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  1. Use Quoted speech with an initial Reporting phrase incomplete in meaning.

    1. What did the famous doctor say to the king? (The 'doctor ,said: "There is only one thing that can help you".)

    2. What was the king's question? (The ' king ,asked: ^ "What is that thing that can help me?")

    3. What was the doctor's conclusion? (The 'doctor explained: | "You must sleep for one night in the shirt of a happy man".)

  2. Use initial Reporting phrases expressing contrast or emphasis.

    1. What did the richest man in the city exclaim? (The 'richest -man ex'claimed: | "How can a man be happy with all my money?")

    2. What was the king's Chief Minister's reply? (The 'Chief 'Minister ;said: ^ "How do you think a Chief Minister can be a happy man?")

    3. What did one of the servants say to the beggar? (He 'said with 'surprise: ^ "You sound very happy, my friend".)

    4. How did the beggar answer the servants? (The 'beggar re'plied ,smiling: ^ "Of course, I'm happy".)

    5. What did the servants say to the beggar with one voice? (They 'ordered: "We want your shirt".)

6. What did the beggar answer? (The 'beggar ,laughed:,^"i'm sorry, gentlemen, but I haven't got a shirt".)



      1. "Hallo, John, I'm so glad you've come", says Elizabeth. "Have you met Mr. and Mis. Black?" she asks and adds: "They are staying with us for the week-end".

; "Oh, yes, we know each other quite well", John replies. "That's fine. I think we'll have a good time together", Elizabeth says in a cheerful voice.

      1. "You remember that friend of mine?" Tony asked. "The guy who came from Liverpool", he added.

"Sure," said Sally. "He always came on Fridays," she continued smilingly, "And nobody knew why." Tony laughed good-naturedly.

      1. ' "Anywhere special you want to sit?" Mr. White asked. "It's all the same to me," answered Mr. Green. "It won't be for long, anyhow." The train started. "Smooth," said Mr. Green. "Makes a very easy journey of it," said Mr. White.


I. Add final Reporting phrases to the following quoted statements and questions. Provide contexts in which these utterances could be used.

Model A. Kate was offered work as a guide with a group of tourists.

But she refused. "I 'don't "know ' English 'very 'well. I've been 'learning it for a 'year ,only", she ex,plained.

        1. "You must 'work 'hard at your , English", (the teacher insisted).

        2. "I've 'got to 'do some re'vision", (Jill com,plained). 3. "We 'must be »off', (,Julia exclaimed). 4. "'Camping is 'more 'fun", (the ,boy objected).

Model B: A friend invites Jill to go out for lunch together. But Jill says she is busy: "I am 'babysitting for our 'neighbours". "And I've got an appointment with the ''dentist", (she "adds).

''I. I'm 'not 'satisfied with your results, (said his "father). 2. I've 'Joined our 'drama so,ciety, ("Helen remarked). 3. 'Do you have 'lime for/sports? (asked his "friend). 4. Do you 'know what's ,wrong with it? (he -asked). 5. 'Are you going to ap'ply for this "job? ("Sally nsked). l,;<л< иь-i <;

Model С: Margaret looks disappointed. She had hoped there would be a letter for her in the mail. "To'day's ' mail is 'late", her .mother ,says. "' Why are you so 'anxious", she then ,asks.

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