosy sitting- room and Mr. Priestley's study.

            3. Summer is the warmest season of the year. When summer comes, people spend more time out of doors. They enjoy warm, sunny weather.

          2. Identify the nuclear tones in non-final intonation-groups in these utterances. Repeat the utterances after the speaker.

            1. Be' hind it ^ there is a 'little 'orchard | with a ,few 'fruit-trees in it.

            2. 'One of the 'students I is 'writing something in his 'notebook.

            3. vOne of the 'girls | is a 'student of the 'French , Department.

            4. My ' younger -sister ^ is 'studying at a 'High ,School.

            5. The ' children | are having a 'wonderful 'time.

          3. Listen to the same utterances in context. Note that the nuclear word in the non-Final groups is contrasted to the preceding con­text or emphasized in meaning. Note also that the two groups are closely connected.

            1. In front of the house there is a green lawn. Be'hind it ^ there is a 'little 'orchard | with a 'few 'fruit-trees in it.

            2. There are several students in the language laboratory. They are listening to a tape. ' One of the 'students ^ is 'writing something in his \notebook.

            3. Are both the girls students of the English Department? — 'No, I ' one of the 'girls ^ is a 'student of the 'French Department.

            4. My elder sister is a teacher of English, | my ''younger -sister ^ is 'studying at a 'High .School.

            5. There are some children playing in the park. The ' children | are I having a 'wonderful 'time.

          4. Identify the nuclear tones in non-final intonation-groups. Repeat the utterances after the speaker.

            1. We can 'meet at the uni'versity at 'nine | and 'talk about 'everything 'there.

            2. She has her 'piano-lessons 'twice a \week: | on 'Mondays and on 'Sundays.

            3. The 'weather is -getting 'colder, | and it's 'not very 'pleasant to -go \out.

            4. 'Once or -twice a 4week ^ we ,go to the 'theatre or to the ^pictures.

          5. Practise the same utterances in context. Note that the non-final intonation-groups sound semantically important and relatively independent. Note also that the links between the two parts of the utterance are closer when the nuclear Fall in the first group has a not-low ending.

1. I'd like to have a talk with you. When can I see you? — My classes start at ten. So we can ' meet at the uni' versify at 'nine ^ and 'talk about 'everything 'there.

2.1 hear your sisteris taking piano lessons. — Yes, she has her 'pi­ano-lessons twice a \week: | on 'Mondays and on ^Sundays.

  1. Winter is coming. The 'weather is 'getting \colder | and it's

not very 'pleasant to 'go \out. I prefer to stay indoors in such weather.

  1. What do you usually do in the evening? — We generally stay at home. 'Once or * twice a 'week ^ we ,go to the 'theatre or to the'pictures.


We have two children, a boy and a girl. The boy's name is John. The girl's name is Mary. John is twelve. Mary is only eight. She's four years younger than John. And John is four years older than she is. Mary is the youngest in the family, and her father is the oldest.


I. Answer the questions that follow. In your replies use utterances with non-final intonation-groups containing part of the informa- <•; tion given in the questions.

Model: What's there in the middle of the square?

— In the middle of the ,square ^ there's a 'monument.

    1. What do you do when your classes are over? (go to a snack-bar).

    2. What do you usually do on Sundays and Saturdays? (go out of town) 3. What's there next to that tall building? (a new fast-food res­taurant). 4. What do you do when you feel tired? (go and have a rest). 5. What do you do if you want to know the time? (dial 088) II. Add a continuation to the sentences below by extending the

prompts as shown in the model. Make sure you pronounce both utterances as combined tunes. Use a low-rising or a falling-rising nuclear tone in the non-final groups in accordance with the se- S man tic relations between the parts of the utterances.

V Model: In 'front of the pouse ^ there is a green \ lawn, (behind the house)

4 — Be'hind the ,house ^ there's a 'yard.

1. This year the fashionable colours are brown, cream, blue and yel­low. (Brown and yellow) 2. Her elder brother is very sociable. (Her younger brother) 3. There are only first-year students in the com­puter lab. (Second-year students) 4. When Sunday comes, I try to relax and enjoy myself. (On Sunday) 5. He's studying at the Univer­sity of California, (in Los Angeles)

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